Chapter 414: Enel Confidence—

"Of course." Rifan smiled and nodded, "Well, let me take you and Bellmère and Nami there."

"Robin can be teleported back by the golden list. So you will rely on Bell-mère's ability, the Paw devil fruit, to teleport you to the nearby dojo, and then I will send you back to Dressrosa with the authority of the dojo.'

"As for Nami, go and protect Olvia and Bell-mère."

"Although I don't think there are people there who can hurt them~."

Upon hearing this, Nami nodded happily.

"Sky Island? I also like to see the environment there. As expected of Teacher Rifan."

Rifan stood up from his seat, intending to use his Paw fruit power to send the three. But at this time, Shirahoshi stood up and looked at Rifan expectantly.

"Teacher Rifan, I also want to go to Sky Island. Can I join them?"

Looking at Shirahoshi's starry eyes, Rifan couldn't help covering his forehead: "I forget that you are also a master who likes to wander around. Okay. You can join them."

"Thank you, Teacher Rifan." Seeing Rifan's promise, Shirahoshi almost jumped up excitedly.

Rifan looked at the golden list. At this moment, Robin had been teleported to Enel's side.

Randomly, he raised his hand slightly and took advantage of the ability of the paw devil fruit to shoot Olvia and others flying out.

With the power of Rifan, practically the moment Olvia and the others were shot flying out; they reached the area where Sky Island was located.


The area where Sky Island, Enel is located.

"You are finally here, mortal!" Seeing the golden light flashing in front of him,

Enel smiled contemptuously.

"So this is Sky Island." Robin opened her eyes and glanced over Enel to look at the highest place of Sky Island in the distance. "So that's where the poneglyph is. "

"Asshole, where are you looking?!" Enel became enraged when Robin deliberately ignored him, and he promptly launched a sparkling thunderbolt toward Robin.

It's just that Robin just moved slightly to the right, and the Thunder hit the boulder behind her.

From the beginning to the end, Robin's eyes did not move away from where the poneglyphs were, as if Enel did not exist at all.

[Phoenix Marco: Nico Robin doesn't take Enel seriously. ]

[Iron Fist Garp: Of course, this will happen. If she takes him seriously, that will be weird. As long as she uses the Wood Style Technique version of Sage Art, this guy who uses thunder will be killed instantly. ]

[King: Although I want to see Nico Robin use Sage Art Wood Style, but dealing against this guy, it's clearly not needed. ]

[Admiral Kizaru: Speaking of which, this guy's speed is quite fast. I don't know if he can avoid Nico Robin's attacks several times. ]

[Kuzan: Robin's Wood Style Technique is quite scary. I have faced it personally. It can almost be said to be the natural enemy of Devil fruit power. Those wildly growing trees, even the speed of Sparkling fruit, can hardly escape as long as Robin is willing to use real power. ]

[Admiral Kizaru: Although you are on Rifan's side, you should not lie in this regard. It seems that I have to find a way to make myself faster. ]

[Hawkeye Mihawk: Nico Robin is looking at other places; is there anything there?]

The sharp-eyed Mihawk noticed the moment Robin turned her head, and just after his message fell, a few more figures appeared between Robin and Enel.

[Tyrant Kuma: Is that the power of the Paw-Devil fruit? It can instantly send these people to Sky Island, is it Rifan?]

[Whitebeard Newgate: It is actually Shirahoshi and Nami? But why did Rifan send two of his disciples to Sky Island?]

[Bone Brook: Yohohoho~, Nico Robin can defeat Enel on her own so Rifan shouldn't send this two to help her.]

[Iron Fist Garp: What is Rifan doing? If they gang fight Enel, the golden list won't recognize Nico Robin's victory, right? ]

Not only were Garp and others puzzled, but even Enel was also a little surprised and puzzled.

'Could it be that Rifan felt that Nico Robin could not defeat me, so he sent these people to come to support?'

Thinking of this, Enel burst out laughing.

"Hahaha, how about it, Nico Robin? Even your teacher feels that you alone can't defeat me, so he sent these people to help you!"

"See, those who laugh at me, this is my strong proof! "

"Hmph, it's useless for Rifan to teleport you over. I will kill all of you, and then I will kill Rifan to prove that I am the strongest!"