Chapter 361: 4th place— 

"Forget it; if that's the case, I won't mention it."

After listening to what Galette said, Linlin stroked her forehead.

Now she finally has the opportunity to have a relationship with Rifan. Linlin doesn't want to make Rifan hate herself because of a certain decision of her own.

If that happens, it might be possible for her to end up in the same situation as Kaido.

Obviously, he has a daughter who is a disciple of Rifan, but Kaido, a father, does not get any benefits.

Now Linlin herself has let Galette quit her Pirate Group and even handed over a piece of land.

Before getting enough benefits, Linlin doesn't want to have a rocky relationship with Rifan.

[Fire Fist Ace: Even the ranking of Oyaji has come out now. Next, I'm afraid it will be the disciples of Rifan or Rifan himself.]

[King: Rifan's disciples, as well as Rifan himself, what kind of special abilities they have, is really something to look forward to. ]

[Phoenix Marco: Just now, Big Mom said that her daughter became Rifan's disciple. I don't know if this disciple will be on the list. ]

[Red hair Shanks: People taught by Rifan, are not necessarily ability users. That Nami is a pure swordsman, you say yes, Hawkeye. ]

[Hawkeye Mihawk: After so much time, I am quite curious about how far the first disciple of Rifan has grown. ]

[Nami: Humph, Even if you use Zanpakutō, I think I can beat you, Hawkeye. ]

[Hawkeye Mihawk: Oh? Then I really want to learn. I am now rushing to Dressrosa; I really want to know how strong Miss Nami's swordsmanship is.]

[Nami: Come here, you think I'm afraid of you!]

[Dark King Rayleigh: Hawkeye boy, you are also rushing to Dressrosa, hahaha; it seems this old man has someone to talk to when I arrive there. ]

[Redhead Shanks: Is Vice Captain Rayleigh going to Dressrosa, too?]

[Dark King Rayleigh: Of course, how could I miss the competition held by Rifan? By the way, I have not been a pirate for many years, Zephyr; you guys don't run and squat in Dressrosa to catch me, right?]

[Black Arm Zephyr: We New Marines are not interested in catching you.]

[Flower Sword Vista: Nami and the former No. 1 swordsman fighting? I really want to watch it!]

[Redhead Shanks: Hawkeye, that Nami's power is strong; even Rayleigh-san and I were knocked down by that fearsome move of hers. Are you sure that you can beat Nami without using Zanpakutō? Maybe after all this time, she has become stronger; maybe she has also learned the Sword Twenty-Three. ]

[Hawkeye Mihawk: If that is the case, I will look forward to the duel with Ms. Nami even more. ]

Taking advantage of the gap between the release of the golden list, many swordsmen left messages on the golden list, expressing their interest in the duel between Nami and Mihawk.

At this moment, Alabasta.

"Miss Nami is so amazing; she is going to duel with that Mihawk."

"No, I have to go to Dressrosa to cheer for Miss Nami!"

Sanji looked at the golden list with excitement.

"Hey, Sanji, we are in Alabasta now. It is impossible to go to Dressrosa so soon." Usopp grabbed the excited Sanji, "And you forgot, Luffy is still locked in Alabasta's cell. We must wait for him to come out. Zoro, don't keep watching the golden list; come and help press Sanji."

Zoro looked at the golden list with a stern face and said something in his mouth: "Is there a battle between Nami and Hawkeye? Is there any way to see it?"

"Hey, Zoro, do you also want to go to Dressrosa to watch the game?"

Usopp looked helpless. "Didn't I say that we are too far away from Dressrosa? We didn't even know its location."

Chopper, who had just joined the group not long ago, scratched his head and said, "Well, can we go to Princess Vivi? Maybe she can take us to Dressrosa?"

"Yes, we ask Princess Vivi!" Sanji patted his hands, and a bright light flashed in his eyes. "Princess Vivi, as an official disciple of Rifan, will definitely go to the challenge held by Rifan to watch the game."

"Maybe Princess Vivi has a way to go to Dressrosa in a short time!"

"Chopper, you are such a genius!"

"Not only can I meet Princess Vivi, but we can also arrive at Dressrosa before the game!"

When Chopper heard Sanji's compliment, he immediately laughed, danced and cursed.

"Hey, Sanji, I think you want to see Princess Vivi more." Usopp was ashamed. "Princess Vivi's power is terrifying. Don't offend her."

"Furthermore, she is not obligated to take us to Dressrosa to watch the game.'

Through the golden list, Usopp fully realized the horror of the prominent figures in the New World. If he could, he was unwilling to go to the New World waters so quickly.

"Go try it." Zoro put the sword on his shoulder, "I have to wait for Luffy to come out anyway; maybe we can see Vivi later."

"You to Zoro!?" Seeing Zoro reach an agreement with Sanji for an unprecedented time, Usopp knelt on the ground in despair.

But the next moment, he was picked up by Sanji directly and dashed towards Alabasta's royal city.

At this moment, the new ranking appeared on the golden list.

--[Ability List], 4th place, Yamato; Ability, Dog-Dog Fruit, Model: Okuchi-no-Makami; Awakened: No weakness, Fish-Fish Fruit, Model Azure Dragon; Awakened; No weakness.

—The awakening of one or two Mythical Devil Fruit brings greater resilience, greater strength, and greater speed

[Red Hair Shanks: Sure enough, there is a disciple of Rifan. And two kinds of Mythical devil fruits appeared on the same person at the same time, and they were all awakened, and at the same time, she was not afraid of seawater. In addition to Yamato's own strength, her ranking will be higher than Whitebeard's, which is reasonable. ]

[Whitebeard Newgate: Gurararara~ Yamato really an amazing girl. I have listened to what Hiyori said; what she is best at right now is not the devil fruit power but the cosmic power. Your ranking is ahead of me, I recognize it. ]

[Golden Lion Shiki: Tsk, her fruit power is scary enough; add the small universe and the Saint Cloth!? Also, Kaido, the title of the strongest creature in the future, it's better to abandon it and give it to your daughter willingly. Jiehahahaha!]

[Beast Kaido: Golden Lion, if you don't speak, no one treats you as dumb. So shut up.]