Chapter 309: The horror of Chariot Requiem—


Without waiting for Ain to use her abilities, Zephyr suddenly raised his mechanical arm and aimed it at Akainu who had fallen from the air.

A flame cannon that was hotter than magma ejected from Zephyr's arm that was modified by Rifan, directly covering Akainu's flying figure.

"Huh? This is Teacher Zephyr's robotic arm?"

"But when did this mechanical arm have such powerful firepower?!"

"Is it Rifan's technology?"

Kizaru, who was watching the good show, widened his eyes.

"Zephyr, your arm!" Sengoku asked, frowning.

"Yeah! Rifan helped me transform it." Zephyr glanced at Akainu who slowly gathered from a magma state in the distance, "This thing is much better than Vegapunk's thing."

"Sengoku, with this arm, maybe I can fight you for a while."

"But forget it, now that the battle has begun."

"Let's use battle to speak."

After the words fell, Zephyr looked at Ain.

"Go ahead, Ain."

"Perhaps, after seeing your power, there will be Marines willing to join our new Marine."

Hearing this, Ain nodded and crossed Zephyr to the forefront.

At the same time, where people couldn't see, her Stand Chariot Requiem appeared beside Ain.

"It's that thing!" Sengoku's Observation Haki instantly caught Chariot Requiem's presence, "Everyone on alert and be careful of its special abilities!"

After speaking, Sengoku instantly entered his Buddha form, and Kizaru and Aokiji on the side also elementalized immediately. 

However, just when Sengoku was about to do something, the Marine beside him started to fall one by one without any warning.

"Hey, hey, what's going on!" Kizaru looked around in horror, and at the same time, his Observation Haki's range was pushed to its maximum.

"No, the entire Naval Headquarters people are down?!"

"Only a few of us are left?!"

After confirmation, Kizaru found that in addition to Marine Admirals, in the entire Naval Headquarters, only Garp, Tsuru, and Sengoku were still standing in place.

"What the f#$@ is happening!" Akainu returned to Sengoku's side, enduring a strong sense of lethargy and looked at Ain, "It's you, what did you do?!"

"Vice Admiral, the elite Vice Admiral of Naval Headquarters, fell without a struggle?! However, there seem to be no wounds on their body."

Tsuru frowned, "It doesn't seem to be caused by attacking them after stopping time."

"This is like when someone uses Conqueror Haki, but this one is definitely much stronger!"Aokiji rubbed his eyes, "Besides, there is always a kind of energy trying to make me unconscious."

"Ain, what the hell did you do to them!" Sengoku raised his hand to Ain and said very solemnly.

The soldiers in the Naval Headquarters are all the elite of the Marine. If they are all injured here, it will be a huge loss for Marine. This is what Sengoku does not want to see anyway.

Ain saw Sengoku raise his hand, her eyes condensed, and a bright light flashed in her eyes.

At the next moment, Chariot Requiem slammed forward towards Sengoku.

"Hello, I can't let you attack the marshal like this!" Observation Haki sensed that Chariot Requiem was going to run directly by his side. Kizaru couldn't help complaining, and used his devil fruit ability to form a long sword of light as he slash it towards Chariot Requiem.

Just when Kizaru's lightsaber was about to touch Chariot Requiem, a scene that surprised Kizaru happened.

The lightsaber, which was supposed to fall on Chariot Requiem, bends and reverses its direction at the critical moment, directly cutting Kizaru's hands off.

Kizaru: "What!?"

"Borsalino, what are you doing!" Akainu roared and slammed a magma fist at Chariot Requiem.

However, a similar scene soon happened.

The magma fist that was about to leave Akainu turned around and smashed Akainu's face before touching Chariot Requiem.

Although such an injury did not constitute damage to Logia, it was enough to make him step back several meters.

"What the hell is this?" Sengoku, who was planning to attack, couldn't help but hesitate when he saw this scene, and it was this hesitation that brought the Chariot Requiem to him.


But at this moment, a powerful fist struck the body of Chariot Requiem.

Under the perception of Sengoku's Observation Haki, the body of Chariot Requiem suddenly shattered.

"It worked?!" Garp looked at his fist in surprise, "Little girl, your abilities don't seem to be great."

"Garp didn't use Devil Fruit, and Borsalino and Sakazuki used fruit ability. Could it be said that this thing can control the power of other people's Devil Fruit?" On the side, Tsuru said in surprise, "Wait, be careful, Garp, Sengoku, That thing is not dead!'

The original shattered Chariot Requiem, in front of Garp and Sengoku, resumed its form again and rushed towards Sengoku.

Thinking of Tsuru's speculation, Sengoku immediately planned to withdraw from Buddha Form.

But soon, he discovered that he could not exit his Buddha Form!

And it even became difficult to move his body!

Seeing that the outstretched hand of Chariot Requiem was about to touch Sengoku, Garp hurriedly threw his fist at Chariot Requiem's body again.


But suddenly, a shock wave blasted on Garp's body.

"What are you doing, Sengoku!" Garp angrily asked Sengoku who had attacked him just now.

"Garp, my body is out of control!" Sengoku said gloomily.

After Garp was knocked into the air by his attack, he could only watch the Chariot Requiem hand fall on his shoulder.