Chapter 425: 3rd place reward—

"Your luck is really good." Rifan smiled and handed the reward to Sadi.

"Congratulations, you can become the second Golden Lion."

After receiving the cards, Sadi smiles brightly and then shakes her head: "I don't want to be the second Golden Lion; I want to be a much better person than him."

Even Golden Lion, the once man of the sea, couldn't see enough in front of Rifan's formal disciples.

If she can only become a strong player at the level of Golden Lion, it is not enough for Sadi-chan.

In her heart, she has set a goal for herself; she must at least become as strong as Nami, Robin, and others to qualify to be on the Rifan side. 

'This woman, she will really stand out in the challenge later.'

Seeing the aura erupting from Sadi chan after using the card, Rifan thought in his heart.

At this time, even Rifan had to admit that Sadi-chan had a very high probability of winning.

Dark Fruit can absorb the abilities of those with other devil fruit abilities, while the float devil fruit can give those with abilities considerable mobility.

Now even if Sadi-chan fights Kuzan, Sadi-chan can remain invincible.

After all, if Sadi-chan wants to run, Kuzan, a Frozen Devil Fruit user, may not be able to catch up with Sadi-chan.


[Red-haired Shanks: I forgot. Concerning the abilities taken from Golden Lion, I'm intrigued to see how Rifan will use them. Those abilities should not be of interest to Yamato, given her strength. ]

[Whitebeard Newgate: Rifan has recently received a lot of new outer disciples; I just don't know if he will create a second Akainu or Shiki. ]

[Dark King Rayleigh: With the strength of Rifan, he will never, only limit his disciples to the same level as Akainu and Shiki. Over time, transcendence should be inevitable. ]

[Revolutionary Army Dragon: I always feel that the upcoming challenge held by His Excellency Rifan will become more and more exciting. ]

[Hawkeye Mihawk: Definitely a grand event! ]

[Beast Kaido: Although Rifan's challenge is worth paying attention to, I would like to know what kind of rewards the second and first place in the ability list will get; all of you should care about this.]

[Big Mom Charlotte Linlin: I naturally care about this, and I really want to know what list will be released next. ]

[Redhead Shanks: Hahaha, I'm also curious about the next list. Nowadays, martial arts, kendo, and abilities are on the list. This should already cover all combatants. ]

[Whitebeard Newgate: The golden list must have its arrangement; we will know when the first prize is over. ]

—[Ability List], 3rd place; Congratulations to Ain and Empress Hancock for obtaining the [High-level Resurrection Ring].

-After wearing the [High-level Resurrection Ring], if you die, you can instantly resurrect in your peak state.

—The resurrection location can be designated in advance, and after death, the resurrection will be carried out at the designated location.

[Iron Fist Garp: Another resurrection ring? This is the thing that Hawkeye once acquired. ]

[Dark King Rayleigh: High-end resurrection ring; I have to say, this is a good thing, but the disciples of Rifan shouldn't need this thing. 

[Big Mom Charlotte Linlin: Ain has the Silver Chariot Requiem, Hancock has Rinnegan; it's hard to imagine anyone can kill them. ]

[Fire Fist Ace: This thing, they can be used by others. ]

Ain and Hancock looked at the ring that suddenly appeared in their hands. The former was lost in thought, while the latter frowned.

'A pity; it's better to receive a reward that can increase my lifespan.'

Hancock pursed her mouth and said in a low voice.

Although the resurrection ring is good, Hancock wants to have more lifespan so that she can stay with Rifan for a while.

If possible, Hancock would prefer the power of immortality.

"Since the golden list has issued such a reward, you can accept it." Rifans said, "Although your strength is indeed transcendent, but the world is impermanent; no one can say what kind of situation you will encounter in the future."

"Perhaps, someone from the outside world has gained power that can surpass you from the golden list one day, and they happen to be your enemy."

"As your teacher and master, I naturally don't want you to have trouble, but it is always necessary to prevent problems before they occur."

"Ain, Hancock, the reward is yours, and you keep it for yourself."

"The location of the resurrection, you should set it at the dojo of Dressrosa."

"There is a martial arts dojo here, so I should stay in Dressrosa for a longer time."

Rifan could see that neither Hancock nor Ain had much interest in holding a high-level resurrection ring.

However, Rifan hopes that the two can hold this reward.

"Yes, Teacher Rifan, I listen to you."

As soon as Rifan's voice fell, Hancock handed the ring to Rifan with a smile on her face.

"Well, Teacher Rifan, can you put on the ring for me?"

"It's best to stay on the left middle finger."