Chapter 370 Death in battle is a luxury— 

"Please don't leave me!" After the LadyDevimon figure disappeared shortly, Perona grabbed the hand of the goddess in a panic.

She was worried that Angewomon would leave her alone like LadyDevimon.

"Don't worry; I will take you away." Angewomon smiled gently and squeezed Perona's hand. "MetalTyrannomon has already taken the Digimon away; you also go with me."

As soon as the voice fell, Angewomon waved her wings and flew straight to the sky with Perona.

Angewomon is extremely fast, and within tens of seconds, they have entirely left the floating Sky Island controlled by Golden Lion.

Looking at the vast ocean below, Perona, a Devil fruit user, couldn't help but hug Angewomon tightly.

"Don't worry; I will take you to Maiden Island safely." Angewomon stroked Perona's hair, "It's just that Maiden Island is not where you should go after all."

"I'm afraid, after arriving at Maiden Island, you need to leave there soon."

"Do you have a place to go?"

After talking to Perona for a long time, Angewomon recognized the identity of the woman in front of her.

It is also known that Perona was once a crew member of Gekko Moria.

Gekko Moria is now Golden Lion doll, and it is impossible for Perona to return to Moria.

"I don't know." Perona's face was downcast, remembering all the past in her mind.

Perona was picked up by Moria when she was a child, and she even regarded Moria as her father and respected him very much.

It can be said that Moria is her home.

Now that Moria was dead, Perona herself didn't know where she should go.

Before, she had been in a trembling state because she lived in the territory of Golden Lion and didn't think too much about the future.

What she thinks of the most is just to find a chance to escape from Golden Lion's hand.

However, after being rescued, Perona didn't know where to go.

"If you can't think of a place for a while, I will ask Rifan to send you to Dressrosa or Alabasta."

"Rebecca and Vivi are looking after those countries, and they are two peaceful countries."

"You can find a job that suits you over there and live a stable life from then on."

Thinking that Perona was once a pirate who followed Moria, Angewomon paused and continued:

"However, you must obey the local laws over there."

"Otherwise, I am afraid I will only see you in prison in the future."

Although Alabasta and Dressrosa are peaceful countries, if someone commits a crime, they are destined to be punished.

If Perona does not correct the bad habits of being a pirate and will use her abilities to attack innocent people at will, then Dressrosa and Alabasta are definitely not a suitable place for her.

"Dressrosa!" Perona's eyes lit up, "Yes, I'm going to Dressrosa!"

"Sister Angewomon, please take me to Dressrosa."

Hearing that Angewomon mentioned Dressrosa, Perona immediately remembered Rifan's plan to host a martial arts event in Dressrosa.

'If I can become an official disciple of Rifan through the martial arts events. '

'Maybe I will have a chance to resurrect Moria-sama!'

Perona thought to herself.

Angewomon glanced at Perona, who was lost in thought.

"If that is your wish, I'll take you to Dressrosa."

After speaking, Angewomon suddenly accelerated and flew in the direction of Maiden Island.

"MetalTyrannomon and others have already left with the Digimon."

"In this way, I can use some real skills."

Hancock glanced at MetalTyrannomon and others who were leaving, muttering words.

"Don't tell me you're not giving it you're all at all, Empress Hancock!?"

Shiki looked at Hancock out of breath, his eyes full of resentment.

Because he was in the air, his puppet army could not even come to help him.

And he wanted to leave, but he was entangled in the shadow that was invisible, even hard to perceive.

And Hancock herself even more often uses the suction of the "Universal Pull" to interfere with his actions.

If these attacks were weak, Shiki didn't need to worry about his life.

However, Hancock's attack was extraordinarily powerful, and it was unpredictable and difficult to defend. This made Shiki feel extremely aggrieved.

"Do you really think this is my true strength?" Hancock looked at Shiki coldly, "Up to now, I have only used a special technique to restrain you and did not attack you in a real sense."

"You should feel fortunate, Golden Lion. If it weren't for Teacher Rifan to persuade me not to kill you for the time being. I already killed you the moment I saw your appearance in my territory. But first, I would like to ask, what gave you the idea of troubling Teacher Rifan's disciples more than once?"

Upon hearing Hancock's words, Shiki was speechless.

"How do I know that you are Rifan's disciple?! If I know you are, I won't come here anymore!"

"In this way, I won't lose the Digimon that I painstakingly raised…."

Shiki groaned in his heart, knowing he might not have been able to escape.

But in the next moment, Shiki's eyes reddened as his aura surged; he widened his eyes and yelled at Hancock:

"Want to catch me alive? Want to take my reward for yourself?!"

"In your dreams! Even if I, Golden Lion, died in battle, I will not let myself be caught alive!"

At this time, Shiki had already prepared desperately.

"Sometimes, it is a luxury to want to die in battle." Hancock put her hands together and finished the seal instantly, "Now, I will let you know what this means."

"Planetary Devastation!"

To be continued—


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