Chapter 431: Turf? There's no need for that! 

[Tl/n: Changing Power List to Authority List]

They just got hundreds of years of lifespan from Rifan. Rifan even told them that they can draw blood from him in the future before their lifespan is exhausted in order to supplement their lifespan.

Faced with such kindness, Galette desperately wants to do something for Rifan.

Since the [Authority List] is related to the turf, Galette immediately wanted to regain more turf for Rifan.

"Forget it." Rifan waved his hand, "I am not a pirate, and I do not intend to use violence to seize the country and territory of other people. 

"Moreover, isn't the [Authority List] related to fame and power?"

"I feel that relying on the strength of you, all my disciples, your reputation is enough for us to get the first place in the [Authority List]."

"There is no need to deliberately increase the site."

"By the way, Ain, Zephyr, those who throw out the olive branch and want to treat me as the new World Government and get asylum, you don't need to bother them."

"I don't have so much time and energy to manage the affairs of so many countries."

After the establishment of the new Marine, many countries contact Zephyr through any means, intending to 'contribute' to Rifan to get the asylum of the new Marine.

Zephyr and Ain mentioned this matter to Rifan early in the morning.

Rifan naturally did not agree. Although these countries have not given up until now, I am afraid they will be more active in the future, but Rifan does not have so much thought to pay attention to them.

After all, among these countries, there are many rotten countries.

For these countries, Rifan feels that he is gentle enough not to trouble them.

As for sheltering them, that is even more impossible.

"I understand, Teacher Rifan,..." Ain answered.

Zephyr on the side nodded likewise.

"Okay, now that the ability list is over." Rifan stood up from his seat, "Outer disciples, come with me.

"I will give you a good talk about the permissions that are open to you in the lecture hall. After that, you can use these permissions for training."

"Although ten days is not long, under my guidance, you should be able to become stronger."

"Perhaps this is what will enable you to win the challenge."

Speaking of this, Rifan's heart moved. The next moment, Olvia, Nami and others who had just gone to Sky Island were sent back by Rifan.

"Welcome back. You guys also need to listen to this since what I'm going to talk about is the authority of the dojo. Especially you two, Olvia and Belle-mere. "

"Olvia, you just gained the power of Thunder Fruit. I have to help you develop it."

"And you, Custard and Sadi-chan, you two also need to adapt to your Lava Devil Fruit and Float Devil Fruit."

"But we'll talk about it later. Since it's rare that everyone is here, let's have a good banquet."

"Belle-mère, aren't you looking forward to the ingredients in the Dojo restaurant? You can taste it this time."

Upon hearing Rifan's words, Belle-mère immediately laughed happily.

"Great, I can finally taste your craftsmanship." Belle-mère put her hand on Rifan's shoulder, and said boldly, "I wanted to eat the food you cooked with the ingredients of the dojo a long time ago. I finally have a chance. Hahaha~"

"That's not necessarily." Rifan's mouth curled up, "I have to help you get acquainted with the dojo rooms that you can use so I won't be the one cooking this time." Saying that, Rifan turned to look at Galette and continued:

"Galette, now is the time to show off the cooking skills you learned from me."

"You have to prepare a table of hearty dishes for everyone."

"If everyone is satisfied, in terms of cooking, you can be regarded as an official graduate from me!"

When training Galette, Rifan deliberately taught Galette the knowledge of cooking, so that he can occasionally enjoy the leisure of enjoying other people's cooking.

Fortunately, Galette's talent is very high. After two days, although her culinary skills have not reached the level of Rifan, she can already be regarded as a super chef.

"I understand, Teacher Rifan!"

Galette nodded heavily.

Belle-mère looked at Rifan and then at Galette, her expression a little surprised.

"Rifan, are you sure you want her to do it?"

"By the way, are you so confident in her cooking?"

Not only Belle-mère, but Nami and others also looked at Galette curiously.

"Of course, her cooking skills are approved by me, and she has been specially trained by me." Rifan smiled, and then looked at Custard and Pudding, "I heard, your Charlotte family women are quite good at cooking.

"You'll be free later, why don't you go to Galette for advice? "

"At the same time assist her while cooking?"

Custard and Pudding glanced at Galette in surprise.

They never thought that Galette had been specially taught cooking by Rifan.

This is the first time and a half of Rifan's deeds teaching formal disciples.

"Okay, Teacher Rifan, I'm happy to help." Custarde nodded, walked to Galette side and said,1

"My dear sister, you really surprised me more and more, then I will bother you to guide me. "

"Me, me too, I'll help too!" Pudding raised her hands and walked quickly to Galette's side and said excitedly.