Chapter 427: Hundreds of Years—!?

Upon hearing the effect of [Blood Essence] from the golden list, Rifan wanted to explore its structure.

If possible, Rifan wants to copy it.

It's just that the things produced by the golden list are not so easy to replicate.

Especially such excellent items as [Blood Essence].

After the investigation, Rifan only confirmed that [Blood Essence] did indeed have the effect mentioned by the golden list.

As for copying it, it is impossible. 

Even with the Master's technology in Rifan's hands, it has been able to create an existence like the No. 18 cyborg.

Although the number 18 can be created, it happens to be related to Rifan having the corresponding resources on hand.

Hearing Rifan's words, the  three did not hesitate and, one after another, took the [Blood Essence] in their hands

Under the gaze of Rifan's disciple and the world, Galette and others glowed with blood-red light.

The light comes quickly, and so does it go.

In less than a minute, Galette, Domino, and Shirahoshi recovered to their previous state.

Even the three of them didn't even feel the changes in their bodies at all.

However, in Rifan's view, Galette did have some changes.

Rifan raised his arm and gently ran his fingers across his hand artery.

And bright red blood appeared in Rifan's hand.

"Teacher Rifan, what are you?!" Galette exclaimed, looking at Rifan in disbelief.

[Whitebeard Newgate: Does Rifan want Galette to suck his blood?]

[Dark King Rayleigh: It should be possible; Rifan's blood definitely contains power beyond ordinary people. If Galette absorbs Rifan's blood, she may be able to achieve long life. ] 

[Beast Kaido: Rifan is immortal; that is to say, as long as these three women follow Rifan, they can live forever in Rifan's blood?!]

"What are you doing in a daze? Didn't I say that I want to test it?" Rifan stretched out his hand in front of Galette. "In this world, the blood contains the most energy. It should be mine."

"You try to absorb a little of my blood."

"With my system, you don't have to worry about losing my life because of your blood-sucking."

"I'm still suppressing the body's recovery function. Hurry up, Galette."

Seeing Galette's hesitation, Rifan stretched his hand directly to Galette'smouth.

Seeing Rifan's serious eyes, Galette opened her mouth and finally put her lips on the wound on Rifan's arm.

With Galette's permission, Rifan could clearly feel the vitality in his body flowing into Galette's body from the blood.

After a few seconds, the vitality lost in Rifan's body has reached the ten-year life span of an average person.

Although these decades of life are nothing to Rifan, who has endless vitality, if he changes to an ordinary person, he may die on the spot.

'This is really blood essence. It's an evil thing. "

"We have to limit Galette and the others, at least not to let them absorb the blood of kind people."

Rifan thought to himself.

"Hey, you woman, how long will you have to suck!" A minute later, seeing Galette still sucking, Hancock shouted, dissatisfied from the side.

Hearing Hancock's voice, Galette woke up and quickly let go of Rifan's arm.

"Hick, sorry, Teacher Rifan, it's just Teacher Rifan, your blood is too sweet, so I forgot to let go."

Galette said apologetically.

After speaking, Galette stretched out her tongue and licked the remaining blood on her lips.

"It's okay, my hematopoietic function is pretty good, so I can afford to lose such a little blood."

Rifan waved his hand, not dissatisfied with Galette taking a little more blood.

"...However, although this blood essence is a bit evil, the effect is okay."

"At just this moment, you have absorbed the vitality of the past from me, enough for you to live for hundreds of years."

[Kaido Kaido: Huh?! Did I hear it right?! Rifan just said that Galette could live a few hundred years longer?!]

[Whitebeard Newgate: What I have heard is hundreds of years, and you heard it right, Kaido. ]

[Dark King Rayleigh: It's amazing, but the ability to achieve this effect should be more related to the power contained in Rifan's blood. It should not have a good effect if you change to an ordinary person.]

[Big Mom Charlotte Linlin: Ordinary people do not have hundreds of years of life for Galette to absorb!]

[Iron Fist Garp: Good guy; previously, we thought Rifan could live alone forever, but now, can he directly lead three people to live forever together?!]

Garp and others were surprised, and Galette was also quite surprised.

Although she can feel that her physical strength seems to have increased a lot, lifespan is a relatively empty concept after all, and she is not sure how much lifespan she has increased.

However, she still believed what Rifan said.

Since Rifan said she could live a few hundred years longer, she must be able to live a few hundred years longer!