Chapter 374: Tied for 3rd place, Princess Shirahoshi!

[Fire Fist Ace: Hey, hey, this is too much beyond the specifications; this ability is good to be true!]

[Charlotte Katakuri: The reason why Sengoku can't move after being approached by the Silver Chariot Requiem. It turns out that it can control Devil Fruit's ability. If a Marine Marshal Sengoku couldn't resist this ability, it seems I couldn't resist it either. ]

[King: What a terrible ability; in this way, Devil fruit users can't resist the Silver Chariot Requiem!]

[Phoenix Marco: Although Sengoku can withstand the drowsy assault, it is tantamount to defeat after being close by Silver Chariot Requiem. ]

[Whitebeard Newgate: Gurararara~ But we don't know if he doesn't use the Devil Fruit ability at the beginning, will he be controlled in the same way?]

[Dark King Rayleigh: The weaker ones, I am afraid that the Silver Chariot Requiem will directly turn the abilities of others into their own combat power. Only the strong like Sengoku need to bring the Silver Chariot Requiem close. In other words, when facing the Silver Chariot Requiem, those with Devil Fruit ability need to choose to escape. Haha~ ]

[Descent of the Devil Bullet: Hmph, there is no need to escape at all, destroy the "spiritual light source" behind us, isn't it all simple?]

[Whitebeard Newgate: It won't be that easy. The Golden List also said that there is no way to attack the "spiritual light source" with ordinary attacks. Perhaps. It is equivalent to the human soul for the Stand. Perhaps only the attack method that can damage the soul can attack the "spiritual light source". ]

[Big Mom Charlotte Linlin: In other words, I can attack this spiritual light source? However, it should not be that simple. ]

[Redhead Shanks: It's certainly not that simple. Since there is such a weakness, Ain will not fail to make corresponding defences. Even more, she can avoid this weakness as long as she puts away the Silver Chariot Requiem and releases it at the right time. ]

[Whitebeard Newgate: Exactly. The third place on the Ability List, whether it is Rinnegan or the Silver Chariot Requiem, both of them are exaggerated abilities. I am more and more looking forward to the rankings I will see next. ]

--[Ability List]Tied for third place, Princess Shirahoshi; Ability, Poseidon power.

- Poseidon, the mermaid princess who can communicate with Sea Kings, will appear once in hundreds of years. Princess Shirahoshi, who possesses the Poseidon ability, can summon the world's Sea Kings for her own use. It is a power that can destroy the world in a true sense.

--However, Princess Shirahoshi has not yet fully mastered the power of Poseidon and can only use this power when she is emotional.

As soon as the picture turned, the screen of the Golden List appeared on the screen of Princess Shirahoshi, who was once young.

People saw that because of her mother's death, Princess Shirahoshi fell into extreme sadness.

When Princess Shirahoshi was crying, an invisible wave spread to the surroundings.

People can clearly see that under this volatility, the nearby Sea Kings began to move closer to where Shirahoshi was quickly and finally appeared in front of Shirahoshi.

'So Shirahoshi's abilities were able to make it on the list, and she also ranked third.' Seeing Shirahoshi on the list, even Rifan was quite surprised.

'But it makes sense, although the power of Poseidon is rated as an Ancient Weapon, in the final analysis, it is a personal ability, and it is understandable to be on the ranking list.'

'However, her immature power is actually ranked third. In other words, even if it is an immature power, Shirahoshi's 1% ability can cause extreme damage.'

'According to the size of those super huge Sea Kings, they are enough to cause severe damage to islands and countries worldwide. "

'Although fighting Hancock and Ain face to face, Shirahoshi cannot win. "

'But in terms of this destructive power, Shirahoshi's abilities may be even more dominant. "


'Shirahoshi's ability was exposed by the golden list. The World Government and the pirates must be quite excited. "

'Then, what will you choose, Princess Shirahoshi?'

[Beast Kaido: What?! The princess of the fish-man island has such power?!]

[Aunt Charlotte Linlin: It turns out that the princess of Mermaid Island is the Ancient Weapon Poseidon! Poseidon actually refers to creatures!]

[Red-haired Shanks: Now, the World Government should be quite excited. ]

[Dark King Rayleigh: The World Government has been looking for Ancient Weapons for ages, and now they find that the Ancient Weapon is actually on Fish-man Island. It is impossible for them not to send people to search and capture Shirahoshi. ]

[Whitebeard Newgate: The fish-man island is the site of I, Whitebeard, anyone who dares to make trouble there, you better prepare for consequences!]

[Beast Kaido: Whitebeard, don't tell me you want to take Ancient Weapon as your own? ]

[Fire Fist Ace: Bastard, pay attention to your words, Kaido. Oyaji is not that kind of person!]

After leaving a message, Ace turned his head to look at Whitebeard, who was serious.

"Oyaji, although you said that, the World Government will definitely take action."

"That is your territory, Oyaji; we can't let them go over and make trouble at will."

Ace said with a serious face.