Chapter 426: Blood Essence—

Seeing Hancock looking expectant, Rifan couldn't help being speechless.

Finally, Rifan pretended not to hear Hancock's words and turned his head aside.

Seeing Rifan's appearance, Robin and others couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

It was Ain who put the ring on her hand honestly, and set the resurrection location at Dressrosa's dojo as Rifan said.

[Teach: Zehahaha, the reward for the third place is already a high level resurrection ring, I really want to know what the rewards for the second and first place will be! ]

[Fire Fist Ace: If they receive a reward similar to the "Conquest Card" again, it will be troublesome. ]

[Beast Kaido: Since you know that such rewards are troublesome, don't say anything! Be careful that your Mera-Mera Fruit cannot be kept. ]

When Robin and others used the Conquest Card just now, it was already exciting enough for Kaido, and he didn't want to feel it once.

It's not just Kaido, but on the; manymany people have the same idea as Kaido.

At this moment, the strong men on the sea could not help reach a common idea in their hearts.

That is, they don't want Rifan or Rifan's disciples to get rewards like[Conquest Card]!

Such rewards are too dangerous for them.

For other people to receive such rewards, it depends on whether they can defeat others.

But if Rifan and others get such a reward, the probability of victory is too great.

--[Ability List], 2nd place. Congratulations to Domino, Charlotte Galette, and Princess Shirahoshi for obtaining [Blood Essence].

--After taking [Blood Essence], as long as you absorb the blood of others before the end of your life, it can prolong your life.

--The higher the energy contained in the absorbed blood, the more life will be extended.

"Blood Essence?!" Hancock, who had just put the ring on her hand, darkened her eyes and looked at the bright red blood crystals that suddenly appeared on Shirahoshi and others' hands.

No one can see Hancock's desire for [Blood Essence].

Because not only Hancock but at the moment, Robin, Nojiko, Yamato, and others in the dojo are all looking at the red crystals in the hands of Shirahoshi and others.

I have to say that this time the rewards, even people like Yamato, who have already gotten a thousand years of life, are very envious.

If this is not the reward of Shirahoshi but someone else, it may have already been robbed.

[Whitebeard Newgate: Blood essence? With this thing, doesn't it mean Domino, Shirahoshi, and Galette can live forever?]

[Red Hair Shanks: They need to absorb the blood of others. How does this thing resemble the Devil Fruit eaten by Aloof Red? ]

[Dark King Rayleigh: Redfield devil fruit can only guarantee that he will be young, but it cannot make him immortal. This "blood essence" can obviously make Domino to live forever. ]

[Shemale Bentham: Could it be that Miss Domino will turn into vampires in the future?]

[Blackfoot Sanji: Ah! I am willing to give my blood to the ladies. If you want, I can do it anytime!]

[Kaido Kaido: Forget it; the higher the energy contained in the blood, the higher the blood essence can be fully utilized. With your little ability, I am afraid that they will not be able to live for a few more minutes. ]

'Surprised.' Rifan got up from the sofa and walked to Charlotte Galette, who was closer to him.

"Congratulations, Galette, I got a good thing so soon, can you show me your reward?"

Upon hearing this, Galette nodded immediately: "Of course, Teacher Rifan."

"If there is no teacher Rifan who let me master the power of the Golden Soul Requiem, it would be impossible for me to get such a reward."

"If Teacher Rifan wants to give it to someone else, I'm fine with it."

Rifan smiled, raised his hand and patted Galette on the shoulder.

"Don't worry, I won't confiscate your rewards, I just plan to take a look.

Although Galette said it was okay, how could Rifan not hear her hesitation.

Galette was afraid of death, which Rifan knew.

Therefore, it is even more unlikely that Rifan will confiscate Galette'a reward and give it to others.

Doing so is not in line with Rifan's character, and it will also affect the harmony between the disciples.

Rifan didn't want to see his disciples in discord because of a reward.

Since Galette got it, it should be used by Galette.

Unless she doesn't want to use this reward in her heart.

Hearing Rifan's words, Galette breathed a sigh of relief and handed the blood essence to Rifan's hand.

After getting the blood essence, Rifan's mental power poured into the blood essence.

"Good thing, the golden list really came up with a good thing." Rifan nodded while admiring, "Blood Essence vitality is also related to blood. Unfortunately,I can't copy it.Eat it, Galette."

"The same goes for Shirahoshi and Domino. After you take it, let me see the effect."