Chapter 317: Kaido's Eight Inner Gates—

"Dragon, what are you going to do with this man?" Looking at the fallen bald elder, Issho shoved his sword into its sheath and asked Dragon beside him.

"We should deal with him on the spot." Sabo suggested,

"With his strength, we have no way to lock him firmly."

"Moreover, if the World Government knows that he is still alive, they will desperately make trouble for us."

Hearing Sabo's words, the surrounding revolutionary army nodded.

The Bald Elder Ito Taro, one of the top leaders of the World Government, is the main enemy of the Revolutionary Army.

There is no need for such an enemy to survive.

"Unexpectedly, it will resurrect an enemy. Random Resurrection scrolls are really random enough." Dragon smiled bitterly and shook his head, "This man, there really is no need for him to stay alive."

"However, instead of killing him directly, I have another idea."

When the words were over, Dragon smiled and gave his idea to everyone present.

"This man, after all, belongs to the top of the World Government, it is a pity that he cannot be used."

"In the future battle with the World Government, it is impossible to guarantee that our colleagues will be caught by the Marine or the World Government.

"At that time, we can use this man in our hands to exchange for those colleagues who have been caught."

"In addition, we can also try to knock out the secrets of the World Government from his mouth."

"Although, the chance of obtaining intelligence from someone like him may not be great."

"As for the question of his supervision, let Ivankov handle it. I believe that with his ability, he can be restricted."

Ivankov is a devil fruit user who has eaten the fruit of hormones. He can directly control the hormone levels in others to achieve the purpose of medical treatment or harm to others, and can even use his ability to reverse a person's gender.

As long as they use a seastone chain that is hard enough, plus the power of hormonal devil fruit, Dragon believes that even with the power of Ito Taro, he can never escape.

Even if he escaped, a man who was turned into a woman would probably be unable to fight as before because of this huge blow.

After speaking, Dragon looked at Ivankov with a look of excitement meaningfully.

"Yihah! Dragon, I like your idea very much. To be able to do this kind of thing in front of the people of the world, and using my ability on someone like Five Elders. It makes me excited!"

Because of his excitement, Ivankov even expelled two heavy breaths from his nostrils.

Then, among the excited eyes of the revolutionary army, he turned to Ito Taro who had passed out into a woman.

"Emporio-female hormone!" Accompanied by Ivankov's sharp and excited voice, he pierced his sharp nails into Ito Taro's neck.

Large amounts of female hormones flow into Ito Taro's body through Ivankov's nails.

Gradually, Ito Taro's body began to change.

After nearly ten seconds passed, Ito Taro's body was redefined and became a real woman!

[Golden Lion Shiki: Jiehahaha, interesting, too interesting. An elder man actually turned out to be a woman. My stomach hurts with laughter. Hahaha!]

[Blackbeard Teach: Zehahaha, so funny! Now the World Government has lost their self-image, this bald elder no, a bald woman might as well not be resurrected. After being resurrected, he was immediately knocked down in public, and now he was still humiliated in public. I seem to be able to imagine the expressions of those remaining Elders. Zehahahahahaha~]

[Flower Sword Vista: Speaking of humiliation, it's humiliating enough to announce the cancellation of the bounty order for Rifan. Although we know this order is a piece of waste paper since no one would be willing to trouble Rifan for these tens of billions of rewards. Hahaha~]

[Charlotte Smoothie: It's just that this kind of favor from the World Government, Rifan doesn't seem to buy it very much. ]

After a series of mocking messages, the Four Elders who were far away in Mariejois raised their foreheads.

They want to do something, but the reality is that they can't do anything.

So they can only bear this humiliation silently.

Fortunately, after another minute, the screen from the base of the Revolutionary Army was cut off and replaced with the picture of Aloof Red Redfield.

At least, the extremely humiliating images of the bald elder Ito Taro will not spread to the world.

The rewarded Redfield used the[Devil Fruit Evolution Scroll] without hesitation.

Then, Bullet's Teigu [Grand Chariot] was also distributed.

It's just that, because he was severely injured by Kaido just now, he doesn't have the physical strength to use [Grand Chariot].

The golden list skipped Bullet in due course, and the screen went straight to the Island where Beasts Pirates was located.

"Captain, use it, let us see how powerful you are when you use Eight Inner Gates."

Seeing the reward that suddenly appeared in Kaido's hand, the eager Jack the Drought said excitedly.

It seemed that it was not Kaido who was rewarded, but himself.

"Yeah, I should use this." Kaido nodded, his calm face could not conceal the joy in his heart.

This month, Kaido has been challenged by Bullet several times before and after.

Although Kaido won every time in the end, only Kaido knew how hard he was in the battle with Bullet. Every time he won by a narrow margin.

If it wasn't for his physical strength to be stronger than Bullet, perhaps he would have been defeated by Bullet as early as the first time Bullet challenged him!

Kaido's mind moves, the[Eight Inner Gates Inheritance] turns into a light and quickly merges into Kaido's body.

Amidst the darkness, a sense of epiphany was incorporated into Kaido's heart.

Following this feeling, Kaido had an extra memory in his mind, which recorded the detailed methods of using Eight Inner Gates.


Instinctively, Kaido felt as if a door had been opened somewhere in his body.

The next moment, a strong wind wave aroused from Kaido's body.

"Excellent, Captain Kaido, you really learned Eight Inner Gates!"

"It's great, now, the other Four Emperors pirate group are definitely not our opponents."

"If you encounter that Bullet, Captain Kaido will definitely be able to get rid of him instantly!"

"That's right! With the power of Captain Kaido, you might be able to directly open the Seventh Gate right away!"

Seeing the greenish air waves surging beside Kaido like when Yamato used Eight Inner Gates, the crew of Beasts Pirates said excitedly.