Chapter 335: New Functions—

After telling Galette some information he knew about [Golden Experience Requiem], Rifan used projection magic to create a clothing of Giorno Giovanna and handed it in front of Galette.

"Teacher Rifan, this is?" Galette took the clothes and looked at Rifan with some confusion.

"This is what I know about the clothes that the holder of the [Gold Experience] wears." Rifan smiled, "In the next two years, this set of clothes on you will definitely be unavoidable due to high-intensity training."

"It's better to put on a set of clothes that won't break easily now."

"Of course, I don't deny that I want to see how you, who also have the [Golden Experience], look like after wearing this suit.

Unlike Yamato, facing Yamato, Rifan can fool her into wearing a tightfitting green training suit.

For the smart Galette, Rifan felt that he had better say it at the beginning.

'Giorno Giovanna' costume is not the same as Guy's. It's not that shameful. It only has a heart shape in cleavage, yes, it's not shameful.

Rifan thinks that Galette shouldn't refuse.

"Teacher Rifan, what about me, do I have any special clothes?" Hancock took Rifan's hand and looked at Rifan expectantly.

"Well, you don't need to wear Akatsukis' uniform or something." Rifan looked at Hancock and said.

"You are in good shape now.

"I'll just help you strengthen your clothes directly."

As he said, Rifan put his hand on Hancock's shoulder and used projection magic to strengthen Hancock's outfit.

Hancock opened her mouth and looked at Rifan bitterly, but in the end, she didn't open her mouth to continue asking Rifan for clothes.

"Teacher Rifan, I have changed into it." When Rifan turned his head and looked at Galette again, Galette had changed her clothes.

Seeing Galette's appearance at the moment, Rifan's mouth was slightly tilted, and he kept nodding.

"Yes, very suitable.

"Teacher Rifan, you think it's suitable?" Galette smiled, "Then my dress."

"I'll keep it for you. After the training, you can change it back." Rifan took Galette's clothes and threw them directly into his own treasure house.

"Also, I told you just now."

"The power of the Stand comes mainly from the spiritual power, so in the following two years I will focus on strengthening the training of your knowledge and Haki."

"At best, you can reach the point where you can use your observation haki to predict the future and even read people's hearts."

"It's very possible that when your Stand evolves into [Golden experience Requiem], you will need this ability very much."

"Then, let's get started!"





Two years later—

Hancock: "Shinra Tensei!"

Galette: "Golden Experience!"


"Yes, in two years, you have all grown up and passed." After blocking the attacks of Hancock and Galette, Rifan nodded in satisfaction.

"Especially you, Hancock, you don't even need to use the epiphany room in the later stage, you have already mastered the limit of Rinnegan's ability."

"Although I have been busy developing Rinnegan's power for the past two years, I haven't had much time to develop my three types of Haki."

"You don't have to worry about your Haki mastery, as long as you continue to train according to the training method I told you, you will surely master it at a high level."

Hearing Rifan's words, Hancock smiled and put away Rinnegan, trotting to Rifan's side.

"This is all thanks to you, Teacher Rifan." Hancock said.

"Your own efforts are indispensable in this." After Rifan nodded to Hancock, he turned to look at Galette, who had already taken back her stand. "Galette, you are the best student I have among my disciples."

"What I asked you when we first started, you fulfilled it perfectly. Not only can you predict the future, but you can also use your observations Haki to see what other people think in their hearts."

"Your armament Haki also reached the highest level of internal destruction, which I didn't expect."

"Perhaps, you have a lot of talent in the practice of Haki."

"In terms of attack power alone, you are now stronger than your Stand [Golden Experience]."

Hearing Rifan's praise, Galette smiled slightly and said:

"This is all thanks to teacher Rifan, your training method is very good, that's why I can reach my current strength."

"In terms of training, Golden Experience has also helped me a lot."

Although the offensive power of Golden Experience is not strong, the power that can give others strong vitality does make her mentally sharp a lot, that's why her Haki's training has improved a lot.

"The help of Golden Experience is one aspect, but your hard work is also indispensable."

"Although in terms of personal physical fitness, you still need to strengthen."

"In addition, your training in cooking can also come to an end." Rifan smiled.

Unlike in the past, this time in the training chamber, Rifan also taught Galette cooking as he said.

And Galette is naturally very willing to learn Rifan's cooking skills, and she has made rapid progress.

So that in the later stage, Rifan has less and less time to make cooking, and Galette has more and more time to make cooking.

On the side, Hancock couldn't help pouting when she heard what Rifan said to Galette.

Because she saw Rifan instructing Galette's cooking, in order to get closer to Rifan, Hancock naturally joined the team of learning cooking.

However, although her combat talent is very strong, Hancock's talent in cooking, Rifan, is really not flattering.

After trying a few times, Rifan didn't let Hancock learn how to cook.

Even if the ingredients in the dojo are sufficient, there is too much waste, Rifan can't bear it.

"This is for you. After you change your clothes, go to the epiphany room with me. I will help you evolve your Stand."

Rifan said and handed her the clothes belonging to Galette that he had put into his Babylon two years ago.

Galette quickly changed her clothes, and with the permission of Rifan, kept her training clothes.

After that, she returned to the dojo with Rifan and Hancock.

At this time, the inside of the dojo is the same as before they entered the time training chamber, nothing has changed.

— Ding! Boa Hancock's strength has entered the qualified range.

—As the King of the Amazon Lily Kingdom, the people respect their King very much and automatically determine that she has achieved the task of regaining the territory.

—A new dojo has been launched somewhere in the world, please explore it by yourself.

—It has been detected that the Host has Ten Formal Disciples appointed, and the authority of the dojo is further opened.

—Open the "All-round Gravity Room", in which the disciples can freely adjust the gravity for training.

—Congratulations to the Host for obtaining the Martial Arts Hall, Host can use the Martial Arts Hall to hold a challenge. The first discipline determined by the challenge, Host has the right to accept the winner as an official disciple.

—After holding a challenge, the Martial Arts Hall will not be able to hold another challenge until January. Host can specify where to put the Martial Arts Hall in host disciples territory.

—Once you become an official disciple through the "Martial Arts Hall", Host can freely choose the direction of training. After the Host chooses the direction of the disciple training, the system will randomly reward Host related props in order to train the disciples.

—Open the outer disciples function, every official disciple of the Host completes the task of the dojo, and the Host can accept two people to become official disciples. There are now a total of ten formal disciples who have completed the mission of the dojo, and Host can accommodate 20 disciples as outer disciples.

—Outer disciples can use resources like the restaurant resources, and they have permission to use the all-round gravity room.

—Host can grant transfer permissions to formal disciples. Disciples who have been given the authority can use the transfer function between all dojos. But the disciples cannot take others.