Chapter 362: Infinite Tsukuyomi— 

"Hey, I am fourth." Yamato touched her head, "I don't know what kind of reward I will get this time."

"I really envy you, Yamato; you are on the list again, but what kind of reward do you want?" Nami, who was standing next to Yamato, asked.

"If I have a choice, I hope I can get the reward of longevity, haha."

Yamato said with a big smile with her hands on her hips. "Eternal life will do."

"Eternal life?" Nami raised her eyebrows. "Didn't you just get a thousand-year-old birthday cake? Are you worrying about immortality so soon?"

"Of course!" Yamato clenched her fist. "If I live forever, won't I be able to stay with Teacher Rifan forever and learn from him? Although a thousand years of life is pretty good if you can live longer, who will dislike it."

"Um, well, what you said makes sense." Nami shook her head; she couldn't deny Yamato's thoughts.

After all, even her, she also hopes to live forever and stay with Rifan.

'It would be great if I could get the reward of "Physical Indestructibility Potion" that Teacher Rifan got before. "

Nami sighed in her heart.

Not only Nami but Robin and others also have the same thought.

However, they really couldn't ask Rifan for a reward like "physical indestructibility potion."

After all, this reward is too expensive.

Unless Rifan is willing to send this reward, otherwise, Robin and others will not ask for it.

'If Teacher Rifan wants to give this reward to someone…"

'Does it mean that Teacher Rifan wants this person to be by his side all the time"

Looking at Rifan's profile, Robin couldn't help but have such thoughts in her mind.

"Robin!" Suddenly, Rifan's voice pulled Robin out of her thoughts.

"What's wrong, Teacher Rifan?"

"Robin, you are on the list, also fourth place. Speaking of it, this is your first time on the list. Congratulations." Rifan raised his finger to the sky. On the golden list, Robin's name was written impressively.

--[Ability List], tied for 4th place, Nico Robin; Ability, bloodline limit-Wood Style and Flower-Flower Fruit.

—A Bloodline Limit synthesized by Chakra, the two attributes of soil and water. The user of Wood Style creates trees that have the ability to suppress Devil Fruit. At the same time, the users will have strong recovery capabilities.

-Sage Arts, Nico Robin reached a new height in Wood Style, able to use the natural energy more freely to use Wood Style, with more powerful power.

- Flower-Flower Fruit, which allows the user to make any part of the body grow like a flower, grow on any tangible thing, and make attacks or other uses.

As the rows of golden letters fell, the demonstration of Robin's skills began.

Watching Robin using from the most basic wood ninjutsu to advanced Wood Style and even Sage Arts Wood Styles, she also used it.

Those who watched the live broadcast of the golden list couldn't help but open their mouths, their eyes full of surprise.

Although Yamato's abilities are strong, it shows more physical fitness and does not have much destructive power in the display of skills.

But when Robin's skills were demonstrated, it was different over there.

The exaggerated, skyrocketing forest trees, the mighty Thousand Hands, even though they have been seen once, they still surprised people when they saw them again.

[Dark King Rayleigh: Haha, Amazing! I didn't think that Nico Robin would reach this level! And adding up the time, it only took her three months! It makes me doubt my strength.]

[Golden Lion Shiki: Let alone you, even I feel awkward for a moment. Rifan, the disciple he taught, grew too fast!]

[Kuzan: Sage Art: Wood Style: True Thousand Hands, Robin, you have become so strong; it is really sigh that time flies by. ]

[Jinbei: Compared with Wood Style, Ms. Robin's Flower-Flower Fruit is also quite powerful, but it is far from it. ]

[Sabo: It is understandable that Wood Style is much stronger than Flower-Flower Fruit. Compared to practicing Flower-Flower Fruit, Miss Robin will definitely give priority to practicing her Wood Style ability. ]

[Flower Sword Vista: I really feel more and more sympathetic to the Marine and the World Government. ]

[Phoenix Marco: This kind of ability can only be ranked fourth, which is really amazing. The top three are probably also Rifan's disciples. ]

--[Ability List],4th place, Nefetari Vivi; Ability, Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan.

-The Uchiha clan is extremely powerful in their Bloodline Limit, possessing extremely strong powers and possessing powerful abilities such as observation, replication, and Hypnosis

-Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan overcomes the burden of Mangekyō Sharingan on the user's body. Vivi now uses Sharingan without worrying about the possibility of blindness.

[Golden Lion Shiki: Wait, isn't the golden list mistaken, Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan? Isn't Vivi's Sharingan only up to the level of Mangekyō Sharingan?]

[Dark King Rayleigh: I remember that the golden list once said that for Mangekyō Sharingan to evolve to Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan, it needs to be handed over to Mangekyō Sharingan by people with the same bloodline limit. Don't tell me Vivi transplanted other people's eyes into her? ]

[Golden Lion Shiki: How could it be possible that the only person close to this princess Vivi by blood is her father, who is the king, and that guy does not have Sharingan. Other people who have Sharingan are Rifan!]

[Whitebeard Newgate: If there are Sharingan users in the rest of the world, the golden list should have announced their name long ago. Shouldn't it, Rifan used a certain method to make Vivi break the boundaries of Sharingan and successfully own Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan?]

While everyone was discussing, the golden list was also demonstrating the related capabilities of Vivi's Sharingan.

However, because the abilities in it have been demonstrated before, this time, the golden list only did a rough demonstration.

Until the demonstration of the pupil technique, Vivi obtained from Rifan.

[Red-haired Shanks: Huh! That is the pupil technique that has never appeared on Vivi before; is it a newly developed ability of Vivi? ]

[Dark King Rayleigh: The black flame can burn even the sea!]

[Whitebeard Newgate: Not only the sea, but even the flames can be burned, and the flame will not go out until its target is destroyed. If you get this hit by this, it won't be easy.]

[Golden Lion Shiki: Wait, the golden list actually states that this is a new ability that Vivi has grasped after transplanting Rifan's right eye Mangekyō Sharingan pupil power!?]

[Red-haired Shanks: This is really surprising. Could it be that Rifan transplanted his eyes to Vivi?]

[Hawkeye Mihawk: That should be what happened. That's why Vivi obtained her Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan.]

[Fire Fist Ace: Rifan, this guy treats his disciple really well; he can even give things like his eyes. ]

[Charlotte Smoothie: Vivi must be very happy to be a disciple of Rifan. ]

[Iron Fist Garp: What is this thing called Infinite Tsukuyomi?]

[Charlotte Katakuri: The ultimate illusion, just looking at each other, the opponent will be drawn into the illusion space of the caster. The time in the illusion space is determined by the caster. With this pupil technique, Vivi's opponents can only choose to use Observation Haki to fight her in the future. ]