Chapter 375 The commotion caused by Poseidon!

Holy Land Mariejois.

"It turns out that this is the case! Poseidon turned out to be the princess of the Fish-Man's Island!" The blond-haired elder looked at Princess Shirahoshi in the golden list in awe.

"It's really unexpected; Ancient Weapon turned out to be a mermaid."

The long beard Elder touched his beard. "Everyone, I think we should send someone there as soon as possible. In any case, we must control Princess Shirahoshi. Only in our hands."

"Yes." The Curly Hair Elder nodded heavily, "As soon as this news is exposed, there must be many people who will want to win Princess Shirahoshi over. The King of The Fish-Man's island has always been asking us, if we ask for the Poseidon and give him a little benefit; I believe he is understandable."

"Hmph, even if he doesn't honestly hand over Princess Shirahoshi, we still have a way to make him compromise." The Curly Hair elder shouted.

Just as the Five Elders were discussing, Im's den-den mushi number also came. For the Ancient Weapon Poseidon, who is the third in the [Ability List], Im naturally wants to get it.

Under Im's order, the fleet led by the Elders personally hurried towards the fish-man island. Like the World Government, other ambitious people around the world have also started to rush towards the Fish-Man island.

Of course, there are also the figures of the Four Emperors Pirate Group.


On the other side of the New World, Wanokuni.

"Of course, I want to go." Whitebeard nodded solemnly, "However, the Fish-Man island is too far away from Wanokuni."

"If the World Government intends to take action against the Fish-Man island, we may not have time to help the Fish-Man island resist the outside world."

Unlike Kaido and others imagined, Whitebeard had no idea of controlling Princess Shirahoshi for his own use.

Although Poseidon's power is indeed very strong, the King of the Fish-Man island is, after all Whitebeard's old friend.

Whitebeard has not yet reached the point of betraying his friends for strength.

"Oyaji, should we ask Hiyori? Maybe she can help?" Ace asked.

"That…there shouldn't be any need to worry too much, everyone." Kozuki Oden got up from his seat and walked to Whitebeard and others. "That Princess Shirahoshi is Third in the rankings, and she is definitely not weak."

"At that time, as long as she summons Sea Kings to her side, even if people from the World Government go to the Fish-Man island, there is nothing they can do to her."

Upon hearing this, Whitebeard shook his head and said:

"According to the Golden List, Shirahoshi can only use this ability when she is emotional, but it is uncontrollable and uncertain."

"And even if she can summon Sea Kings nearby, Shirahoshi herself is not very strong. If she encounters a sneak attack by a strongman, she may be defeated instantly."

"Not to mention that there may be more people who want the power of Poseidon than imagined."

"Even if Shirahoshi can rely on Sea Kings to block the enemy, the Fish-Man island may not be able to block the attack of so many people."

"The Fish-Man island is my territory. We, the Whitebeard Pirate Group, must not just ignore it."

"So no matter what, we have to go to the Fish-Man island to help."

Although there are many enemies who may attack The Fish-Man island, the members of the Whitebeard pirate group are not afraid.

"That's it." Oden touched his hair. "Then I will call Hiyori to come back and ask her if she can ask Rifan to help use the dojo's teleportation ability."

"If you use the teleportation ability of the dojo to teleport you to Sabaody Archipelago directly, it will definitely allow you to reach the Fish-Man island and prepare for defence before others attack The Fish-Man island."

As the father of Hiyori, Oden once heard Hiyori mention the transmission function of the dojo.

However, Oden obviously forgot that Hiyori also told him not to disclose this matter.

"Does the dojo have such a function?!" Ace's eyes widened, "It's great, Oyaji; we have a way to go to The Fish-Man island in advance!"

Whitebeard nodded with a big smile. He knew that if Rifan's dojo had such a function, then they could indeed have time.

"Really, Father, didn't I tell you, you can't reveal the secrets of the dojo?"

Just then, Hiyori's voice came in from outside the door.

Everyone turned their heads and looked around, only to see Hiyori's figure quickly passing by the door and appearing in the hall.

"Father, Teacher Rifan allowed us to tell some of the secrets of the dojo to our relatives."

"But I also don't want too many people to know the secrets of the dojo. If you say it in public like this, what should you do if Teacher Rifan gets angry?"

Hiyori looked at her father with a grimace and said.

"Um, did you say it was a secret?" Oden was taken aback, and then he remembered that Hiyori had indeed said this. "It should be fine, Whitey is not an outsider, and everyone in the Whitebeard Pirates is not an outsider. Rifan shouldn't be angry, right?"