Chapter 356 Enel: Celestial Dragons are not my descendants!

[Red-haired Shanks: Huh?! God? What is this thing that has the title "God"?]

[Kuzan: He actually carries the name of "God". Is there really a god in this world?]

[Revolutionary Army Dragon: In this world, there should be only Rifan that can be called a god. Could it be that there is really a God in a place we don't know?]

[Sengoku: "God", does it really exist?]

[God-Enel: Hmph, of course, God exists. As for Rifan, I admit that this human being has some abilities, but compared with my ability, it is nothing at all. Also, those Celestial Dragons are actually called descendants of gods!? I am very upset about this! I advise all Celestial Dragons not to bear the title of descendants of God in the future; I Enel does not have you such a disgusting descendant!]

[Red-haired Shanks: This guy named Enel is quite tough, but since you are a god, why are you posting a message on the golden list to reprimand Celestial Dragons? ]

[God Enel: Hmph, it's only because I can leave a message on the golden list today. ]

[Sabo: Now I understand. He can only utilize the golden list now, indicating that he is a devil fruit user rather than a genuine God.]

[God Enel: Mortal, are you irritating me?]

[Sabo: Sorry, I didn't mean to irritate you, but I really can't imagine a god who can leave a message on the gold list now. ]

[Nico Robin: Probably just a person who claims to be a god in some rural place. Since he still looks down on Teacher Rifan, he should still be an arrogant person. ]

[Yamato: Yes, if you are a god, come out and compete with me. I want to see what kind of power God has. ]

[God-Enel: Are you guys looking down on me?!]

--[Ability List], tied for 10th place, God. Enel; Ability, Thunder fruit.

- Logia fruit, can move in the electric conductor and the air at ultrahigh speed in the form and speed of thunder and lightning, and can release an electric shock of up to 20,000 volts.

With the announcement of Enel's ranking in the Golden List, related demonstrations have also begun.

[Straw Hat Luffy: Ale, that's me? I'm fighting this guy in the future?]

[God Enel: Wait, why are my thunder and lightning invalid for this kid?!]

[Charlotte Katakuri: Strawhat is a Rubber Fruit ability user, and his ability introduction includes the introduction of not being afraid of thunder and lightning. It seems that you are not only arrogant but also stupid.]

Initially, the world was still a little fearful of Enel, who was wearing the title of "God", but when his ranking was announced, and the related demo screen appeared, people immediately knew that Enel was not a true god at all.

Especially after seeing the demo screen, Luffy used his Rubber Fruit ability to defeat him.

[Straw hat Luffy: Shishishi! I'm pretty good; I even beat such a guy. ]

[Phoenix Marco: Yeah, yeah, he is a stupid guy, and he wasted such a good ability. ]

[King: Yes!! With the speed shown in the demo, even if Luffy is not afraid of thunder and lightning, this Enel shouldn't be defeated. ]

[Charlotte Katakuri: If one of us three fights with him, it's easy to kill this guy. The golden list is really just ranking us according to the data, and it does not include a person's combat literacy. ]

[Phoenix Marco: Indeed, even if the ability is strong, if the user is weak and stupid, it will significantly disadvantage the actual battle. ]

[Yamato: That's it? You dare to look down on Teacher Rifan? Let me know where you are, and I will teach you a lesson and let you know the gap in strength. ]

[Admiral Kizaru: No wonder the speed of this old man is questioned. As far as the speed is concerned, this Enel is indeed good, but it is too weak!]


A considerable thunder suddenly descended on the Sky Island where Enel was.

"These guys dare to look down on me!" Enel clenched his fists, staring at the message on the golden list that mocked himself.

Finally, Enel looked around and stopped at Kizaru's message.

"I am weak?!"

"Kizaru, right? Very good, I remember you."

"After I get the reward, I will come back to prove to you what God is!"

"There is also that Rifan; I will defeat him and show it to all of you!"


With Enel's shout, there was more thunder.

The entire Sky Island was covered by shining thunder and lightning in a blink of an eye.

On the other side, in the dojo where Rifan is.

"Enel?" Rifan touched his chin.

"Teacher Rifan, do you know this person?" Hearing Rifan's whisper, Robin turned to look at Rifan first.

"I know him." Rifan smiled, "Speaking of which, the location of this guy has a piece of history. "

"I forgot about this."

Hearing Rifan's words, Robin's beautiful eyes opened slightly, and a gleam of light flashed in her eyes.

At the same time, Olvia, who was sitting not far away drinking tea, also looked at Rifan.

She is also very interested in the Poneglyph that Rifan said.

"Not only Enel, The fish men island should have historical text." Rifan said to Robin, "Sorry, Robin, I knew this information but didn't tell you in time."

"After this matter, I will send you to read these historical texts."

Robin walked behind Rifan; her slender hands pressed naturally on Rifan's shoulders.

"Teacher Rifan will never have to apologize to me."

"As for the historical text, it's okay to read it later."