Chapter 406: Hōzukimaru–!

[Fire Fist Ace: Oyaji, give that guy a lesson!]

[Diamond Jozu: That's right, Oyaji, let that cunning man see your power at your peak!]

[Phoenix Marco: Perhaps, Oyaji doesn't need to show his power at his peak. ]

[Redhead Shanks: Well, what Marko said is correct. Although Teach is stronger, it is still worse than Whitebeard in peak condition.]

[Dark King Rayleigh: Hahaha, Teach, this guy is very hard to deal with, but it seems that even the Dark Fruit is not good against Whitebeard!]

[Big Mom Charlotte Linlin: Teach's fruit ability has long been exposed.

Although Whitebeard is annoying, his combat literacy is very high. Now that he knew Teach's devil fruit ability, he would be prepared. ]

[Beast Kaido: Even if Devil Fruit doesn't apply, what about it? Although he is an opponent when he was young, this guy was really good. ]

[Iron Fist Garp: There are not many people who can use Conqueror Haki for entanglement, but Whitebeard is one of those few. It seems that Whitebeard will definitely be able to liberate Zanpakutō's real name once. I don't know what kind of Zanpakutō this old thing will get. ]


"Damn it, why is the gap so big?!"

After using his devil fruit ability to recover from the blade wound, Teach looked at the opposite Whitebeard in surprise.

Just like the analysis of Rayleigh et al., although Whitebeard's Shock Fruit is restricted by Teach's Dark Fruit, it is not completely restricted.

As long as Whitebeard is willing, he can use Shock Fruit when he is not close to Teach.

At that time, the vibration ability has been formed, and Teach can only absorb the vibration ability that comes in front of him.

For those shaking up the island, Teach didn't have so much energy to absorb it.

What made Teach even more, horrified was that when he was busy absorbing the shock, Whitebeard's Murakumogiri that we're entangled in Conqueror Haki and Armament Haki was able to attack him with incomparable accuracy.

Teach even felt that if it weren't for Dark Fruit's particularity, he might have been cut off by Whitebeard!

"Is this the real strength of Oyaji? It's really beyond my reach."

Ace looked at the golden list and sighed.

"Hehe, Oyaji hasn't fully unleashed his power yet, Ace." Marco smiled, "Once, I have only seen Oyaji seriously face Garp, Sengoku, and the Pirate King, Roger."

"Father, at that time was the real horror! "

With that, Marco couldn't help but recall the battle scenes between Whitebeard and Roger he had seen when he was a trainee pirate of the Whitebeard Pirates.

"Yes, I still remember the scene of Whitey-chan fighting Roger when I first met Roger." Kozuki Oden said with nostalgia on his face, "By the way, since I'm resurrected, Roger, did he also get resurrected?"

"Humph, why are you asking about that guy—it hurts, mom; let go of my ears!" Ace was about to complain about Roger, but Rouge suddenly pinched his ears, making him scream.

At the same time as Ace's screams sounded, there was also the relentless ridicule of the crew of the Whitebeard Pirates.

"Well, I don't know if Whitey-chan can bring back my swords after defeating teach…"

Kozuki Oden touched his chin and muttered in a low voice.

On the screen, although the battle is still going on, Whitebeard has already gained a clear upper hand.

It didn't take long for Whitebeard to defeat Teach.

"It's over," Marco said with one hand resting his cheek.

"Although the golden list will not allow other people other than Oyaji to use the teleport function, it should be fine to take swords."

"Haha, if that's the case, then I'm waiting for Whitey-chan's good news."

Kozuki Oden laughed.



"Ah, it hurts, it hurts!" After being slashed by Whitebeard again, Teach fell to the ground and turned around in pain.

Whitebeard frowned, clenched his right fist, and wanted to use his devil fruit ability to attack Teach.

After fighting for a while, he knew that although Teach was injured, it did not hurt the roots.

Just give him a little time, and Dark Fruit will be able to make Teach recover.

"Wait, Oyaji, stop, stop." Seeing Whitebeard still planning to make a move, Teach couldn't bear it.

He reached out to Whitebeard and said loudly:

"Oyaji, I give up; you won this time; I can't beat you!"

At this moment, Teach regretted not surrendering at first. In that case, he would not lose his reputation in front of people worldwide.

Although losing to Whitebeard is not a shame, it does not mean that Teach wants to be seen by people worldwide in his current appearance.

— Blackbeard Teach surrendered, congratulations to Whitebeard Newgate for his victory, and initially unlocked the real name of Zanpakutō.

—Congratulations to Whitebeard Newgate for acquiring Zanpakutō[Hōzukimaru].

-[Hōzukimaru], with the attributes that strengthen the strength of the holder, after liberating the real name, the Zanpakutō will become a spear, and the spear can also be transformed into a three-section stick with a spearhead!