Chapter 447: Business plan—

"You're right."

Hearing Baccarat's suggestion, Tesoro nodded.

Then, with a gentle smile, he walked towards King Riku and Perona who were coming here.

"I said, you are the bad guys sneaking here."

Perona raised her hand to call out two negative ghosts, "I am an employee of this arena, if you want to make trouble, I will definitely not show mercy."

Since being sent to the arena by Rifan, Perona has been working hard for fear of losing her job.

When visiting the surrounding area of the martial arts arena with King Riku, Perona was very angry when she saw these strangers.

"The two of you are Tesoro and Baccarat who have left their names on the [Ability List]!"

"There are heavy guards outside the martial arts arena. Please tell me how you got here and why you got here."

King Riku said solemnly.

The disciple's challenge of Rifan will be held soon, and there will be his son-in-law and daughter to participate in this challenge, so King Riku is very concerned about this challenge.

Because of this, he came to the arena early in the morning and personally inspected it.

"Hello King Riku, We are not malicious."

"In addition, we didn't sneak in."

"His Excellency Rifan came with us just now."

"His Excellency Rifan is in the martial arts hall. If you don't believe it, you can ask him."

Tesoro quickly explained.

King Riku frowned and looked at Tesoro and Baccarat.

What kind of person Tesoro is in front of him, through the golden list, King Riku already knows.

A person who can use gold powder to control others is definitely not a good person.

Therefore, he was suspicious of Tesoro's words.

"Perona, can you go to the martial arts hall and see if His Excellency Rifan is there?" King Riku turned his head and said to Perona beside him.

"This person is very strong, are you going to be okay?" Perona looked at King Riku worriedly.

"No need to worry, I don't think anyone would dare to do something idiotic in Dressrosa." King Riku smiled.

For this, King Riku has absolute confidence.

Nowadays, Dressrosa gathers all the disciples of Rifan, which is the safest country in the world.

Unless you are looking for death, you won't want to break Dressrosa's rules.

After all, even the members of the Four Emperors Pirate Group became extremely honest after arriving at Dressrosa.

"Well, if you insist on that." Perona nodded and flew to the martial arts arena.

Two minutes later, Perona stood at the entrance of the dojo and nodded at King Riku.

"Well, it seems that the two really came here with Lord Rifan." After receiving Perona's prompt, King Riku's face became more gentle, "However, now the challenge is about to begin."

"If you two don't dislike it, let me take you to the audience area."

"Of course." Tesoro smiled, "I am honored to be with the king of Dressrosa."

Tesoro just wanted to have a good relationship with King Riku, so that he could gain a foothold in Dressrosa, and naturally would not refuse King Riku's proposal.

"King Riku, I have a proposal, I don't know, can I do some business in your country?"

After walking for a few minutes, Tesoro finally couldn't help but speak.

"Boss Rifan, what are you doing?" After informing King Riku, Perona flew into the Martial Arts Hall again, watching with curiosity as Rifan stuffed the special tokens of the outer disciples into the box.

"Lord Rifan puts the tokens of every outer disciple into the box." Carina looked at Rifan with a smile, "Are you planning to let the players group themselves?"

"That's right, this can reflect randomness." Rifan smiled, "By the way, Carina, aren't you with Tesoro? That guy seems to be looking for the King to do some business now."

Although Rifan is in the dojo, he knows exactly what is happening outside the dojo or even the country if he wants to.

Therefore, Rifan knew what Tesoro wanted to do with King Riku.

However, Rifan didn't intend to take care of Dressrosa's national affairs, so it was up to King Riku to consider how to get along with Tesoro.

"I can't do it anymore." Carina shook her head, "Just now I competed with Tesoro for the opportunity to become Lord Rifan's outer disciples. He must hate me now, hehe."

"Now, Lord Rifan, is there no way for me to become your disciple? I also want to be as powerful as Nami."

With that, Carina stepped closer to Rifan and tried to act like a baby to Rifan.

However, before she could take two steps, Perona opened her hands to block Carina's face.

"Hmp! I won't let you get close to the boss!"

Perona pouted.

"Okay, stop making trouble, Perona." Rifan patted Perona on the shoulder and stuffed the box with the disciple token into Perona's arms.

"You will be the commentator of the game later, so it's better to fall into the arena soon."