Chapter 397: Carina's Plan—

"Can I only get this kind of reward in 11th place?" Looking at the big bag of physical training pills that suddenly appeared in his hand, Tesoro gave a wry smile. "I thought I could get some good rewards and make preparations for things after I got in touch with Rifan, but it turned out to be like this."

Ninety physical training pills may be a good reward for others, but for Tesoro, who has greater ambitions, it is nothing at all.

Needless to say, he is only one ranked short and still misses the excellent reward.

"Sure enough, if I want to become stronger and have more opportunities to obtain resurrection items in the days to come, I need to become a disciple of Rifan."

Tesoro stood on the bow, whispering.

Behind him, Baccarat, the lucky devil fruit user who decided to go to Dressrosa with him, put away her physical training pill and walked behind Tesoro.

Understanding the footsteps from behind, Tesoro said:

"When will we reach Dressrosa, Baccarat?"

"Reporting to the boss, according to our current speed, we will be able to reach Dressrosa within seven days at the earliest." Baccarat replied, "But Boss, do we really not need to notify Rifan in advance?"

"What will we do if Rifan or Rifan's disciple like Rebecca take action against us when we reach Dressrosa border? We may not even have the opportunity to explain."

Tesoro gritted his teeth, and he also knew the danger and what Baccarat said was true.

It's just that he doesn't have a way to contact the people of Dressrosa. If it was before, when Doflamingo ruled Dressrosa, he would naturally be able to contact Dressrosa.

But now Dressrosa has changed owners, and the previous means of contact have been abolished.

As for telling Rifan through the golden list, this is a method that Tesoro has long given up.

He didn't want people to know that he was going to join Rifan, and he didn't want to see Rifan directly reject him by leaving a message on the golden list.

"When we are about to get close to Dressrosa Border, I will go to Dressrosa in a small boat alone..." After hesitating, Tesoro said, "This ship carrying the entertainment city is too big and can be misunderstood."

"If I ride the boat alone and pass by with sincerity, I should be able to see Rifan."

That being said, even Tesoro is not sure that he can really see Rifan.

After all, strictly speaking, Rifan has nothing to do with him at all.

"Um, can I bother you two?"

Suddenly, a clear voice rang behind Baccarat and Tesoro.

"It's you, Carina." After hearing the sound, Tesoro turned and looked at the best singer in the entertainment city.

"Many employees have already disembarked."

"Why are you still staying here?"

Carina smiled, stepped forward to Tesoro and Baccarat, and answered with her clear voice.

In the next moment, both Tesoro and Baccarat's eyes widened, their eyes full of shock.

"You, you said, you know Rifan's number one disciple, that Nami who defeated Red Hair and Dark King Rayleigh in Kendo?!"

Tesoro asked Karina incredulously.

"That's right." Carina's mouth curled up, "I used to work with her, but we were separated because of some things."

"If Boss takes me to Dressrosa, the chances of meeting Rifan may increase."

"Of course, if I help you meet Rifan, I hope that Boss can give me 100 million berries as a reward."

Like Nami, Carina, who likes Berry, naturally hopes to be able to ask for more Berry.

But she also knows that Tesoro intends to dedicate his own wealth to Rifan in order to gain the opportunity to become an outer disciple of Rifan.

Therefore, Carina can only ask for one hundred million berries. With Tesoro's wealth, she feels that if she asks for one hundred million Berry, the possibility of Tesoro's promise is still quite high.

"So, you tell me this for money?" Tesoro frowned, and after shock, Tesoro began to look at Carina with scrutiny.

"Of course, it's not just for money." Carina smiled. "Like you, boss, I also want to go to Dressrosa."

"That is the place where the whole world is focused. There, I will definitely be able to get more opportunities."

"Whether it is to earn Berry, or to get other things."

Tesoro's eyes were tight on Carina, and after a few minutes, he nodded:

"You also want to ride Rifan's boat right?"

"Well, I agree to take you to Dressrosa."

"I hope you can take advantage of your relationship and let me meet Rifan."

When Tesoro agreed, Carina smiled even more:

"In this case, I won't bother both of you. By the way, Boss, remember to pay me 100 million Berry."

When her words were over, Carina left the bow in joy.