Chapter 416:Enel Demise—

"Then, let's start." Robin separated her hands and said to Enel with a smile on her face.

"Huh, do you think I'm afraid of you?" Enel gave Robin a cold look. Although he did not leave the woods, it didn't make him scared of Robin at all.

He raised the golden trident in his hand and tapped the taiko drum on the left behind him. 


Along with the sound of drums, a bird made of thunder appeared beside Enel.

"30 million volts - Thunderbird, disappear with this God's anger, woman!"

Enel screamed, and Thunderbird turned into an afterimage and rushed towards Robin.

Faced with this rapid attack, Robin just waved her hand, and the tree in the middle of the tree extended its branch and inserted it into Thunderbird's body.

The thunderbird is like a real living bird. After uttering a mournful cry, the energy was absorbed by the branches and disappeared into the air.

"Huh?! What happened?" Enel's eyes widened; he couldn't believe that his attack would be stopped so easily, "Am I dreaming?"

[Fire Fist Ace: Dreaming? This guy is really a fool. If we fight, I can shove this guy's face on the ground fiercely. ]

[Black Arm Zephyr: Except for the ability of Logia Fruit, this guy is useless. Marine Ad-, no, any Naval Headquarters Vice Admiral in the old Marine can arrest this guy. ]

[King: It's really over soon; what an embarrassment. ]

[Charlotte Katakuri: Yes, it's too embarrassing to be on the same rank with this trash. ]

[Phoenix Marco: It's rare that we agree on something; it's really uncomfortable. ]

Thinking that Enel was on the same rank as them on the [Power List], King, Marco and Katakuri felt speechless for a while.

If people in the world think that they are like Enel, and their power can only reach the level of Enel, that's something they won't accept. 

Enel: "Damn it, 60 million Vol—"

Nico Robin: "I'm not interested in watching a clown dancing."

Robin interrupted Enel's words directly, she waved her hand gently, and the trees around Enel suddenly shot out branches, attacking at a speed that Enel could not avoid.

Enel, who was about to launch an attack on Robin, didn't even have time to escape, and branches pierced his body. 

"Why is my power disappearing?!!" Enel's mouth opened in astonishment. He wanted to use the elemental body to move away but found that the branches inserted into his body were rapidly absorbing his abilities.

In an instant, Enel didn't even have the ability to maintain elementalization! 

"Cough, it hurts! IT HURTS!!"

Withdrawing from elementalization, those sharp branches inserted into Enel cut his body like a sharp sword.

Even if the branches did not hurt Enel's vitals, the severe pain was constantly stimulating Enel's nerves.

Sky Island residents who saw this scene through the golden list all showed shock expressions. 

They couldn't imagine that their invincible god would be restrained so easily! 

"So you're a real clown. With just such a little strength, and you dare insult Teacher Rifan."

Robin shook her head and walked to Enel, who was stained red with blood.

"Perhaps, I have already used ninjutsu such as Wood Realm to you.

Enel raised his head, eyes full of fear and disbelief.

"Quickly let go of me, you woman! "

"Otherwise, I will definitely let you taste The God Of Thunder's wrath!"

Enel said threatening words, but his tone kept shaking.

"You didn't even choose to admit defeat; ignorance is really bliss." Robin mocked. 

"Although, even if you admit defeat, you can't change what is about to happen."

Robin had already made plans; if Enel admitted defeat, she would stop Enel from surrendering as soon as possible.

"Killing you now will prevent me from seeing the Poneglyph with my own eyes, so I will let you die slowly."

"Don't worry, though. To some extent, you will become an eternal existence."

When the words fell, another branch came from one side, passing through Enel's body accurately, converting what Enel wanted to say into an agonizing cry.

Later, something even more terrifying happened to Enel! 

He could feel that something was flowing into his body through the branches that pierced his body! 

At first, this energy made Enel feel a warm current in his body.

Afterward, Enel unexpectedly saw his body turn to stone! 

He wanted to shout but noticed that his tongue had been petrified, and he couldn't say a word! 

"It seems you noticed it. That's right, you will slowly become a rock, and since I'm done here,  I will leave first."

After Robin gave Enel a cold look, at last, she turned around without hesitation, disappeared in front of Enel's eyes very quickly, and went to the place where the Poneglyph and Nami and others were.