Chapter 354: Challenge Accepted—!

"Ale, am I tenth?" Looking at the rankings that appeared on the golden list, Nojiko rubbed her eyes as if she couldn't believe what she saw. 

"As expected of my daughter, hahaha, she actually entered the top ten!" Belle-mère patted Nojiko on the shoulder happily, as if she was the one on the top ten.

"Congratulations, Nojiko; if you are in the top ten, you will definitely get an excellent reward." Nami gently hugged Nojiko.

Regarding Nojiko's entry into the top ten, Nami is not only happy for her but also feels that this is justified.

Others don't know, but Nami is quite aware of how hard Nojiko has to improve her strength.

In the case of being unable to use the dojo resources, Nojiko can only choose more training. 

Fortunately, although Rifan can't provide the secrets of the dojo and restaurant resources to Nojiko, he is happy to give some guidance of his own.

Under these conditions, Nojiko's strength is not as good as Rifan's formal disciple.

But it has surpassed Sadi, who is already relatively strong.

"This is all thanks to Teacher Rifan's teaching. Of course, I also want to thank Rebecca for helping me awaken my Devil Fruit." Nojiko smiled and looked at Rifan, "Unfortunately, Rebecca is not here; otherwise I have to thank her very much."

At this time, Sadi walked up to Nojiko and looked at her with envy:

"You actually got into tenth place. It seems that I really missed the recent one."

In terms of Haki's training, Sadi knows that Nojiko is not lower than her.

Now in terms of ability, the Golden List believes that Nojiko is better than her, and Sadi can be sure that Nojiko's strength has surpassed her.

"However, don't be smug; I will catch up with you soon."

"When Teacher Rifan holds the challenge, I won't lose to you."

"That being said, I still have to congratulate you now."

"Congratulations, Nojiko; I hope you can get the reward you want."

With that said, Sadi, like Nami, gave Nojiko a big hug.

On the side, seeing the two who had just become his outer disciples so harmonious, Rifan felt happy in his heart as well.

[Fire Fist Ace: Nojiko actually entered the top ten; doesn't it mean that she is better than me?]

[Phoenix Marco: It's amazing. Although she has the same devil fruit ability as Father, it is amazing enough to be able to get a higher ranking than Ace so quickly. Rifan is really good at teaching his disciples!]

[Diamond Jozu: Shock Fruit's awakened ability, I don't know what the Shock ability of Miss Nojiko looks like. ]

[Thatch: It must be quite an exaggeration! And the ability list only examines Nojiko's abilities. Perhaps after Rifan's training, she also mastered good martial arts. ]

[Dark King Rayleigh: Looking at this demo screen, there is indeed a taste of Whitebeard's ability when she uses it. However, I don't know why; now that Nojiko is full of high useability, it always feels awkward. ]

[Golden Lion Shiki: So are you, Rayleigh. To tell the truth, I also feel awkward. ]

[Red-haired Shanks: It may be that we are used to the ability of a muscular man like Whitebeard. Now, at first glance, it looks like a beautiful lady like Nojiko is not used to it. ]

[Charlotte Smoothie: Beautiful appearance combined with domineering fruit ability; for me, it feels a little pleasing to the eye. ]

[Whitebeard Newgate: Gurarararara~ Nojiko, how about it? Do you want to be my daughter? For the use of Shock Fruit, I can teach you from my experience. ]

Seeing Nojiko's use of Shock Fruit, Whitebeard couldn't help being happy at the thought of accepting her as his daughter.

However, as soon as his message fell, Nojiko declined Whitebeard through the golden list.

[Nojiko: Sorry, it is enough for me to have Teacher Rifan's guidance. In addition, after I become an official disciple of Teacher Rifan and achieve success in my training, maybe I will come to challenge you.]

Nojiko still remembers what Rifan said when he handed the devil Fruit to her.

At that time, Rifan asked her to surpass Whitebeard.

Although in the past, Nojiko thinks Rifan said it more like a joke.

But the current Nojiko did not intend just to take it as a joke. After her strength is strong enough, Nojiko really intends to challenge Whitebeard once and bring victory to Rifan.

[Whitebeard Newgate: I was really rejected, but you want to challenge me? Interesting, I accept your challenge! ]

[Red-haired Shanks: Is it a contest between two Shock Fruit devil fruit users? I always think this kind of scene will be very interesting. ]

[Dark King Rayleigh: I am more worried that the place where the two of them fight, the ordinary island, simply cannot withstand the battle of two Shock devil fruit users. ]

[Golden Lion Shiki: Whitebeard is not only good at his devil fruit ability, but his cultivation level in Haki is equally terrifying. It is not easy to defeat him. ]

[Hawkeye Mihawk: However, if you are a disciple of Rifan, the probability of challenging and winning is quite high. ]

[Big Mom Charlotte Linlin: The tenth place has begun to appear, and I am increasingly looking forward to which rank I will be, Mamamama~!]

[Beast Kaido: Compared to you, I am more curious about how your daughter, who became a disciple of Rifan, will be ranked. ]

--[Ability List], tied for 10th place, the Phoenix Marco; Ability, Tori Tori no Mi, Model: Phoenix.

--Extremely rare Mythical Zoan Type Devil Fruit, Tori Tori no Mi, Model: Phoenix possesses the most outstanding resilience among the Mythical Zoan Devil Fruit. Even if the user suffers strong damage, it can still be repaired.

--Have the ability to fly freely, and its flame has the ability to accelerate the recovery of others' bodies.