Chapter 310: "Then I will join you!"

"Give up, Marshal Sengoku. No, I'll call you Sengoku."

Ain's calm voice reached the ears of Sengoku and others.

"My Stand Chariot Requiem is not like Elder Sister Domino's Star Platinum, which can stop time, but it can control the Devil Fruit ability of others."

"Unless you are much stronger than me, otherwise you can't get rid of my control."

"Now, you are my puppet."

As if to prove her statement, Ain's heart moved, and Sengoku's body, who was still standing far away, jumped to Ain's side uncontrollably.

Incidentally, there was also the Chariot Requiem next to Sengoku. 

"Of course, in addition to this ability, I can also do this."

As Ain said, Chariot Requiem's ability to promote the evolution of creatures was applied to Sengoku.

In the eyes of Garp and others, Sengoku's face has started to be upgraded, and it seems that something new is about to grow.

"Wait, Ain, what are you going to do with Sengoku?!" Tsuru said quickly.

"It's just a warning for Sengoku." Ain glanced at Tsuru, "As long as I want, I can immediately let Sengoku evolve into a new species."

"Of course, at that time, whether the new species was still Sengoku or not, then it is not known."

"Perhaps, Sengoku will lose his consciousness while evolving."

"If Sengoku can leave Naval Headquarters and give Naval Headquarters to us, I will take back this ability."

"In this way, it is also better to prevent the fallen people from losing their consciousness due to evolution."

Hearing Ain's words, Tsuru frowned and immediately looked at the fallen people around.

"Their bodies!" In Tsuru's eyes, some of Marine's bodies appear to be in the same condition as Sengoku.

However, it seems that Ain didn't use this ability on them, and the changes in them were far slower than those in Sengoku.

"Zephyr, is this what you plan to do?" Sengoku snapped.

"You are wrong, Sengoku, I do not intend to do anything to you." Zephyr walked over to Sengoku and glanced at his old friend with complicated eyes. "If they are willing to join the new Marine, they can stay. And those who are not willing to join can also leave with you."

"Only then will Ain disarm her ability, and their bodies will naturally recover."

"In addition, don't persuade me anymore. You and I have different paths." Seeing what Sengoku wanted to say, Zephyr interrupted him directly, "You can continue to support the World Government, and I can do what I believe what's right."

"Like Issho-san, he also moved towards his own justice."

Hearing Zephyr's words, Sengoku was momentarily silent, not knowing how to answer Zephyr's words.

On the side, Akainu wanted to attack Ain, but because of fear of Ain's ability to control Devil Fruit, he had to resist his desire to shoot.

"Zephyr-sensei, Ain, they are really all right, right?" At this time, Aokiji, who had been silent, asked.

Ain glanced at Aokiji, nodded, and said, "The fallen people have entered the preparatory stage of biological evolution only because of my ability. They are only in a coma now, and they are not in any life threatening state."

"Of course, there are other influences."

"Other influences?" Aokiji frowned. Just when he wanted to continue to ask questions, Ain had slightly withdrawn the power from Hina and Tashigi who were on the sidelines.

Soon, the two women opened their eyes and stood up from the ground.

In need of time, everyone at the scene turned their attention to Hina and Tashigi.

"Hina, are you okay?" Aokiji turned his head and asked Hina.

"Admiral Aokiji?" "Hina tilted her head and looked confused, "I'm Tashigi, not Colonel Tina?"

"Wait, why did I faint, what's the situation now?"

"Huh?! Marshal Sengoku was caught?"

With the soul swapped, Tashigi, who controlled Hina's body, stared at Sengoku, who was controlled by Ain, without noticing that the others were looking at her with a surprised face.

And beside her, Hina, who controls Tashigi's body, also looked at Tashigi with a ghostly expression.

"You did it, Hina is very upset now." With a sullen expression, Hina looked at Ain with a serious face.

"Wait, my voice?" Tashigi looked at Hina, "How come, why is there another me here?!"

"Huh? Why did I become Colonel Hina?!"

She frowned and looked at Ain intently:

"This is also your ability? Exchange consciousness between people?"

"However, it didn't exchange the consciousness of me, Sengoku, etc., which means that your ability can't be applied to people who are too powerful?"

Hearing Tsuru's words, Hina and Tashigi were almost certain that it was Ain that caused them to look like this.

"Hina's Devil Fruit ability can still be used, Hina is very curious." Hina tried to use her Devil Fruit ability, and found that she was able to use her Devil Fruit ability in Tashigi's body, and a flash of surprise flashed in her eyes.

"According to legend, the devil in devil fruit resides on the eater soul."

"Perhaps, when Ain used her abilities, she exchanged the souls of the two. That's why Hina can still used her devil fruit ability." Tsuru speculated.

"Ain, when you cancel this ability, everyone will be restored to their original state. right?"

Aokiji asked again.

"That's right." Ain nodded her head slightly, "Zephyr-sensei has already said it, so I don't intend to hurt them at all."

"Those who are willing to join the new Marine can stay, and those who are not willing to join, please leave Naval Headquarters."

"Here will be used as a base for the new Marine to carry out activities in the future."

Like Zephyr, Ain has no interest in starting a war with Marine now. If things can end in a more stable way, then it will be just in line with her heart.

"I understand, then I will join you." Aokiji nodded and said very seriously.

"Wait, Kuzan, what are you talking about?!" Sengoku, who was unable to move freely, widened his eyes. "Are you leaving the Marines?"

"No. To be exact, I'm joining the new Marine of Zephyr-sensei." Aokiji looked at Sengoku apologetically, "Sorry, Marshal Sengoku, in the current Marine, I am increasingly unable to find the feeling of justice I'm pursuing like before."

"I can't be sure whether I can find true justice if I continue this way."

"So, I wanted to try it in Zephyr-sensei New Marine."