Chapter 366: Hancock Vs Shiki —(2)—

Dressrosa, inside the gym.


A gentle voice sounded behind Rifan.

"It's you, Angewomon; what's the matter?" Rifan turned his head and looked at Angewomon walking in gracefully towards him.

Behind her stood MetalTyrannomon and WereGarurumon.

"Rifan, I saw the existence of Digimons on the island where that man called Golden Lion Shiki is located."

"That man is a villain; it doesn't matter if he is dead."

"But those Digimons are innocent. Can you tell Hancock not to act on those Digimon?"

Angewomon said.

The Digimons at Golden Lion's resident site were snatched from Marine.

Angewomon knows this.

She also knew that even though Shiki could sign a contract with a Digimons, he could only sign one.

In other words, most of the Digimon in Golden Lion's hands have little to do with Golden Lion.

For Angewomon, it saddened her to see those Digimon be buried with Shiki.

"She is right, Rifan." MetalTyrannomon also expresses his thoughts, "It's better to let Angewomon and I go over and save those Digimons."

Like Angewomon, MetalTyrannomon is also worried about those Digimons that come from the same world as him.

From the perspective of the MetalTyrannomon, those Digimon are just babies not long after birth. It would be too sad to die like this.

"Humph, hypocrisy." On the side, LadyDevimon folded her arms and sneered.

"You go to rescue them now; don't you worry about them coming to us for trouble in the future?"

"Although it is just some Digimon with no potential, they still are a trouble if they band together."

"You say yes, Rifan."

Hearing this, Rifan stood up from his seat.

"LadyDevimon, this time I will listen to the Angewomon and MetalTyrannomon." Rifan walked to LadyDevimon and patted her on the shoulder. "Among those Digimon, many are still growing Digimon. Many are still juveniles."

"It is a pity to let them end their lives in this way, so I also hope to be able to bring those Digimon to a safe place."

With that said, Rifan turned his head to look at Angewomon and MetalTyrannomon and continued:

"Golden Lion has to deal with the meteorite and Hancock's next offensive. There is no extra effort to manage those Digimons."

"Hancock's fighting style is sometimes too crazy, and it will really involve the Digimons."

"I will send you over and take away the Digimon from Golden Lion."

"As for how to deal with those Digimons loyal to Golden Lion, it is up to them to decide where they intend to go."

Originally, Rifan planned to go there by himself.

But unfortunately, the place where Shiki and Hancock fought was out of the territory of Maiden Island.

Rifan himself had no way to appear there, and he could only give this task to Angewomon and MetalTyrannomon since they've requested it.

With the power of MetalTyrannomon and Angewomon, Rifan believes that it is enough to transfer the Digimons to a safe place.

Hearing Rifan's words, Angewomon and MetalTyrannomon nodded, and Rifan opened the dojo authority in the next second, and they were transferred to the dojo on Maiden Island.

"Tsk." LadyDevimon pouted her mouth, "Really, do you care too much about those Digimons, Rifan?"

"After all, I quite like Digimons." Rifan raised the corner of his mouth slightly and put his hand on the shoulder of LadyDevimon and continued. "Of course, I like LadyDevimon more. After all, you are my Digimon."

"!!" LadyDevimon opened her mouth slightly and looked at Rifan with a rapid heartbeat.

"Hmph, you really can talk." LadyDevimon tilted her head to the side. Although she had a mask on her face, she was still worried that Rifan would see her flushed face through the mask.

"Forget it; I'll go to Maiden Island, too."

"Don't get me wrong. I don't want to help those Digimons."

"I just don't want to see Angewomon showing off."

"What are you waiting for, Rifan? Send me over."

Rifan smiled and nodded: "Understood, thank you, LadyDevimon, you really are a good partner.

At the same time as his voice fell, Rifan reopened the dojo permissions.

LadyDevimon only felt that Rifan had disappeared in front of her eyes as soon as the picture changed.

"It's here." LadyDevimon looked at the surrounding environment, "Is Angewomon already gone? She is really fast."

"Is she showing off in front of Rifan and getting his favor?"

"Hump! As if I let you!"

After finishing speaking, LadyDevimon violently waved her wings behind her, directly brought a gust of wind, quickly flew out of the dojo, and flew towards the place where Hancock and Golden Lion fought in the sky.

"Controlled it!" After Shiki saw the meteorite stop falling, he smiled smugly and looked at Hancock in the distance, "I changed my mind. Instead of giving it back to you, I'll give this to your Island as my gift. It's more appropriate."

Shiki changed his mind about tossing the meteorite back at Hancock after catching it, planning to repeat the feat and hurl the meteorite to Maiden Island as he did in Alabasta.

Trying to use this method to give himself a chance to escape.

After all, although the meteorite on hand is large, Hancock's actions are extremely sensitive. Throwing the meteorite at her, Shiki feels that the possible effect will not be great.

However, what Shiki didn't know was that even if he threw the meteorite above Maiden Island.

Hancock didn't need to save the Maiden Island as Vivi had done and let Shiki escape.

Hancock's current strength is much stronger than Vivi's at the time. With Rinnegan's characteristics, it is impossible for her to let Shiki throw a meteorite on the head of Maiden Island.

What Shiki didn't know was that the meteorite that fell the second was already close.


"Huh?! What's going on!?" Suddenly, with a loud noise, an extremely powerful force spread from the meteorite above to Shiki's body.

The sudden powerful force drove the meteorite controlled by Shiki to hit him.

"What happened? Didn't I control the meteorite?!" Shiki widened his eyes and quickly increased the output of his fruit ability.

Shiki's fruit ability penetrated the meteorite he controlled and came to the second meteorite.

At this time, Shiki realized that the meteorite that Hancock summoned was not one but fucking two meteorites!

To be continued—


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