Chapter 348: Luffy: "I'm starving to death"

With the start of the 100th place, one after another devil fruit user keeps appearing on the golden list.

Everyone on the list is quite excited.

Although they may not be able to get excellent rewards from the golden list based on their rankings, being able to leave their name on the golden list that can be seen by everyone in the world is enough to make these people excited.

Some people even hope that big shots on the sea can solicit themselves after seeing their name.

However, what they don't know is that their ability demonstrated on the gold list screen is nothing in the eyes of the real powerhouse on the sea.

Not to mention making the big shots want to recruit them.

Alabasta, in prison.


"I'm so hungry~" Luffy, with seastone handcuffs on his hands, stroked his stomach.

"Hey, Princess Vivi, can you give me something to eat? I'm hungry." Luffy raised his head and looked at Vivi, who had stayed here temporarily after sending him to prison.

"Didn't you just eat the King's meal before, and you are hungry again?"

Vivi sighed and looked at Luffy somewhat helplessly. "You are currently in detention. So No."

"During these few days, you can only eat the prisoner's standard prison meals."

"And, this place is not a restaurant; please remember this."

Luffy's eyes widened when he heard Vivi's words.

"No, no, when I was in jail, wouldn't I have enough to eat?!"

"No, let me go, please."

Vivi shook her head and said:

"No way, this is a punishment for you."

"I believe that with such punishment, you will not dare to do bad things in Alabasta in the future."

Although Vivi said so, Luffy obviously didn't intend to accept his fate like this; instead, he asked for food more intensely.

In the beginning, Vivi would return a few sentences. Later, she simply sat in the corner and quietly looked at the golden list on the ceiling.

"Damn it! If it weren't for this guy, Princess Vivi wouldn't be here. Maybe we'll have a chance to escape here." The former Baroque worker, Mr. 3, gave Luffy a stern look."

"Even if this straw hat boy doesn't come here, the seastone in our hands won't give us a chance to leave." Miss Doublefinger pointed at the seastone handcuffs on her hands, looked at Vivi and said, "Hey, just now, my name has also appeared on the gold list."

"I want to ask, will you confiscate those rewards after the golden list allocated them?"

Vivi put down the teacup and looked at Miss Doublefinger, who was talking:

"You don't need to worry about that."

"This country is not greedy for your rewards."

"I don't want to discredit Teacher Rifan."

"Because you are not sentenced to life imprisonment or death sentence. After your reward is issued, we will first keep it for you. When you are released after serving your sentence, we give your rewards back."

"The premise is that it is a reward that is easy to keep."

Miss Doublefinher frowned slightly, then smiled: "As expected of Rifan's apprentice. If it changes to someone else, I won't believe it."

"But if it is you, the credibility is quite high."

"However, I have a suggestion, Princess Vivi."

"If, I mean, if I am willing to give you the rewards from the golden list, are you willing to reduce our sentence? Although I used to work in the Baroque Works, we actually didn't cause much damage to your country; what do you think?"

Although Alabasta's prison did not abuse prisoners.

But the boring life still bore Miss Doublefinger.

At the same time, she also realized that even if she was rewarded, she would not be able to escape from the prison of Alabasta with Vivi eyeing them.

In this case, it is better to hand over the rewards she gets from the golden list in exchange for her own freedom.

"That won't work." Vivi shook her head. "The law is the law, and I can't agree to your request."

Although Vivi's words are simple, they are full of determination.

Seeing such a situation, Miss Doublefinger could only sigh and give up the thoughts in her mind.

"Hey, that's me; I am on the list!"

Suddenly, Luffy's voice rang in the cell.

Everyone looked up at the golden list on the ceiling.

Sure enough, there was a line of characters depicting Luffy's shining name with golden light.

--[Ability List], 65th place, Monkey D. Luffy; Ability, Rubber Fruit.

- Those who use Rubber Fruit will get a rubber-like body. Able to bounce a certain degree of a blow, thunder and lightning are ineffective to those with abilities.

-Monkey D. Luffy has developed the second and third gears that are unique to those with Rubber Fruit ability, which enhances its own strength.

"It's really this kid, this guy is so strong, he can actually be ranked 65th!" Mr. 3's eyes widened.

He couldn't help being surprised. After all, his ability was only at the end of the ability List, which was far from Luffy's 65th place.

Just now, he still arrogantly shouted to Luffy. Now that he saw Luffy's ranking, Mr. 3 felt scared for a while.

[Sabo: Luffy, you are ranked 65th, and you have also developed second and third gears. Sure enough, your talent is very powerful. ]

[Fire Fist Ace: Luffy, you have to work hard. You're only 65th, which means you are still far behind. In the New World, there are many monsters. By the way, are you okay now, Luffy?]

Ace suddenly remembered that Luffy was caught by Vivi before, saying that he was going to be put in prison.

[Straw Hat Luffy: Ace, Sabo, I'm hungry. However, it does not provide enough food here, only fixed prison meals. I really want to go out. ]

[Fire Fist Ace: Uh, this Luffy, you can bear it first. When you arrive at New World, I will treat you to dinner. ]

[Sabo: Yeah, yeah, sorry, Luffy, we can't do anything about it. Just be patient. ]

[Blackfoot Sanji: I told you not to make trouble in this country; now you are in trouble. Luffy, take it for a few days. When you come out, I will prepare enough food for you. ]

[Straw Hat Luffy: Really?! Thank you, Sanji!]