Chapter 316: Resurrection—

"Im-sama, do you really want to do this?"

"If we really move to other places, the prestige of the world government will really be completely gone."

After listening to Im's narration, the Four Elders fell into extreme astonishment.

Even the four of them were still wondering if they had heard it wrong just now.

"I just made you prepare to evacuate from Mariejois." Im frowned and said,

"You have seen Rifan's attitude. Although that guy seems not ready to come to Mariejois now. But maybe it will be in the future."

"Perhaps one day, a disciple of Rifan will come to Mariejois and let Mariejois face the same situation as Marineford."

"After all, Mariejois is just a place."

"As long as we can keep those precious things, we can regroup our forces elsewhere."

"Although we may not be able to control the sea as we do now, as long as those forces exist, we still have a chance to make a comeback."

"Maybe, one day, we can really gain the power to limit Rifan through the golden list."

With that said, Im couldn't help thinking of the "degenerate form of celestial beast" that once appeared on the golden list.

'If the fallen form of the celestial digimon really has the power to destroy the world, if we can get the fallen form of the light digimon, I don't know if it can fight against Rifan.'

Im thought in her heart.

Mariejois has too many secrets.

All kinds of weapons, a lot of wealth, excellent Devil Fruit, and even Ancient Weapon.

If they are not prepared, Im is worried that when Rifan's disciples or Rifan really come to the Holy Land, she will not even be able to take these treasures away.

"In short, from now on, slowly transfer various supplies of Mariejois."

"In addition, this matter cannot be known to the outside world."

"At least until the day when Mariejois really faces disaster, we can't let the outside world know what we're doing."

"For this reason, this matter can only be told to the elite of the Celestial Dragons. The other Celestial Dragons, let them continue their previous activities and avoid being noticed by others."

Hearing Im's words, the Four Five glanced at each other.

With their wisdom, it is natural to hear that their master intends to give up part of Celestial Dragons.

Even the prediction of the World Government's downfall has already been made.

However, they did not refute.

The Four Elders knew that Im was right to do this.

Rifan did not accept their apology, which shows that it is indeed possible for Rifan to take Mariejois.

Early preparation can at least preserve the resources of the World Government.

Otherwise, the World Government may really disappear forever.

Following Im's order, the Four Elders walked out of the central garden and immediately set out to prepare. Soon, Mariejois began to mobilize intensely with cp0 agents from all over the world and acted according to the orders of the Four Elders.

"Rifan, tell me, if you let Robin know about me and your current situation, what kind of expression would she have?"

"She seems to like you very much. Last time, she confessed to you."

"Why did you accept me instead of accepting her confession?"

No. 18 stretched out her slender hand and drew a circle on Rifan's chest, with a reddish face full of tenderness.

"Robin is very good, her intelligence is very attractive to me."

"However, she can't live forever after all, and I don't want to experience the ending of the lover's old age and death."

"And you, No. 18, as long as you have enough energy, you can survive."

"I don't know, are you satisfied with this answer?"

Rifan caressed the white back of No. 18 and said with a smile.

"Then I really should thank you for the eternal life you gave me when you made me." No.18 said as she stood from Rifan's body, "It's just that you will get the reward of "physical indestructibility" in the future. Will you give this reward to Robin at that time?"

"Why are you asking this question?" Rifan said.

"Don't get me wrong, Rifan, I'm not jealous." No. 18 stroked her hair. "You are the existence that gave me life and the most important man in my life. If you really like Robin, I will not stop you, I will even help you."

"It's just that I think I might need to prepare first to have a sister like Robin."

Hearing the words of No. 18, Rifan smiled, and Robin's figure appeared in his mind.

"You are willing to accept Robin, but it doesn't mean Robin is willing to share a man with other women."

"This kind of thing, let's take it slowly. It's not like we lack time."

With that said, Rifan stood up and flailed No.18 into his arms:

"Instead of thinking something like that, why don't we continue?"

"After all, didn't you say that you want to have our child?"

"Hmm!" No. 18 blushed and buried her head in Rifan's arms.


—Douglass Bullet failed to challenge Kaido.

A big golden character appeared on the golden list. The next moment, the seriously injured Bullet was once again teleported back to his island.

"Damn it, why can't I beat that bastard!"

As soon as he returned to the island, the angry voice of Bullet spread throughout the island, arousing a burst of flying insects, birds and beasts.

[Redhead Shanks: This is the eighth time this month. ]

[Dark King Rayleigh: Yes, Bullet's strength is still a bit worse when his Devil Fruit cannot be used. ]

[Dragon: I thought I would face more challenges, but I didn't expect Kaido to face more challenges in the end, although every time it was challenged by Bullet. ]

[Golden Lion Shiki: No way, who told you to be so strong when fighting that old bastard. Many martial artists are shocked by your strength. ]

[Sabo: There is not much difference between the combat power of Bullet and Kaido. It is no wonder that Bullet will challenge Kaido again every time he recovers from his injury. ]

[Big Mom Charlotte Linlin: If not every time after defeating Bullet, Kaido has no strength, I am afraid he has killed Bullet. ]

[Red-haired Shanks: As expected, in the end, no one challenged Rifan or Rifan's, disciple. ]

[Hawkeye Mihawk: Although I didn't see Rifan's action in this month, we will definitely see Rifan's action in the final battle of the God of War. ]

[Jinbei: After becoming the number one expert in kendo, will he become the number one expert in martial arts again?]

[Golden Lion Shiki: Not necessarily, Rifan used the resurrection scroll to resurrect the dead and consumed his own abilities. And although none of the warriors on the list is better than him this time, they are also good players. If they go together, they might be able to defeat the current Rifan. ]

[Shiryu the Rain: There are also restrictions on the golden list. If Rifan's disciple doesn't fight with all they got, maybe he won't get this reward. ]

[Yamato: Teacher Rifan is the strongest, so don't chew your tongue here. ]

[Kozuki Hiyori: Even if it is ten me, it is definitely not Master Rifan's opponent. ]

[Jewelry Bonney: Although I want to surpass Rifan, but I know I am still too far behind.]

[Red-haired Shanks: Rifan's disciples all say so. It seems that Rifan's power is already strong enough that even if he used the resurrection scroll, it wouldn't affect his standing the strongest in his disciples' mind.]

—[Warrior List]The time limit for the challenge has come, and rewards have been issued to all players on the list.

[Golden Lion Shiki: Finally started to distribute rewards. After the rewards are distributed, it is time to announce the next list. I really hope that the next list can still have my place, Jiehahaha~. ]

[Redhead Shanks: You are so greedy, Golden Lion. However, now the lists of swordsmen and warriors have appeared, the next list should be about ability right?]

[Big Mom Charlotte Linlin: Ability user, this is good, if it is an ability user, I will definitely be on the list. Mamamama~]

[Dark King Rayleigh: It may not necessarily be the list of devil fruit users, maybe there will be a list of war weapons on the golden list, hahaha. ]

As everyone talked, the golden list also began to issue rewards.

With the appearance of a new screen, the figure of Dragon at the base of the Revolutionary Army once again appeared in front of the world.

Under the gaze of everyone, a resurrection scroll shining with golden light appeared in Dragon's hands out of thin air.

[Jinbei: It appeared, Dragon's resurrection items are rewarded. I don't know what kind of existence they will resurrected. ]

[Golden Lion Shiki: Jiehahaha, if the enemy is resurrected, it will be interesting! ]

[Red-haired Shanks: Dragon should be in the base camp of the revolutionary army, there will definitely be quite a few good players there. So even if the enemy is resurrected, they can still deal with it. ]

Revolutionary Army Base.

Dragon tossed the random resurrection scroll in his hand, and said to a group of revolutionary soldiers standing near him:

"Then, I'm going to start!"

"Because the person who is resurrected will have their prime strength, so if it is an enemy, I will bother you to quickly knock it down or kill it with me."

Upon hearing this, Sabo and others nodded solemnly.

This is the base of the revolutionary army. In addition to the good players of the revolutionary army, there are many weaker ones.

If a strong person is allowed to make a fuss here, I am afraid it will cause a lot of damage.

And this is what Sabo and others don't want to see, and before the reward was given, everyone had already discussed the countermeasures to deal with the unexpected.

Seeing everyone on the scene was ready, Dragon opened the random resurrection scroll in his hand.

The random resurrection scroll shone a light as it fell in front of Dragon, and quickly built a light blue magic circle.

With the rotation of the magic circle, a figure gradually became clear.

Bald head, kimono, glasses.

Everything is so similar to the one who Rifan once killed.

[Dark King Rayleigh: Hey, isn't this guy one of the Five Elders that Rifan once killed?!]

[Blackbeard Teach: Zehahahaha~, there is a good show!]

"Here is—" The Bald Elder Ito Taro opened his eyes, and in an instant, a pair of fists shining with metallic light imprinted in his eyes.

[Golden Lion Shiki: Jiehahahaha~, it's really miserable, this guy hasn't figured out the situation, and he was beaten up.]

[Whitebeard Newgate: Although this guy is strong, he certainly can't stop the joint attack of so many powerful people in the revolutionary army. ]

[Big Mom Charlotte Linlin: This Dragon's reaction was very quick. When he realized it was one of the Five Elders, he launched an attack. And this guy is a swordsman, when he was resurrected, the Golden List didn't provide him with a sword. Even if he can react in time, there is Dragon, and that man Issho, he must have no way to resist. Mamamama~ ]

[Redhead Shanks: If it weren't for the appearance of the bald elder, Issho-san wouldn't take the initiative to appear in the live broadcast of the golden list. It seems that he really joined the revolutionary army. ]

[Shemale Bentham: Fortunately, Issho-san did not join Marine, otherwise he can only nest with Sengoku at the new Naval Headquarters in New World, Hahaha~ ]

Under the siege of the revolutionary army, the bald elder Ito Taro, who had just been resurrected, was knocked out in just about ten minutes before he could do anything.

Watching this scene, Im and the four Elders frowned.

Originally, it didn't matter if Ito Taro died.

But now being resurrected by the revolutionary army and being abused by them in front of the world, this is the same as the Revolutionary Army beating the World Government in front of the world!

Especially the Four Elders, they had already clenched their fists when the Revolutionary Army was besieging Ito Taro.

If it were not for the ignorance of the location of the revolutionary army base, these elders would have already sent people to rush over and destroy those hateful revolutionary armies!

At the same time, as one of the Five Elders was being abused by the revolutionary army, the pirates once again started mocking the World Government that the golden list convo was full of sneers from nameless pirates.