Chapter 344: "Luffy, you are arrested!"

[Sabo: Being hunted?! Luffy, where are you, is Marine hunting you down?]

[Fire Fist Ace: Yes, Luffy, how is your situation there? Is there any danger? ]

[Straw Hat Luffy: Me, I'm in Alabasta now. But I am not being chased by Marine, but by native soldiers, shishishi~. ]

[Beast Kaido: You three bastards, be quiet, the golden list is not your family chat group, we are still waiting, wait, is he that Straw Hat boy in Alabasta? And did he say he is being hunted down by Alabasta's soldiers?]

[Golden Lion Shiki: Jiehahaha~, Straw Hat Luffy, I, Golden Lion, admits that you have guts, you actually dare to cause trouble in Alabasta. If you are willing to join my pirate group, I am willing to accept you!]

[Sabo: Luffy, you are messing around in Alabasta?!]

[Fire Fist Ace: Hey, hey, Luffy, you have not offended Princess Vivi, right? ]

People who were looking forward to the official release of the golden list were tired of the Luffy trio's use of the gold list as chat software.

When they heard that the matter might be related to Rifan's disciple, Princess Vivi, everyone showed an expression of interest.

[Issho: Luffy just said that there are flying things. I remembered that when Princess Vivi uses her Sharingan's Susanoo, she can fly. ]

[Sabo: Luffy, say something, did something happen to you!?]

[Straw Hat Luffy: Ah, that, I was caught, and now I am trying to escape.]

[Tekken Garp: Luffy, who caught you?!]

[Redhead Shanks: Don't tell me he encounters Vivi right?]

[Revolutionary Army Dragon: Luffy, what did you do!?]

[Nefirutali. Vivi: I'm sorry, everyone, I'm afraid this Luffy needs to go to the prison in Alabasta. ]

[Golden Lion Shiki: Jiehahahaha~, our princess Vivi has spoken. It looks like you really caught that Straw Hat Boy.]

[Redhead Shanks: No, Luffy, what the hell did you commit? You wouldn't kill in Alabasta right!?]

At this moment, everyone who cared about Luffy and had a connection with Luffy became worried.

If it were someone else and Luffy was caught, they might still be able to try to save him.

But as Vivi, the disciple of Rifan, they have to think about it.

After all, although Vivi's strength is not that scary, besides Vivi, there are many disciples of Rifan.

Behind her stood Rifan who straddled the apex of martial arts and kendo.

If they want to save Luffy, they have to face Rifan and the others.

Such a lineup is enough to make any organization on the sea desperate!

On the other side, Alabasta.

"Let's go, don't try to resist, if you continue to resist, I can only consider submerging you in the water, Luffy."

Vivi, who handcuffed Luffy herself, spoke.

Originally, she just returned to Alabasta, intending to ask if anyone in the kingdom would like to sign up to become an outer disciple of Rifan.

Before the matter was over, she heard that Straw Hat Luffy caused a riot in Alabasta.

Vivi had to put aside the matter at hand and rushed to catch Luffy herself.

After all, Luffy and his group have received good rewards from the golden list. Vivi is worried that relying on the original combat power of the kingdom, I am afraid that Luffy and his group will not be caught.

"Damn it, this turned out to be a seastone. It's not good, I can't use my strength at all~"

Luffy stuck his tongue out, and his original joking face collapsed completely because of being too uncomfortable.

"You idiot Luffy, I told you not to eat the King's Meal!"

"Damn, this is bad!"

At this time, Sanji with black feet in a black suit ran over from a distance.

When he saw Luffy next to Vivi, Sanji's eyes lit up, and the speed that had already reached the limit increased again.

In a blink of an eye, he came to Vivi's side.

"Hello, beautiful lady, my name is San–"

"I know you, you are the chef of Straw Hat Pirates." Vivi interrupted Sanji,

"You came here to save your captain?"

"Uh, this." Sanji scratched his hair. "Princess Vivi, Luffy is indeed at fault. He shouldn't have run away after eating, and accidentally damaged the wall of the restaurant."

"But, I have already compensated the store over there, so please let Luffy go."

"As an apology, I am willing to prepare a feast for you, Princess Vivi."

"I am still a little confident in my cooking skills, I believe it will make you satisfied."

"Of course, if you want to taste a few more times after tasting, I'm very happy to prepare several cooking banquets for you, Princess Vivi."

With that, Sanji's body was already turning around uncontrollably.

At the same time, Zoro was also led by Usopp to the scene.

Seeing Luffy being captured, Zoro frowned tightly.

And Usopp, after seeing Vivi, his whole body couldn't help but shudder.

"Has the bill been paid?" Vivi wrinkled her pretty brows, and then made a seal with one hand, and a Shadow Clone appeared beside her. "Go to the hotel and check it out to confirm the situation."

After the clone nodded, its figure quickly disappeared in front of Zoro and others.

The speed that was completely imperceptible made Zoro's face quite ugly.

'Damn! I can't even see this woman's movement!?'

Compared to Zoro, Chopper, the new ship doctor who joined Straw Hat Crew, is quite excited.

"That's amazing, is that a ninja? Clone Technique, too amazing, can you perform one more?" Chopper exclaimed excitedly.

"So cool! One more time you're amazing!" Luffy's eyes beamed, looking at Vivi expectantly.


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