Chapter 369 Perona's careful thinking—

"Those are Rifan's Digimon?!" Not far away, Perona's eyes widened slightly as she watched MetalTyrannomon and the others confronting Leomon. "Wait, they are here to take away the Digimon in the research room. Can I ask them to take me away too?"

Although the entire floating Sky Island was still under the control of Shiki, it did not fall downward.

But with the battle between Shiki and Hancock, the entire floating Sky Island showed signs of shaking from time to time.

In Perona's view, it was a matter of time before Shiki was defeated and Sky Island lost its buoyancy and fell.

Otherwise, Rifan will not send MetalTyrannomon and others to take away the Digimon from Shiki.

"I have to do something." Gritting her teeth, Perona used the power of the ghost fruit to summon two negative ghosts beside her and waved them towards Leomon.

"In this case, it can count as helping them. And I can ask them to take me away when the time comes. They must also be willing."

Perona had a good idea in her heart. She seemed to have seen the scene of Leomon being hit by her negative ghost and falling to the ground.

However, what she didn't know was that Leomon, which had evolved into an Adult body and became the King of Beast, was stronger than normal Champion-level Digimon.

As soon as the negative ghost arrived behind Leomon, he had already noticed it.

After evading the attack of the negative ghost, the alert Leomon threw a punch in the direction of Perona without even thinking about it.

The powerful fists brought a gust of wind and destroyed the trees in front of Perona.

Seeing that the fist wind was about to hit Perona, a figure exuding a gentle brilliance suddenly appeared in front of Perona, easily dispersing the fist wind of Leomon.

"Humph, facing us three, you actually ignore us; it seems you're underestimating us.

The voice of LadyDevimon suddenly rang around Leomon.

Leomon was startled and quickly turned around and threw a punch at LadyDevimon.

But before his attack took effect, a tingling pain came from the abdomen of Leomon, causing his eyes to turn white as he passed out.

"It seems that it is just a Digimon that has just evolved into a Complete Body.

"The strength is still too weak."

LadyDevimon, who took out her own claws from Leomon, shook her head, and after taking a look at Angewomon, who was talking to Perona, she turned to MetalTyrannomon and said:

"The one in the way has been resolved, and the next thing will be left to you."

Hearing that, MetalTyrannomon nodded and walked to the research room specially prepared for Digimon set up by Shiki.

But when MetalTyrannomon saw the seriously injured and degenerate form of Leomon, MetalTyrannomon stopped.

After a bit of hesitation, MetalTyrannomon lifted Leomon and continued to walk toward the research room.

"Tsk." Seeing the behaviour of MetalTyrannomon, LadyDevimon smacks her mouth unhappily. "Although Rifan said to ensure the safety of Digimons, that guy has obviously signed a contract with Golden Lion. Don't you worry that by doing that will cause Rifan trouble?"

"Rifan said to guarantee the life of Digimon, which may include Leomon." MetalTyrannomon said without looking back, "and, if he survives this time, he intends to trouble Rifan in the future. If that happens, I will personally use my hands to solve him."

At the same time as his voice fell, the figure of MetalTyrannomon had disappeared at the gate of the research room.

"Troublesome guy." LadyDevimon shook her head, "I really don't understand what your type of Digimon thinks.

After complaining, LadyDevimon stepped to the side of Angewomon. Looking at Perona, LadyDevimon said in a bad tone:

"Who is this woman, and why did she attack Leomon just now?"

Hearing this, Angewomon glanced at LadyDevimon and said:

"This woman said she was caught by Golden Lion and wanted to ask us to take her out of here."

"Ha!?" LadyDevimon glared at Perona, "Who does this little girl think she is? Why should we take her away? Wait, Angewomon, Don't tell me you agree to take her away?!"

"Since Golden Lion caught her, I will take her away." Angewomon nodded, "After Hancock knocks down Golden Lion, this island will definitely fall. I can't let the innocent her die because of Golden Lion."

"Hump! It really is your style; that's why I hate you, Angewomon." LadyDevimon said uncomfortably, "Then after taking her away, what will you do? Are you still planning to send her home? "

Angewomon shook her head, and just about to say something, the room in the research room suddenly began to vibrate.

Angewomon and the others turned their heads and found that it was MetalTyrannomon who had pulled out the foundation of the entire research room and flew up with the research room.

"Angewomon, LadyDevimon, I will take the Digimon and leave first, so follow along."

After speaking, MetalTyrannomon flew towards the direction of Maiden Island, holding the research room.

"It's settled; I'm leaving too." LadyDevimon glanced at the Angewomon and then at Perona. "Since you want to take care of this girl's affairs, then you can take care of it. I'll go back and rest first."

All Rifan asked for was to bring back the Digimons. For ordinary humans, LadyDevimon would naturally not take care of it too much.

But because Angewomon, like her, belongs to Rifan, LadyDevimon will not obstruct some of Angewomon's behaviours, as long as these behaviours will not cause Rifan trouble.

To be continued—


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