Chapter 347: Frunkfreed—

[Dark King Rayleigh: A gun ate a Devil Fruit?]

[Red-haired Shanks: I really want to hear from the Marine about the method of how to get the dead object to gain the Devil Fruit ability. It seems that this is the specific result of this method. ]

[Golden Lion Shiki: This is quite interesting. If I can get this technology, I can let the dead around me have the ability of Devil Fruit.]

[Beast Kaido: Hmph, it's not necessary at all. An inanimate thing ate Devil Fruit and couldn't cultivate like humans; no wonder this thing can only be ranked at the end]

[Issho: However, since it is an inanimate thing, the reward it receives naturally belongs to its owner. ]

At this moment, in Alabasta.

"What, this thing has been rewarded; isn't it equivalent to you getting a reward."

Alabasta guard captain Igaram looked at the dachshund lying on Cobra's feet in surprise.

"Unexpectedly, this thing seized from the remnant forces of the Baroque Work Society will one day be on the golden list." Cobra sighed,

"Although it is only the hundredth, it is good to be rewarded."

"However, since it can be on the list, I am afraid that the other Devil Fruit users of the Baroque work agency that are imprisoned among them may also be on the list.

"Igaram, during the time when the Golden List exists, we must strengthen protection on the prison side." 

Hearing this, Igaram nodded and said:

"Don't worry, King Cobra."

"Princess Vivi had already thought of this before, so more staff have been arranged to go to the prison for supervision."

"Not only that, but Princess Vivi also left a clone of herself over the cell."

"With Princess Vivi's clone, even if the prisoners get rewards, they won't be able to cause trouble." For the strength of their Princes, Igaram is, of course, full of confidence.

He did not expect that the little girl who had sneaked into the Baroque workplace with him would one day grow to the present level.

Even the legendary great pirate Golden Lion Shiki fled in Vivi's offensive.

"Vivi, with her clone, she will be able to handle the situation there..." Cobra smiled comfortably. "However, it seems that Vivi always runs to His Excellency Rifan's side."

"There is no other way, Your Majesty." Igaram couldn't think of Cobra's thoughts. "Rather than learning the kingdom's rules and preparing for inheriting your position, Princess Vivi is more yearning for a free life."

"With Rifan, she probably feels extremely relaxed."

"Actually, I think it's good for Princess Vivi to go to His Excellency Rifan often."

"At least, His Excellency Rifan can make Princess Vivi stronger and stronger. If we encounter a terrifying enemy in the future, they will definitely not be able to cause any damage to Alabasta."

"Moreover, the better the relationship with Rifan, the greater the chance that Alabasta will be taken care of by Rifan in the future."

By now, Rifan's prestige has far surpassed that of the World Government.

Even if Alabasta abandoned the World Government, it was not affected in any way.

Many countries even expressed their willingness to establish diplomatic relations with Alabasta.

And this is all because of the presence of Rifan so that Alabasta will be treated like this.

"What you said makes sense."

"As for the position of the King, I will sit for a few more years, hahaha."

"Oh, there is still one tied for a hundred places."

"Let me see, this time it was a sword that ate Devil Fruit."

While smiling, the change in the words of the golden list in the sky attracted Cobra's attention.

At the same time, it also allows those who are discussing the problem of dachshunds to focus their attention on the new protagonist.

--[Ability List], 100th place, Funkfreed; Ability, Elephant-Elephant Fruit.

--It was initially a sword after using the elephant fruit. It gained the power of the Devil Fruit. It can be transformed into a strong elephant to attack the enemy.

"It's great; my sword is also on the list!" Spandam, who was thinking about how to rebuild cp9, stood up excitedly, "Haha, I can get rewards now!"

"I don't know what kind of reward the golden list will give me, hehehe!"

On the side, Nero The Weasel, who was selected as a candidate for cp9, opened his mouth, but in the end, he couldn't express his thoughts.

'The hundredth place, I'm afraid he won't be able to get an excellent award.'

[Big Mom Charlotte Linlin: Another inanimate thing that ate Devil Fruit, and it was still a hundred. It's a pity; letting an object eat Devil Fruit is only this level, and even the golden list ranks it at the end of the ability list. ]

[Charlotte Smoothie: Mom is right. According to this ranking, it is better to give the Devil Fruit to an ordinary person to eat. ]

[Phoenix Marco: Although this thing looks interesting, I want to see the list behind it soon. Oh? I really can leave a message on this golden list. ]

[Charlotte Katakuri: Ranking by ability, I am afraid not only you and me but also many devil fruit users can be on the list. ]

[King: That's not necessarily, since the strength is referenced. If only a child eats Devil Fruit, I am afraid he will not have the power to be on the list. Those two weapons in the hundred place, although they ranked the lowest, they have some strength. ]

[Admiral Kizaru: Hey, hey, it's really scary. It's really rare to see the three Vice-Captain under the Four Emperors speak at the same time. By the way, the Redhaired Pirate Benn-Beckman, why don't you say a few words? ]

[Redhead Shanks: Hahaha, my Beckman is not a devil fruit user, and the situation is a little different from the three above. ]

Shanks shook his head and looked at Beckman beside him.

"Beckman, do you want also to eat a Devil Fruit? With your ability, you will definitely be on the list.

Benn Beckman is very strong, which Shanks knows best.

However, it is a pity that Beckman's power is mainly reflected in Haki's practice and marksmanship.

Whether it is martial arts or kendo, or fruit ability, Beckman happens to be lacking.

This also caused Beckman to be unable to leave messages on the list until now.

"Don't joke like that, Shanks." Ben Beckman shook his head, "I don't want to be a land duck.

"That's what you said, hahaha." Shanks laughed.