Chapter 430: Sun and Moon—

"King, it's up to you to go to Dressrosa." Kaido said to King, "Take a few people to see the challenge hosted by Rifan."

"Bring a few people over and contact me immediately if you have any news."

"You have a stable temperament. I am relieved to leave this task to you."

Among the three plagues of Beasts Pirates, Kaido's most assured is King. Although Kaido looks very bold, his mind is extraordinarily delicate.

He knows the character of everyone on his boat.

If Jack, one of the three plagues, is allowed to go with his arrogant character, he may cause trouble in Dressrosa.

If it offends others, then forget it, but if it offends Rifan, Kaido really doesn't know how to help Jack.

After all, any official disciple of Rifan is likely to defeat Kaido.

Until now, Kaido can feel that the place where he was kicked by Yamato is still aching.

"Understood; I'll go to Dressrosa later." King nodded in response. Even if Kaido doesn't say anything, he will apply for this one. 

For the grand event held by Rifan, the strongest man in the world, for the pursuit of power, King is naturally very interested.

It had been less than ten days since Rifan held the challenge, and King felt that he had to set off as soon as possible.

After nodding to Kaido, King walked aside and went to select the crew to go to Dressrosa with him.

"King is responsible for going to Dressrosa, and we will prepare for [Power List]."

"No matter if they use words or strength, we must let them join us."

"In terms of the site, this period of time, we also need to be actively expanded."

"It's just right; we're pretty close to Zou now. Little ones, set sail to Zou!"

The island of Zou is the country of the fur tribe.

Kaido has always been interested in this country.

Now that the [Power List] is about to appear, Kaido immediately gave birth to the idea of taking Zou down.

Regarding Kaido's decision, the other crew members naturally had no objection, and they raised their hands and yelled.

King set off toward Dressrosa, and at the same time, quite a few forces in the world aimed their bow at Dressrosa.

The golden list will not appear again until a month later. At this moment, what attracts people is Rifan's martial arts hall.

Among them, there are many people who want to become disciples of Rifan.

At the same time, Dressrosa inside the dojo.

"[Power List]? This time the ranking is based on the collective unit."

"I don't know how the rewards from this list will be distributed." Rifan touched his chin and whispered.

"Now, Teacher Rifan, do we need to set up a power name for ourselves?" Robin said in Rifan's ear, "I am worried that if there is no official name, the golden list will not include you and us disciples as a force."

"Yes, yes, Teacher Rifan, let's set up a name!" Yamato trot over happily,

"It's better to be called the Rifan Pirate Group."

"Teacher Rifan is not a pirate, and we don't need such a name," Ain said,

"Sister Yamato, you forgot, Teacher Rifan deliberately asked us, his disciple, to withdraw from the pirate group."

"Um, it seems to be the case." Yamato tilted her head and looked at Rifan a little embarrassedly, "Sorry, Teacher Rifan, please ignore the name I just said.

"Teacher Rifan takes the dojo as the base, accepts us as disciples, and guides us to nurture the power of various systems so that each of us becomes an absolute strong." Robin put her cheek in one hand, thinking, "We're like a Sun and Moon. So why don't we call ourselves that? What do you think of the name, teacher Rifan?"

"Teacher Rifan, you are our Sun, and us, your disciples are the moon."

Hearing Robin's words, Yamato's eyes lit up: "This name is good, as expected of Robin. People who have read books are so powerful that they came up with such a good name! "

Hearing it, Rifan nodded and said:

"It's really a good name. Speaking of it, I have never given a name for my dojo."

"Well, I will name my dojo in the future, and the name of my dojo will also be this. The Sun and Moon Dojos. "

As if sensing Rifan's state of mind, at this moment, all the dojos under Rifan's name, including the dojo that were released to the outside world and have not been found by the outside world, had a card area at the same time.

On the plaque, the big characters "Sun and Moon" were written.

"Teacher Rifan, since the [Power List] is related to the site, why don't I go to the outside world to fight for more sites for you, teacher."

Garrett took a step forward and looked at Rifan seriously.