Chapter 336: Death—

"Teacher Rifan, is something wrong?"

Looking at Rifan who was stunned, Hancock asked suspiciously.

"It's nothing, just some happy things." Rifan turned to look at Hancock, to be precise, she was the tenth official disciple who graduated from his own hand.

"Hancock, you are really my lucky star." While happy, Rifan couldn't help hugging Hancock and patting her on the back.

Hancock, who was hugged by Rifan, was immediately stunned on the spot, her face turned red instantly.

After two years of getting along, this was the first time Rifan took the initiative to embrace her.

"Teacher Rifan, I am very honored to be your lucky star!"

Because of her excitement, Hancock's trembling hands could hardly bend, and her breathing became even more rapid.

'Lucky star? Why does Rifan say that?'

'Does Rifan like me and plans to marry me?!'

Hancock's eyes turned into circles, and she even had a picture of her and Rifan wearing a wedding dress in her mind.

After a while, Rifan released Hancock and patted her on the shoulder.

"Well, Hancock, I will take Galette to further train her."

"For you, you don't need to enter the epiphany room for training for the time being."

"When you really need to grow further in the future, you can enter the epiphany room at that time."

"Take advantage of this time period, first go and talk to your citizens about my dojo."

"After all, your country is a country of women. I don't want anyone to find me here one day and arrest me for being a man."

Although Rifan didn't think that the people in the maiden country would not know him, in order to avoid trouble, Rifan thought it was better to let Hancock report it.

"Yes, I have to tell them to respect you, Teacher Rifan!" Hancock nodded heavily. "Teacher Rifan, I'll tell them right now, and then I'll call the Marine and tell them I want to relinquish my Shichibukai title."

"About relinquishing your title as a Shichibukai, you don't have to do it right away." Rifan shook his head, "After ten days, won't there be a [Ability List]?"

"By that time, when your Rinnegan is on the list, you can do it by then."

"I believe that the expressions of Marine and World Government will be very interesting at that time."

"Of course, if the golden list excludes Rinnegan from the list, you can also broadcast your withdrawal from Shichibukai to the world through the message function of the golden list."

Upon hearing this, Hancock immediately agreed: "I will listen to you, Teacher Rifan."

"By the way, I will also give you the authority to use the transfer function of the Dojo." Rifan beckoned to Hancock and led her to the corner of the dojo.

Rifan raised his hand and waved to the wall, and a screen full of fantasy appeared on the wall immediately.

On the screen, there are the signs of all Rifan dojos and their locations.

Rifan's gaze shifted downward, and his gaze fell on the newest dojo that Hancock had obtained for completing the dojo mission.

After thinking about it, Rifan set it to hidden.

"Hancock, drop a drop of your blood on it."

Rifan looked back at Hancock.

Hancock didn't even think about it, and bit her thumb directly, leaving blood on the screen.

The blood entered the screen and automatically constructed her name:

After a second, they disappeared again.

"Okay, Hancock, have you seen the various dojos on this screen?" Rifan turned his body sideways and showed the screen picture in front of Hancock and Galette. "Here are all the dojos my disciples are located, because Maiden Island is your own territory, and your strength has reached the standard in my heart."

"You can already be considered graduated from my hands."

"There is a teleportation function between my dojos. I have already told you about this."

"Before, I took other people to teleport.

"Now I have decided to open the teleportation function to you, qualified disciples."

"Hancock, in the future, you can teleport by clicking the dojo you want to go to on the screen. To some extent, it's like operating an elevator."

"Isn't your Maiden Island not doing production? And now you can't continue to do pirate business."

"So you can now go to countries like Dressrosa and Alabasta to purchase materials through this transmission function."

"Since you are my disciple, Vivi and Rebecca will not accept your Berry so you don't have to worry about it."

"It's just that I will only open this teleportation function for my formal disciples I judged to be qualified."

"So, if you plan to go elsewhere to buy supplies, you need to go there yourself."

"And you, Galette, because your territorial problem has not been resolved, so I don't plan to give you this teleporting ability, for the time being, you should understand this."

After listening to Rifan's account, both Hancock and Galette nodded clearly.

After saying a few more precautions for using the teleport function, Hancock left the dojo and went to announce to the citizens of Maiden Island that she had become a disciple of Rifan.

And Rifan took Galette into the epiphany room of the dojo and began the next step of training.

Ten days later.

"Preparation is sufficient, Galette." Seeing that Galette is in her best form, Rifan handed the "Stand Arrow" to Galette with a smile on his face.

" I'm ready, Teacher Rifan!" Galette nodded solemnly.

Despite this, Rifan could clearly see that Galette's hand holding the "Stand Arrow" was trembling slightly.

Rifan smiled, understanding his new disciple's performance.

After getting along well, Rifan naturally knew how much Galette was afraid of death in front of him.

For life, she is the most cherished one among Rifan's eleven disciples.

Rifan believes that if he could, Galette would never want to put herself in a crisis.

It is precisely because of this that after learning that using the "Stand Arrow" to successfully evolve her Stand, her life is likely to disappear, and Galette has a faint fear in her heart.

"Don't worry, Galette, this is the epiphany room."

The probability that you can break through the bottleneck is greatly improved.

"Moreover, even if you really don't get the approval of "Stand Arrow", and die from it."

"I assure you that I will use Rinnegan's power to pull you back."

Rifan patted Galette on her head and comforted her.

Listening to Rifan's gentle words, Galette raised her head and looked at Rifan's mysterious Rinnegan. In the end, her eyes became firmer, and she raised the arrow and stabbed her Stand [Golden Experience].