Chapter 311: Ain's show of strength—

"Kuzan, are you serious?!" Akainu looked at Aokiji with a violent face.

"Of course." Aokiji nodded. "Even if Zephyr-sensei does not come to Naval Headquarters, I have already made a decision. After the situation at Naval Headquarters stabilizes, I plan to go to Zephyr-sensei to take a look."

"I just didn't expect that Zephyr-sensei would come here on his own initiative."

"Also, Marshal Sengoku, you don't have to persuade me."

"I have always been working hard at Marine's highest position, but even with Marine Admiral's position, I found that I couldn't do much."

"Gradually, I feel that even you, as a marshal, cannot change much in the face of the World Government.

"The dozens of Digimon Eggs could have been used to increase the Marine's deterrent power."

"Except for the one sent to Rifan dojo by Gion, all of them have been taken by the World Government.

"Marshal Sengoku, do you think these digital eggs can really be used for justice if they are handed over to the World Government?"

"I've had enough working for the Celestial Dragons."

"Ain is a disciple of Rifan. As long as there is Ain, as long as there is influence from Rifan, the New Marine will be enough to deter the pirates."

"I just want to choose a path that can really lead the sea to stabilize."

"I can't agree with the World Government that even someone like Zephyr-sensei can be abandoned at will."

Although Aokiji's tone was plain, anyone could hear his seriousness at this time.

Sengoku opened his mouth, only to find that he couldn't find a word to refute Aokiji.

For outsiders, Sengoku may be allowed to make excuses for the actions of the World Government.

But facing Aokiji who knew many secrets, he couldn't find words to convince Aokiji anyway.

After all, in any case, Zephyr's business is an inescapable way of getting around.

"I already understand the general situation." Hina rubbed her neck. "It's not bad. I'm not the only one who thinks like this."

"Hina, you too?" He gave Hina a complicated look.

"Among Marines, there should be a lot of doubts about their own justice." Hina looked at Smoker on the ground, "I think Smoker should think the same way as me."

"Ain, don't you want to count the people who are willing to join the New Marine?"

"With all of them sleeping, you won't know who wants to join you, can you get them up and talk about it first?"

Hearing this, Ain nodded: "It can be, but before awakening them, I have to make some preparations. It is best to make the Highest Ranked Marines lose their combat ability first."

With that, Ain stretched out her hand shining with pink flames and put it on Sengoku.

Sengoku, controlled by the Chariot Requiem, was completely unable to resist Ain's regressive ability. In front of Garp and others, Sengoku was directly turned into an incompetent baby.

"What! Has your devil fruit ability been able to directly make Marshal Sengoku regress to the level of a baby?" Hina asked in surprise.

"With one touch, I can turn a person back 40 years old at most. I actually used it on Sengoku twice just now." Ain threw Sengoku at Marine's, and then rushed towards Kizaru very quickly.

Kizaru was startled, and habitually used his power to elementize his body, and planned to rush to the side. But in the next moment, instead of rushing to the side, his body rushed towards Ain.

In the end, Kizaru could only watch as he was transformed into a baby like Sengoku by Ain's devil fruit power. Seeing this scene, Aokiji, also a Marine Admiral, couldn't help but twitch his mouth frantically.

'When did the Marine Admiral be the one who could be defeated so easily?!'

If he hadn't seen this scene with his own eyes, Aokiji felt that he would never believe it even if he was killed.

At this time, Aokiji even felt that if Ain really wanted to hurt them, she could just rely on the characteristics of her Chariot Requiem to kill them all at once.

Soon, the same scene happened to Akainu again.

In the end, Garp and Crane both had babies in their hands.

"Wow! I couldn't believe how easy she defeated the Marines higher up like that! I feel that even if we don't come here, Ain can handle it alone." Belle-mère shook her head and sighed.

"Belle-mère, at least you used your ability to bring us to Naval Headquarters. Nojiko and I have never been able to make a move." Sadi said with a sigh.

"Sister Ain's Chariot Requiem, no matter how many times I watch it, it is quite powerful." Nojiko sighed with admiration.

"It's really an exaggerated power." Aokiji scratched his cheek. "If I didn't change sides, would I be turned into a baby too?"

"Really, this ability called Stand combined with Ain's devil fruit ability, it is hard to imagine that anyone can beat her."

"I always feel that Ain can be comparable to a Four Emperors team alone."

After speaking, Aokiji also looked at the fallen Marine around him.

"Admiral Aokiji, I'm actually not that powerful as you describe. My ability can have such an effect. It is because you don't know my ability enough, and Vice Admiral Garp doesn't have much desire to fight me. It's also the reason why I can turn the three into babies."

As Ain said that, she looked at Garp.

Ain believes that if Garp really wants to fight her seriously, even with the power of Chariot Requiem, I am afraid it will be difficult for her to defeat Garp.

After all, for a top powerhouse like Garp, who is also a person with no devil fruit ability, the ability of Chariot Requiem can't play a very good role in it.


"Garp, if you don't make a move, are you planning to join me?"

Zephyr looked at Garp expectantly.

"Well, let's forget it." Garp smiled, "If I join you all, Marine will really be disbanded."

"However, I still wish you my best wishes to get the New Marine up, hahaha~.

Aside, after taking a helpless look at the babies in his hand, He said to Zephyr and Ain:

"Zephyr, Sengoku and two Admirals were defeated by you, and Aokiji was on your side.

"Even the other Marine Vice Admiral fell asleep. If Tsuru and I continue to fight, I am afraid that the same fate will be inevitable."

"In this case, the Naval Headquarters Marineford Island, it is destined to be yours since we can't keep it."

"I won't say much else, I just hope that you will not hurt these fallen Marines.

"Ain, I want you to guarantee that."

Ain nodded: "Of course!"

"After that, it was for the marines to wake up part by part and express their wishes."

"If they are willing to join the New Marine, the New Marine is willing to accept them.

"If they don't want to, they can leave Marineford safely."

"However, we won't accept them just like that, Sister Vivi will come to Naval Headquarters and will use her Sharingan to check if everyone is really willing to join the New Marine."

"It is to prevent a spy from staying."


Naval Headquarters, a few hours later.

"Really, it feels like I'm still in a dream."

"Who said no? When I opened my eyes, Marineford became someone else's."

"That Rifan finally started with Naval Headquarters."

"It's really embarrassing. I am also Naval Headquarters Vice Admiral anyway. But I went to sleep directly. If you spread it, who would believe it?"

On several warships far away from the Naval Headquarters, the Marines who had just woken up and were forced to make a choice began to discuss what happened noisily.

They are all Marines who are willing to follow Sengoku to leave.

Although when Ain asked them to leave, the first thing they thought of was to fight, but they realized that they were in other people's bodies. And Sengoku, Akainu, and Kizaru, three marine top powers became babies, so they immediately became honest.

"Sengoku, where are we going next?" Garp asked as he walked to Sengoku, who had regained his macho body.

When letting the marines who did not want to join the New Marine to leave, in order to make it more convenient for the marines to leave honestly, Ain listened to Tsuru's opinion and let Sengoku take the lead in recovering.

And the recovered Sengoku, as expected by Tsuru, had no desire to make a move.

After cooperating with the Marines of the Naval Headquarters, they boarded the warship with a group of seamen who were willing to leave.

Sengoku was pleased that, except for Smoker, Hina, and Smoker's deputy Tashigi, who were willing to stay in the New Marine, the other Naval Headquarters Vice Admirals chose to leave with him.

Although there are tens of thousands of Marine recruits who have chosen to stay at the New Marine.

"Go to the G1 branch, let's build our base there in the future." Sengoku said.

"G1 branch? That's the site of the New World Four Emperors." Garp frowned.

"Sengoku, are you sure about that?"

"This is something that can't be helped." Sengoku sighed. "Marine's prestige has been declining repeatedly. If we don't move into the New World and be a little stronger against the New World's pirates, I am afraid they will all have to forget our existence and care about Zephyr. No, Ain's New Marine here."

"Although all the Marine branches in the world are still affiliated with our Marine, but the prestige of the New Marine with the figure of Rifan, I am afraid that it will catch up with us at a very fast speed."

"I have consulted the Elders on this point, and they have agreed."

Garp nodded and glanced at Dragon and the Curly Beard Elderthat were still fighting on the gold list.

"This time, those old men sitting in the office are so utterly speechless that they didn't even say anything to punish you.

"The time when Kaido and Golden Lion came, those people spoke to you for a while, even wanna strip you of your position. But now that it's Rifan's disciple, they become mute."

Regarding Garp's words, Sengoku smiled helplessly: "They didn't want to scold me, they just fell into silence after hearing me describe Ain's power."

"After all, it was Rifan's disciples who attacked. This kind of existence, let alone us, is not so easy to handle even if it is the World Government itself."

The Three Elders were shocked by the information he revealed when they were about to blame him again just now, even Sengoku itself felt a little amused.

But as soon as he thought of the problems that he would face later, Sengoku couldn't help but smile."Let's go, Garp, go and see Kizaru and Akainu with me."

"At this distance, Ain should have restored them to their human form."

After speaking, Sengoku walked toward the cabin. Garp is following behind.


"Have you awakened your devil fruit power, Ain?" A clear voice came into Ain's ears, who was looking in the direction of the sea.

Ain turned around and saw Hina walking towards her. Smoker and Tashigi were also on her side.

"That's right." Ain nodded, for Hina and Smoker, the two Zephyr students who are willing to stay, Ain still respects them.

"As expected of Rifan!" Hina said in admiration, "By the way, didn't you say that Vivi from Alabasta will come to help review whether we newcomers are sincerely joining the new Marine?"

"When will she come? Also, will Rifan come to Marineford?!"

For Rifan, who has appeared on the golden list many times and has many disciples on the list, Hina has long wanted to meet him, but because of her position, there is no such opportunity.

Now that her position has changed and she has become a member of the new Marine, Hina naturally intends to meet that magical Rifan.

Not only Hina, Smoker, Tashigi, and those Marines who stayed behind, all have such thoughts.

"I don't know about this–Huh, Sister Vivi!" As Ain was talking, a breeze in the sky suddenly caught Ain's attention.

Looking up, it was Vivi that appeared in her eyes.

"You are here, Sister Vivi." Seeing Vivi appear, Ain couldn't help laughing.

"Yeah!" Vivi took Ain's hand. "Teacher Rifan already knew about your taking Naval Headquarters, so he moved the dojo you found to Marineford, and then sent me to come here and help you review the Marines."

"Aside from me, the other sisters will also come here."

Hearing Vivi's words, Hina's eyes lit up: "What about Rifan, did he come here?"

Vivi turned her head to look at Hina, smiled and said, "Teacher Rifan originally planned to come, but Gion in your Marine just went to the dojo in Sabaody. Teacher Rifan is currently receiving her, so he didn't come with us."

"It's a pity," Hina murmured disappointedly.

"If you want to see Teacher Rifan, in fact, you don't have to be disappointed. After the business of Teacher Rifan is over, there will always be a chance to see him." Vivi smiled kindly.

"That's right, since Rifan moved his dojo to Naval Headquarters, he will definitely appear here, Hina, you will naturally see him!"

At this time, Zephyr came over, "Vivi is here too."

"Ain, let's go, after Vivi's test is over, you still need to talk, let's come together."

Hearing this, Ain's face was embarrassed: "Zephyr-sensei, do you really want me to be the new Marine's commander? Can't you be the commander of the New Marine?"

"Among the new Marines, you have the strongest strength. You will be the commander in chief, and you can also have a deterrent effect on the pirates." Zephyr smiled, "Don't worry about the related government affairs, we all will help you."

"Moreover, among the recruits that were left behind, although some of them stayed because of this old man, a large part of them was shocked by your strength. So having you as our commander in chief is not bad."

Ain wanted to open her mouth, trying to say something, but Vivi on the side put her hand on her shoulder: "Hehe, isn't this good?

"In the future, we will rely on you, the new Marine's commander, to help everyone protect their homes."