Chapter 352: Tesoro's expectations—

It seemed to have heard Ace's complaints.

After the golden list demonstrated in detail the clips of Ace's ability, it finally selected the scene of the battle against Akainu in the War of the Best.

In the picture, Ace threw out his fist angrily at Akainu, and a large hot flame followed Ace's fist wind towards Akainu.

On the other hand, Akainu used his abilities to slap a large swath of magma at Ace.

The magma collided with the flames, and finally, Ace flew out, and the video ended.

"Ace, don't be too discouraged." Marco patted Ace on the shoulder.

"Although the flame temperature of Mera-Mera Fruit is not as good as lava, as long as your ability becomes stronger, you may be able to beat Akainu's by the amount of flame."

"Yes, Marko is right." Vista walked to Ace, "Although the devil fruit ability can be divided into upper and lower levels."

"But as long as you develop your abilities well enough, you will surely be able to surpass Akainu."

"You can see that Thatch and Sadi have the same devil fruit ability, but the rankings differ by a dozen."

On the side, hearing Vista comforting Ace by comparing him to Sadi, Thatch only felt that his soul had received a considerable amount of crit.

He wanted to open his mouth to refute, but Thatch couldn't find words that could be used to refute in the end.

--[Ability List], tied for 11th place, Bartholomew Kuma; Ability, Paw-Paw devil fruit.

--The ability to use the Paw ball in your hand to bounce any object…


[Dark King Rayleigh: Shichibukai's Tyrant-Kuma, his devil fruit ability is indeed commendable. ]

[Red-haired Shanks: After all, Rifan also praised its ability. If the strength of Kuma is stronger, he may be able to enter the top ten of the ability list. ]

[Golden Lion Shiki: Just now, that Bell-mère was also on the list with the Paw devil fruit. The woman's devil fruit was still awakened, but even so, it could not be compared with Kuma, which is enough to show the strength of Kuma. However, if that woman is given more time to practice, the result may be reversed. ]

[Big Mom Charlotte Linlin: It can also bring out conceptual things like pain; this devil fruit is indeed very special. It's just why Kuma in the image chooses to let that Strawhat Boy Luffy and his group go instead of killing them.]

Seeing Kuma shown on the Golden List demo screen showing Luffy's body hurt and not arresting Luffy's gang in the end, quite a few people were puzzled.

Plus the picture of the Celestial Dragon riding Kuma that once appeared on the gold list, people became more and more curious about Kuma.

At the same time, New World, somewhere in the sea, on a vast ship comparable to an island.

This is New World's famous gambling place and the largest entertainment city. The ship's owner is known as the wealthiest person in the world. It is said that his wealth accounts for 20% of the world's wealth.

His name is Gild Tesoro.

"Gold Emperor" is the title given to him by the people.

"Boss, you seem to be very anxious." The receptionist of the Entertainment City, with the ability of luck devil fruit, walked to Tesoro's side. "Are you worried about your ranking on the gold list, or are you worried about those fallen guys?"

Baccarat's luck ability can absorb the luck of others by touching other people's bodies with her hands.

Because of this ability, none of the people who came to the entertainment city of Tesoro can earn a lot of Berry to leave here.

Even many people lost their fortunes because of their luck being sucked away by Baccarat.

And after the golden list exposed Baccarat's ability, naturally, many people realized that Baccarat cheated them, so they lost a lot of money in the entertainment city.

Gamblers who initially stayed in the entertainment city immediately fell into a state of anger, planning to ask Baccarat and Tesoro, the owner of the entertainment city, for an explanation.

As a result, Tesoro used his ability to control their bodies and turn them into gold entirely and then throw them into special cages in his ships.

"It's you, Baccarat." Tesoro glanced at his right-hand man, Baccarat. 

"Relax, boss, those guys are all being imprisoned." Bacara smiled slightly, "With the devices you set up in the city, those guys can't cause any trouble at all."

Although after learning about Baccarat's fruit ability, the people who got up and made trouble accounted for more than 90% of the people in the entertainment city.

But because gold was set up in the entertainment city in advance and used to sandblast the unnoticeable gold powder device, all the actions of the troublemakers were easily controlled by Tesoro.

When coming to the entertainment city, people will breathe in golden powder unknowingly.

These golden powders usually do not cause any harm, but if Tesoro, who is a gold devil fruit user, needs it, he can immediately control their actions. Even some powerful people have no resistance.

"It's just, Boss Tesoro, my fruit ability has been exposed after all.

"Moreover, your devil fruit ability will probably be exposed later. I am afraid that the business of the entertainment city will not be able to proceed."

"In the future, what do you plan to do?"

Baccarat asked.

In her view, Tesoro's anxiety at the moment is the anxiety that the entertainment city may not run smoothly like in the past.

What she didn't know was that, while the entertainment city was essential, Tesoro was considerably more concerned about the next ranking he may appear on the list.

"Let's wait first, wait until the golden list announces my ranking, and then make plans!" Tesoro waved his hand and said absently.

'If I can get into tenth place, will I be able to get resurrection items?'

'Stella, if I can see you again, it doesn't matter if I give up all this wealth!'

Looking at the actual 11th place on the golden list, Tesoro felt that his palms had been wet with sweat.

Up to now, Marine Chief Staff Tsuru, Fire Fist Ace and others have all appeared on the golden list, tied on eleventh place in the[Ability List]

And Tesoro's own ranking has not yet appeared, so even if he didn't think about it at the beginning, now Tesoro can't help but fantasise about being in the top ten.

--[Ability List]Tied for 11th place, Gold Emperor Tesoro; Ability, gold devil fruit. Awakened.

–can freely control the expansion and deformation of gold….



Tesoro stood up abruptly and threw his teacup to the ground heavily.

"Damn it, why, why is it eleventh, why!!!"

On the side, Baccarat, who was taken aback, stepped back and looked at Tesoro with some horror.

"Boss, are you okay?"

Baccarat wanted to get closer but was forced to retreat by the golden pillar that suddenly appeared beside Tesoro.

"Boss!" Seeing the golden pillar about to crush herself to the corner, Baccarat yelled in panic.