Chapter 353: 10th place—

[Fire Fist Ace: I didn't think there would be so many ties for 11th place. Anyway, isn't this Gold Emperor the famous, wealthy man?]

[Charlotte Smoothie: Gold Emperor Tesoro has the devil fruit ability that reached the realm of awakening. Baccarat, the formerly ranked 53rd Luck Devil Fruit user, is his employee. I don't know if Tesoro's entertainment city has rioted because of the exposure of Baccarat's ability. ]

[Red-haired Shanks: Since his employees dare to use her ability to absorb the luck of others, this Tesoro must have a backhand. Perhaps the demonstration of the gold list will let us know something. ]

As soon as Shanks's voice fell, the Golden List began to demonstrate Tesoro's abilities. 

Soon, people learned about Tesoro's ability to use gold powder to control other people's bodies.

[Flower Sword Vista: Damn, this is a scary ability! If you are not careful, you won't know how you die by his hand!]

[Phoenix Marco: No wonder this man can be on the list. This ability alone is strong enough. Although the real powerhouse will never be controlled because of this. ]

[Charlotte Katakuri: To some extent, this Gold Emperor is also a hero. Regrettably, now that his power has been exploded, his business is completely impossible to proceed with.]

[Big Mom Charlotte Linlin: Hehehe, Tesoro, are you interested in coming to me? If you wish, I will arrange for you to marry my daughter. ]

[Beast Kaido: Golden fruit, although it is not Zoan fruit, if you have nowhere to go, you can consider coming to me, Tesoro. ]

[Big Mom Charlotte Linlin: Kaido, are you planning to grab someone from me? Tesoro, you have to think about it clearly. Although Kaido and I have a daughter that is a disciple of Rifan, how bad is the relationship between Kaido and his daughter? You should know. But I am different. The relationship between my daughter and I is extremely good. ]

Seeing their mother's message, Charlotte Smoothie, Galette and others beside her couldn't help but feel ashamed.

For Charlotte Linlin, these daughters are more afraid of him.

Galette even felt that if she had Yamato's character, she would probably do the same thing as Yamato now.

"Boss Tesoro, maybe joining one of the Four Emperors is also a good choice."

Baccarat said, standing a few meters away from Tesoro.

Although Tesoro regained his strength in time and didn't hurt Baccarat, she still felt a little worried about Tesoro's current state.

"Four Emperors?" Tesoro raised his head to look at the golden list. After a while, Tesoro calmed down.

"Hump, these Four Emperors are just a bunch of empty and powerful guys."

"Furthermore, when it comes to power, they are nothing compared to someone who has real power."

Hearing this, Baccarat blinked, and her eyes revealed the light of thinking.

"The really powerful person, Boss, don't you mean that, Rifan?"

"Could it be that you plan to take refuge in Rifan?!" 

Tesoro smiled, stood up from his seat, turned to look at Baccarat and said:

"Baccarat, don't you think it's better to go to Rifan than to join one of the Four Emperors?"

"Boss, what you said is really good." Baccarat frowned. "But is Rifan really willing to accept you? He shouldn't care about anyone's power."

"Rifan really does not need anyone's power, but you have also seen Rifan's message on the previous golden list. He now plans to accept outer disciples and also plans to hold competitions. In this case, why can't I try to become Rifan's outer disciple?" Tesoro opened his hands, "Since the entertainment city can't open now, then we can go to Rifan to try our luck. Baccarat, would you like to come with me?"

"Rifan, that legendary character, I naturally want to meet him too. It would be better if I could become his disciple." Baccarat pursed her mouth, after a little thought, she continued, "Forget it, although I am a little worried about the New Navy. But since Rifan can accept Charlotte Linlin's daughter as his outer disciple, it is possible to accept you or me, Boss Tesoro."

"Thinking about it this way, it seems to be worth the risk."

"Boss Tesoro, I will act with you!"

Although she was a little worried, Baccarat decided to go to the place where Rifan was to give it a try for her own safety since her abilities were exposed.

After all, if she can't find a backer, Baccarat thinks she might find a hidden place to live.

Thinking of her ability being exposed by the golden list, causing a large group of people to hate her, Baccarat couldn't help sighing deeply.

Like Baccarat, Tesoro is also uncertain whether Rifan will accept him.

But under the exposure of his ability, he was equivalent to offending both black and white at the same time.

With the addition of a relationship with Rifan, he will have more opportunities to resurrect his lover.

With the blessings of various conditions, Tesoro felt that now he had to choose Rifan as the best way.

'I'm not sure if I offer Rifan all of my possessions whether he will agree to let me be his outer disciple.'

Looking at the golden list, Tesoro thought faintly in his heart.

Tesoro finally failed to make up his mind to ask Rifan's opinion on his decision through the golden list.

On the one hand, Tesoro is worried about revealing his next trajectory this time.

On the other hand, he felt that such a method was not sincere enough.

In order to increase the probability of Rifan accepting himself, Tesoro finally decided to go to where Rifan was.

"My ability can only be placed in the eleventh place, who can be in the top ten?,

After Tesoro sighed, he looked up at the ceiling.

At this time, a new row of characters appeared just above the gold list.

—[Ability List],10th place, Nojiko; Ability, Shock Devil Fruit; Awakened

—No weakness.

—The ability to cause vibrations, and its ability is so strong that it can even cause major earthquakes and tsunamis—