Chapter 389: Vander Decken's demise—

"Lord Rifan, I wonder if my child can also become your outer disciple?"

At this time, King Neptune came to Rifan and Jinbei and asked expectantly.

Rifan turned his head and looked at Neptune and his sons.

Everyone has deep expectations in their eyes.

For Neptune, although Shirahoshi has become an official disciple of Rifan and has gained an unattainable power.

But if he can let more of his sons become an outer disciple of Rifan, he would be delighted.

The princes naturally want to gain strength to protect this country.

After all, in the previous turmoil, these princes were easily captured by Hody Jones and others.

Not only the princes but the fish-men and mermaids who heard the conversation between Rifan and Jinbei not far away all brightened their eyes and looked at Rifan eagerly.

If it weren't for worrying that Rifan and the King would be disturbed by coming there at random, I'm afraid they would have come around Rifan now.

"Let's talk about this." Rifan said, "You can sign up and try; if they are lucky and get chosen, you will become my outer disciples.

"The remaining applicants, I will choose in the form of drawing lots to decide."

"To tell you the truth, the number of people who sign up now has exceeded the number of students I intend to accept."

Upon hearing this, King Neptune nodded: "Understandable; thank you, Lord Rifan, for this opportunity."

"Thank you, Lord Rifan, for the opportunity!" The princes replied one after another.

Rifan slightly raised his head and glanced at the sky.

There, Shirahoshi had already worked with the super-large Sea Kings to transport the Ship of promise.

"Shirahoshi did not return; thus, she should have been dealing with Vander Decken." Rifan touched his chin, "I have nothing to do. Jinbei, you take me around the fish-man island."

"I haven't taken a good look at the beauty here."

Although he has seen such a beautiful mermaid-like Shirahoshi, this has not reduced Rifan's interest in mermaids but instead made Rifan want to see other beautiful mermaids.

In addition to the mermaid, Rifan is also quite interested in the scenery of unique islands like Fish-man island.

"This is natural. Since Lord Rifan wants to accept me as your outer disciple, then being a guide for you is what I should do."

Jinbei said with a serious face as if being a guide for Rifan was something serious.

"Don't be so serious next to me." Rifan smiled and took the initiative to walk to the side. "Relax, as you show me around the place, I will teach you the methods of how to train your Haki along the way. Let's go."

Jinbei bowed to Neptune and others and quickly followed in Rifan's footsteps. Amid the attention of the residents of Fish-man island, Jinbei left the square of Fish-man island.

At the same time, on the other side, the sea not far away from the fish-man island.

"At this time, the Ship of Promise should have fallen on the Fish-man island."

"I wonder if Shirahoshi was smashed to death?"

"It's a pity…."

Vander Decken stood at the stern, looking toward the Fish-man island.

After throwing the ship of promise to the Fish-man island, Vander Decken felt tangled.

He hopes to gain Shirahoshi's power but worries that he can't control it.

"Sigh, forget it; I should stay away from the Fish-man island and avoid the limelight for the time being."

Vander Decken shook his head, then turned back to his room.

At this moment, a beautiful figure appeared in the sight of Vander Decken

"Huh? What's that?" Vander Decken squinted his eyes and looked into the distance laboriously.

Gradually, his eyes became bigger and bigger, and his entire face was gradually covered by sweat.

"P-Princess Shirahoshi, why are you here?!"

A few seconds later, the panicked voice of Vander Decken spread throughout the Pirate Ship.

"What, Princess Shirahoshi?!"

"She found us?!"

"But how is it possible!? The Ship of promise is so staggering! How can she handle it?!"

"How did she find us!"

The crew on the Pirate Ship followed the gaze of Vander Decken and also saw Shirahoshi swimming towards them at an extremely fast speed.

What they don't know is that as long as there are Sea Kings in the ocean, knowing their location is not difficult for Shirahoshi.

Not to mention, they have not escaped very far from Fish-man island.

"Vander Decken!"

At a distance of nearly a thousand meters from the Flying Pirates, Shirahoshi stopped.

At this time, she had already withdrawn from the state of Dragon and returned to her mermaid state.

Although the Sea Kings wanted to help Shirahoshi deal with Vander Decken, Shirahoshi consciously had the ability to cope with them, so she refused them politely.

"Teacher Rifan said that when it's time to make a move, you should make a move and not hesitate."

'So, be punished for what you have done for so many years, Vander Decken! "

Shirahoshi's eyes gleamed, and her hands fisted together, clenching her fists...

Immediately, in front of Shirahoshi's fists, a magic circle with a diameter of one meter appeared.

"Sea Dragon King Mode, —Roar of the Sea Dragon King!—"


With the appearance of a dragon chant that resounded through the bottom of the sea, the magic array in front of Shirahoshi turned into a huge waterspout with a diameter of more than ten meters. It rushed towards the pirate ship of the flying pirate group.

As soon as the sturdy pirate ship touched the waterspout, it shattered in an instant and was submerged in the current with Vander Decken.

But the waterspout didn't stop there; it went all the way up, directly pierced the seabed that was thousands of meters deep, and flew into the sky!