Chapter 355: God Enel joins the chat—!

"The tenth place, and it's still the same rank as that of Nojiko."

Marco stroked his hair, "It seems that Nojiko should have reached my level."

"But this is equivalent to being sure, and she still has a long distance to Pops."

Although Marco is confident of his abilities, he also knows that he is not an opponent of Whitebeard at all.

Since Nojiko has the same rank as himself, the combat power of the two should be similar.

"Gurarara, maybe so."

"But if she really becomes a disciple of Rifan, she will definitely make progress very quickly."

"Unfortunately, Hiyori does not plan to tell us how Rifan trained her."

"Otherwise, I can give you some direction on how Rifan cultivated his disciples so quickly."

Whitebeard laughed.

On the other side of the New World, Totto Land, Cake Island.

"Is the captain of the first division of the Whitebeard Pirates in tenth?"

"I don't know how my rank is compared to him."

Katakuri whispered.

Up to now, the rankings of the BIG-MOM Pirates have been announced, except for the rankings of Katakuri and Charlotte Linlin and Charlotte Galette, who has only recently become the official disciple of Rifan.

Now that Marko, the second in command of the Whitebeard Pirates, has the tenth place on the list, Katakuri, who is also the second most powerful of the BIG-MOM Pirates, can't help but have a little comparison in his heart.

It's not just Katakuri, but King of Beasts Pirates are also thinking similarly.

-[Ability List], tied for 10th place, King; Ability, Ryu Ryu no Mi, Model: Pteranodon; Awakened.

- An Ancient species of devil fruit can transform into a Pteranodon to fly in the sky and greatly strengthen the attack power and speed of the user, with super high mobility.

--Fruit Awakening gives the user more powerful strength, speed and resilience.

"Is the one from Beasts Pirates also ranked tenth?'

"The Ancient Zoan fruit, although the fruit is not dominant compared to Marco, but King has awakened his devil fruit's ability."

"This makes up for a little gap."

"Huh?! Wait, King kicked our ship directly?!"

Katakuri, who was sighing at King's ranking, suddenly saw the demo screen of the golden list. King fell from the sky and attacked the ships of the BIG-MOM Pirate Group and succeeded.

Katakuri looked at Charlotte Linlin, and as expected, Linlin's face was very bad at the moment.

"Mom, that should be just an image of the future; it shouldn't be true."

Galette, who was standing next to Linlin, whispered.

"Um, that's right." Linlin nodded when she heard Galette's words. "It's impossible to happen anyway, so I don't need to care."

"Katakuri, do you think you can defeat him?"

Although he doesn't care, Linlin has a faint comparison in her heart.

The second in command of the Whitebeard Pirates and the second in command of Beasts Pirates tied for tenth.

If, at this time, the second-in-command of her pirate group can have a higher ranking than them, then it is a delightful thing.

"About this…" Katakuri looked at King, demonstrating his ability. "Sorry, Mom, I haven't really fought him before, but with the demonstration of the golden list, it is difficult for me to determine whether my ability surpasses King and Marco."

"That's it", Charlotte Linlin frowned, "Forget it; let's see how the golden list ranked you."

A few minutes later, new prominent characters appeared on the golden list again.

--[Ability List], tied for 10th place, Charlotte Katakuri; Ability, Mochi Mochi no Mi; Awakened.

—A very special Paramecia fruit, which has the elemental ability similar to Logia fruit, can transform the body into rice cakes and has many abilities to change the body, freely change the body shape, make substances, and store objects.

- The Mochi devil fruit, after awakening has the characteristic of turning things around into Mochi or assimilating things into Mochi.

"Is it only tenth? Forget it; at least there is no shame." Charlotte Linlin nodded and looked at Katakuri, "However, I hope you can surpass those two after you get the reward."

Linlin is naturally talking about King and Marco. As for Nojiko, who is also in tenth place, Linlin has no intention of letting Katakuri surpass her.

Nojiko is next to Rifan, and Linlin is really not confident that Katakuri can surpass Nojiko.

'Maybe, one day, Nojiko will really reach the level of Whitebeard.'

Linlin thought to herself.

[Golden Lion Shiki: Jiehahaha, the three Second-in-command of the Four Emperors pirate group have the same rank, which is quite reasonable. It's a pity that Beckman of the Red-haired group is not a Devil Fruit user. Otherwise we might be able to see that the four have the same rank.]

[Red-haired Shanks: That's hard to say. If Beckman has the devil fruit ability, I think he can at least be ranked ninth, Hahaha~. ]

[Whitebeard Newgate: Redhead boy, you really dare to say it. ]

[Big Mom Charlotte Linlin: Let your people become devil fruit users first, Red Hair. ]

[Beast Kaido: Red Hair, are you interested in training? I have a new understanding of Eight Inner Gates recently, and I lack a good training buddy. ]

[Red-haired Shanks: Haha, it seems what I said provoked people's anger. Kaido, I don't want to fight you; your Eight Inner Gates is too much trouble. However, I am very interested in whether your Eight Inner Gates or Garp's Martial Arts Heritage is more powerful. ]

[Iron Fist Garp: Red Hair Kid, you bastard really want to be beaten!]

[Admiral Kizaru: The second in command of the Four Emperors Pirate Group is really scary~ Just watching these demo screens makes people feel shocked. ]

[Phoenix Marco: Don't lie, Kizaru. With your devil fruit ability, it's not much different from us. Your Sparkling fruit has not been on the list yet. ]

[King: Sparkling fruit, claimed to have the fastest devil fruit ability. I'm curious about what rank a Marine Admiral will occupy on the ability list. ]

[Phoenix Marco: Kizaru's lifespan was snuffed out by the golden list, and maybe he can only get tenth place now. ]

[Admiral Kizaru: Although I am a few years older, and my physical strength has declined, my speed has not decreased. Speed is weight. If I fight with the ranked tenth pirates, I still have some confidence. ]

Even Kizaru can't help but feel a little annoyed when he is repeatedly laughed at for his deduct lifespan.

If they really appeared in front of him, Kizaru felt that he might rarely get serious.

[God Enel: Sparkling fruit, the fastest? Oh, I would like to know how fast a monkey can reach.]

To be continued—


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