Chapter 417: Deprive—!

[Shemale Bentham: This Enel's body is gradually turning into stone. Isn't this the devil fruit power of Empress Hancock?]

[Sabo: No, this is the power of Sage Chakra. Nico Robin is using the characteristics of Sage Chakra to slowly turn Enel into stone. ]

[Fire Fist Ace: There is even this usage, and it seems Nico Robin planned to do this from the beginning, so she entered the Sage Mode!]

[Red-haired Shanks: It's really scary; Sage Chakra, people who have not experienced training, can't control its violent power at all and can only wait for the end of being turned into stone. ]

[Beast Kaido: If the physical fitness is strong enough, it should be able to resist the erosion to a certain degree. ]

[Big Mom Charlotte Linlin: I just don't know if Nico Robin can mobilize Chakra, whether the system of those of us can bear it. ]

[Whitebeard Newgate: Gurararara, it seems that if you compete with Nico Robin, you not only need to face the powerful Wood Release of her but also prevent your body from being corroded by Sage Chakra. By the way, will this Enel become a stone toad?]

Whitebeard can still remember that when the golden list demonstrated the power of the Sage Mode, it clearly showed on the screen a scene where someone practiced the Sage Chakra and was eventually turned into a toad stone statue because of his failure.

[Revolutionary Dragon: Although the progress of turning into a stone statue is slow, Enel's body has not developed in the direction of a toad, so it should remain in its original appearance and be turned into stone. When Nico Robin said eternity, it turned out to be like this. ]

Robin has left, but because Enel is not dead and is only slowly turning into a stone statue.

Therefore, the golden list did not remove the screen but did its best to portray Enel's gradual transformation into a stone statue in full display. 

Under the control of Robin, Enel did not turn into a stone statue very fast. Such a scene made those who want to deal with Rifan and Rifan's disciples tremble in their hearts.

And Enel, already in a state of extreme horror, because of the erosion of Chakra, has lost his original pride.

After half of his body turned into stone, Enel finally remembered that he could communicate with the golden list through his thoughts.

[God Enel: Golden list, I give up, I give up, let me go, please let me go!]

[Fire Fist Ace: Huh!? Are you surrendering? Aren't you brave, Enel? Keep on persisting. Maybe you will survive. ]

[Charlotte Smoothie: So ridiculous. Such a guy is ranked higher than me. Having the Thunder Devil Fruit is a waste on someone like you! ]

[Phoenix Marco: That's right, Thunder Fruit is better to be used by suitable people. ]

[Diamond Jozu: Nico Robin's Devil fruit user and this is the devil fruit that Enel will be deprived of, but after all, it is not provided by the golden list. So it will be useless for her. ]

[Red-haired Shanks: Rifan has so many outer disciples, so he should be able to find someone suitable to eat the devil's fruit. ]

—God-Enel admits defeat, judges that Nico Robin has won, and the effect of [Conquest Card (Excellent)] is activated and begins to deprive the ability of God-Enel.

The golden characters fell, and the golden light descended directly on Enel's body.

In an instant, Enel's already convulsed face became even more distorted, and his body shook unstoppable as if the golden halo had caused him great pain.

To Enel's luck, the golden halo only stayed on him for a few seconds.

After a few seconds, the golden halo broke out, turned into three cards, and flew towards where Robin was.

--Congratulations to Nico Robin for obtaining [Observation Haki Card], [Elementary Conqueror's Haki Card], and[Thunder Fruit].

-After ten seconds, the teleport function will be turned on; please be on standby Nico Robin. 10,9,8—

"It looks like I have to leave first…." Robin raised her hand and brushed the text on the Poneglyph, "Mom, Nami, everyone, I will leave first."

"The rest will be left to you and my clone."

Although there are Nami and others, they can also prevent the war between the Sandia and the natives of Sky Island after Enel's death.

But she had promised Rifan, and Robin didn't want to do nothing, so she insisted on keeping her own Wooden clone.

After a few more words, Robin's figure returned to Dressrosa's dojo under the power of the golden list.

Subsequently, the screen used for the live broadcast of the golden list disappeared, and Sky Island really began to violently oscillate, as Rifan said.

However, this shock was quickly controlled under the power of Rifan Disciple.

Meanwhile, on Enel's side. 


Soon after Robin left, Enel was eventually transformed into an eternal stone statue under the influence of Sage Chakra.