Chapter 398: Conqueror's seed—

"Do you really believe what that woman said, Boss?"

After Carina walked away, Baccarat looked at Tesoro and asked.

"If she is not stupid, she would not lie to me with such a thing." Tesoro said seriously, "If it is a lie after we reach Dressrosa, it will be directly exposed."

"She's a smart person and won't make jokes about things like this."

Hearing this, Baccarat nodded:

"In that case, I underestimate this woman."

"Perhaps, I should treat her better afterward."

"However, since she and Nami are friends, wouldn't her chances of becoming an outer disciple of Rifan be higher than that of yours, Boss?"

Rifan plans to accept a limited number of outer disciples. If Carina occupies one, it is equivalent to saying that Tesoro and Baccarat will have one point less chance.

In this regard, Baccarat was somewhat worried about it; after all, she also wanted to become Rifan's outer disciple.

What she didn't know was that at this time, Rifan had already identified the first batch of outer disciples.

If they wish to become outer disciples, they must simply wait till the next time Rifan accepts additional outer disciples.

"Perhaps this is the case, but with her relationship with Nami, the benefits always outweigh the disadvantages." Tesoro turned and set his eyes to the distant sea level again, "Tell the crew to continue sailing at full speed and try to reach Dressrosa early."

"Understood, Boss." Baccarat nodded, turned, and walked towards the back.

At the same time, on the other side, in Dressrosa's dojo.

"How can this be? Why is my reward only a physical training pill?" Sadi looked at a bag of physical training pills in her hand with a grimace, "Ranked 11. Is it so cheap?"

Initially, Sadi also hoped to get props or abilities that would quickly improve her strength so that she could get the top spot in the next challenge held by Rifan.

In the end, the golden list only gave her a training pill, which could not help her at all, making Sadi feel quite disappointed.

In particular, Nojiko, a friend and opponent, is likely to receive excellent rewards.

"This woman, is she okay?" Hina glanced at Sadi and asked Robin who was standing next to her.

"Well, she just hopes too much to be an official disciple of Teacher Rifan." Robin smiled slightly, "Probably because of the arrival of powerful people like Zephyr, Aokiji, and Jinbei, she is a little nervous."

Upon hearing this, Hina nodded in understanding, and then she looked at Nojiko on the side.

"Compared with Sadi-chan, that woman is much calmer."

"I just don't know what kind of reward she can get for her 10th place."

--[Ability List], 10th place, Nojiko, King, Charlotte Katakuri, Phoenix Marko, God-Enel, etc..; Congratulations to the above-listed players for obtaining [Conqueror's Haki Seed].

—Once you use [Conqueror's Haki Seed], you can awaken Conqueror's Haki.

-Note: Those who have awakened Conqueror's Haki will not be able to use this reward to obtain any effect.

[Red-haired Shanks: Conqueror's Haki Seed. If I remember correctly, Katakuri on BIG-MOM Pirates has Conqueror's Haki itself. This thing is useless to him. But Marko, Nojiko, and the others, this reward is still worthwhile. ]

[Charlotte Katakuri: Although I don't need this thing, it doesn't mean that I can't use it for my family, and you don't need to care about it. ]

On the cake island, Katakuri threw the [Conqueror's Haki seed] in his hand. After a little thought, he raised his head and said to Charlotte Linlin:

"Mom, I want to give this reward to Smoothie; I don't know what your opinion is?"

In the BIG-MOM pirate group, Charlotte Linlin, who is the captain, naturally also has Conqueror's Haki.

This reward has no effect on either Katakuri or Linlin.

And if he wants to find someone worthy of this reward in the pirate group, there are only a few worthy people like his siblings in the same group as him—the Sweet Generals.

Among the four generals, except for Katakuri, Smoothie is the strongest.

Katakuri felt that this reward, given to Smoothie, would best make the Pirate Group stronger.

"It's up to you. Your reward is up to you." Charlotte Linlin waved her hand without interfering with Katakuri's idea of handling his own reward.

She hasn't recovered from the joy of Galette becoming an official disciple of Rifan and Custard and Pudding becoming an outside disciple of Rifan.

For a mere [Conqueror's Haki seed], Linlin doesn't care much at all.