Chapter 365: Hancock Vs Shiki—

"What!! Why is there such a meteorite?!"

"Rinnegan still has such power?!"

Shiki's eyes widened in amazement.

Even he was surprised by the power Hancock used.

Although Shiki consciously can deal with such a meteorite, but he now wants to escape. He does not want to use his energy to deal with such a massive meteorite.

Not to mention, there is also an eye-catching Hancock on the side!

Just looking at Hancock's stunning and mysterious Rinnegan, Shiki felt his heart palpitating.

"Meteorite! Boss, think of a way."

"Yes, Captain, you can definitely stop the meteorite with your ability!"

"Boss, use your invincible Devil Fruit to find a way!?"

Besides Shiki, his crew is also anxiously shouting at their captain for a plan.

Now they are high in the sky, and there is a huge meteorite falling quickly above their head.

For the crew, this is simply the aftermath. Even if they want to escape, they cannot find a way to escape.

Now, the only thing they can rely on is their Captain.

Fortunately, for Shiki, it is not difficult to make a huge island suspended. In the eyes of the crew, Shiki will definitely be able to stop the meteorite.

"Damn it, why did I encounter such a thing!?" Not far away, the girl standing outside the crowd, Perona, held her heart in horror.

She felt that if she didn't do this, her heart would jump out of her chest the next moment.

"Why is my life so bad!?"

"First, I was caught by that bastard, and now I have to encounter such a dilemma because of that bastard's fault!"

"My life is too bitter!"

Perona hid her face and cried, but unfortunately, no one went back to comfort her now.

After Shiki defeated Gekko Moria and made him into a doll, he dragged Moria's ship to the sky.

Although Perona wanted to escape, she was at an altitude of 10,000 meters, and she had no choice but to compromise. Together with Gekko Moria's ship doctor, she was coerced into temporarily joining the Golden Lion pirate group.

Fortunately, as far as Perona is concerned, joining the Golden Lion Pirate Group up to now, they have not encountered anything she needs to contribute to.

Perona was also happy, but her happiness didn't even last that long because everything was broken by the decision made by Golden Lion today.

"Golden Lion, this bastard, why is he always trying to provoke Rifan's disciple? Damn it, big idiot!"

Perona put her head in her hands, and her cheeks turned red because of her anger.

But the huge meteorite did not slow down because of her anger.

"Tsk, so troublesome!" Shiki glanced angrily at Hancock, who was standing quietly outside the falling range of the meteorite. "Very good, meteorite, right? It's just a meteorite, I can destroy them if I want to."

"I can compete with Vivi. You have only become Rifan's disciple. I don't believe that you will suddenly have the power to surpass me!"

"Ranked 3rd on the list? Ha! Let me see if you Master the power of Rinnegan!"

Shiki roared in anger, and his body suddenly rushed into the sky to the falling meteorite, intending to control the meteorite with his own ability; and turned its direction and threw it at Hancock.

Shiki also saw the message between Hancock and Rifan and others on the golden list just now.

He knew that Hancock had already moved his mind to kill him completely.

Although Rifan said to keep him alive, it was only because he ranked sixth place on the [Ability List] and may get excellent rewards from the golden list.

Shiki felt that after his reward was distributed and taken away by Rifan and others, Rifan would not prevent Hancock or Vivi from killing him.

At this moment of crisis, Shiki, as a great pirate of the last era, felt ruthless in his heart and gave birth to the desire to compete with Hancock.

The speed of Shiki is very fast. When using his devil Fruit, his speed is not much slower than Kizaru.

In a blink of an eye, he came under the huge meteorite that Hancock had summoned.

"Isn't it just a larger meteorite?" Shiki stretched out his hands towards the meteorite. "The total weight of the floating Sky Island controlled by me is not lower than your meteorite. Let me control it for you!"

"And you want to use this meteorite to destroy my territory!? Stopped dreaming!"

There are not only the resources that he has been accumulating for many years on the Sky Island below.

There is also the zombie army that he has recently thought about building, and there is Digimon hatched from the Digi Egg that he snatched from the Marine.

In any case, he does not want to see his precious resources being destroyed here.


The moment Shiki's hands touched the meteorite, a strange wave unfolded around Shiki's body.

In a blink of an eye, this wave of fluctuations enveloped the entire meteorite.

The meteorite that was rapidly falling downwards stopped for an instant and was controlled by the power of the Shiki's devil fruit ability!

[Iron Fist Garp: Tsk, as expected, this bastard won't die easily. His devil fruit ability is excellent, plus his strength; he is a bastard worth admiring. ]

[Issho: Although I am confident that I can control such a meteorite, the ability of Golden Lion to stop the fall of the meteorite so easily is indeed something to be admired. ]

[Hawkeye Mihawk: To stop the fall of such a meteorite, it takes pairs of stamina. ]

[Whitebeard Newgate: However, does Shiki know that there is a larger meteorite above this meteorite? We can see the second meteorite because of the angle of the golden list screen. From the perspective of Shiki, if Observation Haki is not expanded to its limit, I am afraid that the meteorite in the sky will not be detected. ]

[Dark King Rayleigh: That kind of meteorite is bigger than an ordinary island. Hancock is still watching. I'm afraid Shiki will not spend so much energy to expand his Observation Haki to such a large extent. ]

[Red-haired Shanks: In other words, Golden Lion did not notice the second meteorite, this time, there may be a good show. It's a pity there is no popcorn on the island.]

To be continued—


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