Chapter 345: Jail—

"Luffy, you are caught now."

"You still want the person who catches you to perform for you?!"

Hearing Luffy, Zoro couldn't help but complain. If it weren't for consciously knowing that they couldn't beat Vivi, Zoro had rushed to Luffy's side and hit Luffy's head with his scabbard.

Zoro believes that with Armament Haki, even Luffy's rubber body will be knocked out by him.

"Does it matter? Sanji has already paid for it, and Vivi will definitely let me go, shishishi~."

Luffy said with a smile as if he was not afraid of being caught.

"Yeah, yeah, the fee has been paid, Vivi won't hurt Luffy." Chopper trotted to Vivi's feet, "Princess Vivi, I watched you fight on the golden list."

"Can you perform that Susanoo? It's the big one, like a robot!"

Vivi glanced at Chopper, after a little thought, smiled and refused:

"Sorry, Susanoo can't be used to demonstrate at will."

"But I can show you other things."

After saying that, Vivi quickly formed a seal with both hands.

"Water Style, Water Dragon Bomb Technique!"

As Vivi's voice fell, a huge water dragon suddenly appeared on the hot sand.

The water dragon hovered to the sky tens of meters high, and after sliding forward more than a dozen meters, it exploded with a "bang" and scattered into drops of water falling to the ground.

"Awesome!" Chopper and Luffy eyes had stars when they saw it.

Usopp on the side was even more afraid of Vivi, even hiding behind Zoro.

At the same time, Vivi's Shadow Clone also arrived at the restaurant where Luffy ate Kings Meal and brought back information.

"Thank your companion, Straw Hat Luffy." Vivi said to Luffy, who is still surprised by the Water Dragon Bomb Technique, "Because Blackfoot paid for the damage to the restaurant wall and the cost of your meal, and also paid an extra fee to the boss so that he does not intend to hold you accountable."

"So, you will get a light sentence for your crime, and you will be able to come out within a few days of reflecting."

"Let's go, I will send you to Alabasta's prison now, I hope you can be honest."

Although Sanji paid the fee and compensated the restaurant owner, according to Alabasta's law, Luffy still needs to be punished, so Vivi does not intend to let Luffy go.

"What, Princess Vivi, since we have already paid the fee, can you let Luffy go now?" Seeing Vivi was about to take Luffy away, Sanji hurriedly stood in front of Vivi.

"According to the law here, Luffy still has to go to jail." Vivi glanced at Sanji, Zoro and others. "But don't worry, Alabasta will only judge according to your behavior in this country, and will not give him a serious crime."

"I will not arrest you because of what you did in other countries."

"Of course, you are more like adventurers than pirates. So you must not do evil in other countries."

"You stay in Alabasta for a few days, and wait. until Luffy returns from prison to go to sea."

For the view that Luffy and others are adventurers, Vivi naturally heard it from Rifan.

"What, you still want to imprison Luffy?!" Usopp widened his eyes, "What should I do, is Luffy going to Impel Down?!"

"Don't be dramatic, long nose." Vivi looked at Usopp who was talking, "It's just a prison in this country."

"Although you have compensated the restaurant owner, it is illegal to violate the law."

"Proactive compensation will only reduce crime, and will not disappear because of it."

"So during the few days you stay here, don't do things that will put you guys to prison."

"Otherwise, I will come and catch you myself."

Having said that, Vivi directly lifted Luffy and quickly moved away, disappearing in front of everyone in a blink of an eye.

"Um, what should we do? Luffy was taken away, Zoro, think of a way..."

Usopp grabbed Zoro's arm and shouted in horror.

"Idiot, let me go. Even if you ask me what to do. I don't know." Zoro pressed Ussop's head, his face speechless.

"Okay, Usopp, you don't have to worry too much." Sanji lit a cigarette for himself, "You also heard what Princess Vivi said, they just want to detain Luffy for a few days."

"Isn't this the same as the situation at the sea restaurant back then?"

"It's just that Luffy was detained by the old man and asked to serve as a waiter for a few days."

"This is Luffy's detention for a few days. As long as he is honest, we will be able to see him in a few days."

"Compared to this, let's go to Alubarna first."

"Looking at the direction Princess Vivi left, Luffy may be locked up in the prison of the royal city."

Hearing what Sanji said, Usopp couldn't help but think of the situation where Luffy was detained for smashing the ceiling on the sea restaurant.

"That's right, it doesn't seem to be a big deal." Usopp breathed a sigh of relief.

"You relax too quickly." Zoro glanced at Usopp. "But this time, the cook is right."

"Alabasta is, after all, a region related to the Sword Saint Rifan.

"If we don't want to have a situation like Luffy again, it's better to keep a low profile when we are here.

Sanji spit out a smoke ring, looked at Zoro, and said:

"You are quite honest this time, are you not going to challenge Rifan?"

"Of course, I will go back and challenge him, but not now." Zoro clenched the sword handle at his waist, and Nami's figure reappeared in his mind. "I am still too weak now. Before challenging Rifan, at least, I have to surpass Nami first."

"Asshole, I don't allow you to challenge Nami-chan!" "As soon as he heard Nami, Sanji yelled at Zoro, unhappy.

"It's up to me who I challenge!" Zoro yelled back at Sanji not to be outdone.

After a few sentences, the two clash as usual.