Chapter 415: Angry Robin—

[Shemale Bentham: No, no, does this guy really think he can beat Rifan?]

[Beast Kaido: What is this? This guy doesn't think he can beat those of us who were selected to the top ten of the martial arts list with one battle like Rifan, right? ]

[Dark King Rayleigh: This can not only be said to be too self-confident, he is just arrogant!]

[Sabo: Saying such a pretentious word in front of the disciples who respect and love Rifan. His future is set. ]

[Fire Fist Ace: Originally, it might just be defeated, but now it seems that this one called Enel will be slaughtered. ]

On Sky Island, Nami, who was planning to say hello to Robin to explain why she and others came, frowned slightly, and looked at Enel, who said he was going to kill Rifan.

At her feet, the ground was cut into cracks under the sword aura released from her body undoubtedly.

Just when Nami wanted to press the sword intent against Enel, a bare hand was placed on her shoulder.

Nami looked back; it was Robin.

"No, Nami, this guy is my opponent." Robin looked at Enel with a big smile.

Those who are familiar with Robin can immediately see that although she is smiling at the moment, her heart is angry.

"Okay, I'll leave it to you here." Nami retracted the hand on the hilt of her sword and looked at Olvia and the others. "Let's go to where the Poneglyph first."

"Robin, hurry up, too. No, you'd better come up later and punish this arrogant fellow."

Robin nodded: "Of course."

After getting the answer, Belle-mère activated her ability to act on herself and others. Almost instantly, their figures appeared in the place where the Poneglyph was located.

Enel frowned. His Observation Haki, which could cover the entire Sky Island, instantly captured the location of Nami and others.

Just when he was going to teach Nami and other rude people a lesson.

A cold breath came from Robin and pressed hard on Enel's body.

Enel was startled and quickly looked at Robin's position.

'How is it possible, this feeling, I am afraid?!'

Feeling his beating heartbeat, Enel thought in horror.

[Redhead Shanks: What's the matter? Is this guy Enel shaking? Is Robin using Conqueror's Haki?]

[Dark King Rayleigh: Huh? Nico Robin also has Conqueror Haki?]

[Princess Vivi: This is the coercion of Sister Robin's Chakra! For people like us, if we reach a certain level, we can form a strong sense of power using Chakra alone. Although it is not as shocking as Conqueror's, it is based on Sister Robin's Chakra. In terms of quantity, it is more powerful than some people Conqueror Haki. ]

[Big Mom Charlotte Linlin: So that's it, Chakra has this kind of function. Looking at the broken ground around Nico Robin, I thought Nico Robin's Conqueror's had reached a high level. ]

[Phoenix Marco: Now, there is a good show to watch. ]

"Originally, I planned to use my clone to fight you."

"If you have the ability, it will leave you with your life intact."

"But it seems that you don't need your life anymore."

Robin walked towards Enel, clasping her hands together...

Under the surging of Chakra, the square where Robin and Enel were located began to tremble.

"Secret Wood Style Jutsu: Deep Forest Emergence!"

With Robin's light thoughts, the square shattered, and a large number of trees spewed out from an area a hundred meters in radius and rushed towards the sky.

The trees that were close to Enel even stretched out their branches and rolled towards Enel.

Enel was shocked and quickly elementalized his body, rushing towards the sky, trying to leave the area where the Deep Forest Emerge.

"Do you think I would let you escape? "

Nico Robin's heart moved, the trees began to skyrocket, and its speed directly exceeded the speed of Enel's escape.

In a blink of an eye, Enel was trapped in the barrier made of trees.

[Admiral Kizaru: It's actually possible to make trees grow so fast; Nico Robin's ability is really terrifying. Hey, Nico Robin's eyes, that eye shadow. Is this Sage Mode?]

[Red Hair Shanks: That's right, this must be the Sage version of Wood Style; it should be able to suppress Enel's Thunder Fruit in terms of speed. ]

[Dark King Rayleigh: I think, for Nico Robin, trapping Enel in the woods is just a show of power. At the speed that Enel showed, even if she didn't use Sage Mode, Nico Robin might not be able to trap him. ]

Aokiji, who had fought against Nico Robin, nodded secretly.

Enel is fast, but compared to Kizaru, it's still a bit worse.

In the face of Kizaru's speed, Aokiji can handle it himself.

Now, Robin can suppress Aokiji without using Sage Magic.

Aokiji doesn't feel that Robin can't stop Enel under normal conditions.

'Robin should be planning something.'

Aokiji thought to himself.