Chapter 448: Nami and Hawkeye's hot field battle—

"Also, Miss Carina, even if I agree with you to be my outer disciple for Nami's sake.

"But there are many people on my side who want to be my outer disciples."

"Coincidentally, not too long ago, a little girl had been pestering me to leave her a spot that was about to be vacated."

"So, neither you nor Tesoro will have a chance until later."

"Perhaps, you should still try to find my other dojo. In that case, you will be able to cross the outer disciple and directly become my official disciple."

While talking, Rifan put his hand on Perona's head and rubbed her hair.

"Is that so?" Carina looked at Perona. "The little girl Lord Rifan said should be Miss Perona."

'It turns out that as long as you pester Lord Rifan, you can qualify?'

'Maybe I can also try this method.'

Because she works in the arena, and Rifan often appears in the martial arts dojo and in the arena.

So every time, Perona was quietly beside Rifan.

Although Perona didn't say anything, Rifan knew what she wanted first.

"Perona's work is very serious and pure. In that case, why don't I give her a chance." Rifan smiled, "She is diligent that she can help me take care of the martial arts dojo and the arena better."

"As for you, Miss Carina, from your expression, you don't have that chance."

As he said that, Rifan turned his head and looked towards the central area of the arena as if sensing something

"Nami's breath" Rifan murmured, "Hawkeye, that guy really can't wait."

Shaking his head, Rifan looked at Carina and said:

"Let's go, Miss Carina, aren't you Nami's friend? I'll take you to see her."

After speaking, Rifan took the lead and walked towards the door.

Perona and Carina quickly followed Rifan's footsteps.


Dressrosa, the arena venue.

"Oyaji, Hawkeye challenged Nami at this time, do you think he can win?"

Looking at the two people standing opposite each other in the field, Marco asked Whitebeard who was sitting next to him.

"Gurararara~, Hawkeye has left a message on the previous golden list to challenge Nami, and now seeing Nami come over, he will definitely be unable to hold on to the challenge."

"As for whether it can win, Hawkeye is obsessed with not using Zanpakutō. It should be difficult to beat Nami.

"Since the last time Nami and the red-haired boy fought, Nami must have grown further."

Whitebeard laughed.

In Whitebeard's view, Rifan's other disciples, such as Nico Robin, Vivi, etc., have reached a new level. There is no reason why Nami will not become stronger.

"What do you think, Rayleigh, as you who have played against Nami, you should be able to see something."

Not far from Whitebeard, Rayleigh was rubbing his beard and looking at Nami in the arena.

Hearing what Whitebeard said at the moment, he couldn't help laughing and said:

"I don't understand this little girl Nami." Rayleigh shook his head. "According to my swordsman's intuition, it is not Nami standing there, but a very sharp sword.

"It should not be said that it is a blade that has not been unsheathed, but has been sharpened."

"Did Vice Captain Rayleigh feel it too?" Shanks stepped up to Rayleigh and sat down.

"Yeah!" Rayleigh nodded, "Although it can't be compared with Rifan, Nami's body does have the same feeling as Rifan. I mean the feeling when Rifan is using the sword."

"Perhaps, I might see Nami using the Sword Twenty-Three later, hehe."

Hearing this, Shanks shrugged: "If it is really Sword Twenty-Three, we may not be able to detect it. After all, once it is used, no one can move in it."

"If Nami mastered Ten Thousand Swords Returning to Sect and Sword Twenty-Three, Nami is indeed already the Master." Suddenly, a familiar voice sounded behind Shanks and the others.

"Huh?! It's you, Rifan!" Whitebeard quickly turned his head, "Gurararara, I finally saw you in person, Rifan."

"Yeah, hello, the strongest man in the world." Rifan said hello with a smile.

"Gurararara, now you are the strongest in the world." Whitebeard shook his head.

Rifan shrugged and looked down at Nami and Mihawk who had already started fighting.

"They are really not holding." Rifan smiled helplessly, raised his hand and snapped his fingers.

The next moment, the martial arts arena emits a blue light, instantly covering the entire fighting venue.

When people opened their eyes again, they were surprised to find that although they were still in the arena, the arena in front of them was already more than ten times larger than the original arena!