Chapter 388: Young?!—

Hearing Rifan's words, Neptune stroked his beard.

"Is it really that obvious, Lord Rifan?"

"Oh, it's obvious." Rifan smiled, "King, since Shirahoshi has become my disciple, let me give you a suggestion."

"I understand, Lord Rifan; what do you think should be done with these pirates?"

"The pirates of the new fish-man pirates, I will leave it to you. After all, they are also residents of the fish-man island. As for these human pirates, let me send them to Impel Down. It's just right; over there, there are many open "rooms.""

"Lord Rifan intends to Impel them Down?! If this is the case, thank you again."

"Thanks no more. Didn't I say that? I'm Shirahoshi's teacher, and that's what I should do as her teacher.."

After speaking, Rifan raised his right hand and waved to the ground.

The awakened Devil Fruit ability is activated, turning the entire square into the effective range of the Paw-Paw devil fruit.

Tens of thousands of human pirates in the plaza were covered in a bear's palm-shaped translucent gas shield and raced to the top of the fish-man island at an exceptionally rapid speed, towards Impel Down, accompanied by a clear sound like a soap bubble breaking. Take off in that direction.

"Okay, it's over, we only need to wait for Shirahoshi to deal with the Ship of Promise and Vander Decken, and this whole thing can be over."

Rifan clapped his hands and said.

"That's the ability of the Kuma's Paw devil fruit just now." Jinbei's eyes widened to the limit. "Lord Rifan, it is really shocking to be able to use Devil Fruit to such an extent.

"It's nothing; originally, even without the awakening, after I ate it, it will awaken directly." Rifan waved his hand and said indifferently, "As for the strength of this level, my body is already strong enough, so it's not that hard to do."

"Let's talk about you, Jinbei, who says that the Four Emperors is trivial. There are not many of you Shichibukais now. And from what is happening, the system will be abolished sooner or later."

"How about considering giving up your position as a Shichibukai.?

"And when I hold a challenge in Dressrosa later, how about you also show your face?"

For Jinbei, Rifan actually admires his character.

It's not because of what he said when he faced Big Mom, but Rifan liked his character very much.

In the Pirate World, there are not many pirates who can give Rifan a good impression, and Jinbei is one of them.

"Trivial Four Emperors?!" Jinbei retracted his gaze to look at Ark, twitched his mouth and looked at Rifan, "Lord Rifan, don't tease me; I never say anything like that in the present."

"However, Lord Rifan said that you invited me to participate in the competition in your "Martial Arts Hall". Are you serious?"

The reason why Jinbei became Shichibukai was purely to reach an agreement with the Marine and World Government so that they would not disturb Fish-man island.

Now, Shirahoshi has become a disciple of Rifan and gained supernatural power.

So the identity of Shichibukai is not so necessary for Jinbei.

To be precise, when the World Government stood on the opposite side of Rifan, the identity of Shichibukai became less and less important to Jinbei.

After all, after being hostile to Rifan, the power and deterrence of the Marine and World Government in the world began to plummet.

On the contrary, Jinbei would be very happy if he could win in Rifan's "Martial Arts Hall" and become an official disciple of Rifan and explore the limits of martial arts!

"Of course, it's true." Rifan raised his hand and patted Jinbei's shoulder heavily.

The powerful force even made Jinbei feel a toothache.

"Shirahoshi became my twelfth official disciple."

"In other words, I plan to accept 24 outer disciples."

"Since Shirahoshi is the princess of the fish-man island, I plan to pick some local residents of the fish-man island to become my outer disciples.

"How about it, are you interested in becoming my outer disciple?"

Hearing that, Jinbei looked at Rifan with a surprised expression.

"Lord Rifan, is what you said true? Are you planning to make me your outer disciple?!"

"Of course, if you think I am younger than you and are unwilling to become my pupil, then forget it."

"Uh, no, I don't think like that. Lord Rifan looks young, but it must be because he has some power to keep himself young. So you must be older than me."

Jinbei said seriously.