Chapter 407: Second opponent— 

—Whitebeard Newgate, would you like to continue the second challenge to liberate Zanpakutō further?

--Note: During the second challenge, you can use the power of Zanpakutō[Hōzukimaru].

[Hawkeye Mihawk: After Zanpakutō was liberated, was it a spear?]

[Red-haired Shanks: The spear is quite suitable for Whitebeard; it can replace the Murakumogiri in his hand. ]

[Dark King Rayleigh: Whitebeard, hurry up and carry out the second challenge, just so that we can also see the power of Zanpakutō! ]

[Beast Kaido: Be careful, Whitebeard. It is possible that you will encounter Rifan in the next challenge. If that happens, you can say goodbye to your new weapon, Worororo~ ]

[Big Mom Charlotte Linlin: Kaido is right, if you are not careful, just like the Hawkeye challenged Zanpakutō's ownership for the first time, and when Im challenged the ownership of Saint Cloth, they were defeated by the keeper which is Rifan, resulting in Zanpakutō and Saint Cloth being taken back!]

[Phoenix Marco: Hey, hey, Oyaji is not Hawkeye or Im; we believe Oyaji will be able to defeat the second opponent! ]

[Fire Fist Ace: Yes, Oyaji, we believe in you!]

Whitebeard tossed Zanpakutō in his hand to adjust it to a convenient state for his taste.

When the golden list handed out the Zanpakutō-Hōzukimaru, it was specially adjusted to make it a size suitable for Whitebeard's hand.

After observing the Zanpakutō in his hand a little, Whitebeard raised his head and looked at Teach not far away.

"Oyaji, what else do you want?" Teach said with cold sweat on his face, "I have already given up, so don't embarrass me. Why don't you go for the second challenge."

"I will support you here too!"

Before Whitebeard had Zanpakutō, he could defeat him so easily. Now Whitebeard was able to use Zanpakutō [Hōzukimaru]'s power initially, and Teach had completely lost the thought of fighting Whitebeard.

Even though he really wanted to use his Dark Fruit's power to take away Whitebeard Shock Fruit's power, he didn't have the guts to do that now.

"Relax, Teach; I don't have the mind to fight you now." Whitebeard said as he walked towards Teach, "It's just that, before I leave, I need to take back the sword you took from Wanokuni."

"You have no opinion on this point."

Even if there is a second challenge next, in order to allow his brother Kozuki Oden to retrieve his sword more quickly, Whitebeard still intends to take away the Great Grade Swords that Teach once stole.

"Swords?" Teach was stunned, "Yes, yes, the swords, I understand; I will get it now!"

For Teach, Oden's sword does not have much value to him. If Whitebeard can leave early by giving those to him, Teach is very willing to hand over the two swords taken from Wanokuni.

After speaking, Teach immediately stood up and ran to the tent on the side.

Within a minute, Teach ran back with two swords.

It is the two swords that he stole from Wanokuni in order to get rewards in the Weapon List.

Teach carefully handed the sword in front of Whitebeard, and Whitebeard did not embarrass Teach.

After taking the two swords and sticking it in his waist, Whitebeard contacted the golden list.

[Whitebeard Newgate: Golden list, I want to challenge for the second time; please choose my opponent! ]

— Whitebeard Newgate accepted the second challenge!

— The time is determined, the past; the location is determined, the nameless desert island; the opponent is confirmed, The Pirate King - Gol D. Roger!

—Asking Whitebeard Newgate to be prepared, and the teleportation will take place in ten seconds.


[Redhead Shanks: What?! Captain Roger?! Whitebeard's opponent turned out to be Captain Roger!]

[Dark King Rayleigh: This golden list unexpectedly selected Roger! ]

[Beast Kaido: Roger should be equal to Whitebeard in terms of strength. It's just that now Whitebeard holds Hōzukimaru. If he goes all out from the start, Whitebeard should win. ]

[Descent of the Devil Bullet: Damn it, why didn't I get such a chance!?]

Bullet's lifelong dream is to surpass Roger and become the strongest person.

Although now, the strongest in this world is not Roger, but Rifan.

But Bullet still wants to defeat Roger in actual combat.

Now that Whitebeard has the opportunity to play against Paat Roger, how could Bullet not be moved!?

"Gurarara~, I didn't think I would be able to fight Roger again."

"Although it is a projection of Past Roger, I will enjoy it, Gurarararara~!"

Seeing Roger's name appearing on the golden list, even Whitebeard couldn't help being a little surprised.

But after recovering, Whitebeard burst into frantic laughter.

Whitebeard was equally happy to be able to fight Roger.