Chapter 450: Bet— 

Looking at the list of matches, Linlin frowned.

The strong Custard was sent to Rifan side by her with the purpose to make Custard an official disciple of Rifan, while allowing the BIG-MOM Pirates to have a bigger backing.

Originally, Custard's strength was not weak, but now she has eaten Lava-Lava Fruit.

This makes Linlin look forward to Custard winning more and more, looking forward to her becoming an official disciple of Rifan.

What she didn't expect was that Custard would directly meet one of the strongest opponents!

"Sadi, this woman has acquired the various abilities of Golden Lion and is one of the best players among Rifan's outer disciples."

At this time, a familiar voice came into the ears of Linlin and others.

"Garp, why are Marines here?!" Linlin looked at Garp impatiently, "And, you were with your son who is a revolutionary army?"

"Rifan didn't stop me, so I came here." Garp bit the doughnut in his hand. "By the way, it's amazing that you guys didn't fight when sitting together."

"Speaking of strangeness, Garp, it's more strange seeing you walking with Dragon."

Rayleigh looked at Garp's team with interest. "Marine Hero Garp, Vice Captain Momousagi Gion, Monkey D. Dragon of the revolutionary army and Sabo. Garp, are you not worried about Sengoku talking it out?"

"I just don't need to tell him." Garp found an empty seat and sat down indifferently. Suddenly he didn't know that there was already a press card not far away and excitedly took a picture of the group of them.

"Sengoku will be very happy to hear you say this." Rayleigh smiled and looked at Gion. "What about you, will you also sit and chat with us?"

Hearing this, Gion's mouth curled up and said, "Just as the big figures of the Four Emperors Pirate Group can sit together and chat peacefully, in this Dressrosa, we Marines will not do something fearless."

"Nowadays, Dressrosa has become a special country.

"Here, we are not enemies, but tourists and spectators."

Upon hearing Gion's words, Rayleigh, Whitebeard and others nodded in agreement.

Just as Gion said, although there is no clear statement, these big figures on the sea have indeed regarded Dressrosa as a region different from the outside world.

Although unbelievable, when they set foot on this place, these people who were originally contradictory did not suggest much to have a peaceful conversation with others.

"This is the strength of Rifan." Dragon cast his eyes to the list of matches, and he spoke. "Here, all the contradictions are not so important."

"By the way, since this opportunity is rare, let's bet something." Rayleigh said suddenly.

"Deputy Captain Rayleigh, are you planning to bet on who can get to the end in the challenge?" Shanks laughed.

"That's right." Rayleigh nodded, "In this duel list, the strongest is Kuzan, followed by Sadi, Nojiko, Custard and Jinbei."

"Rifan's challenge is a continuous game, and there will not be too much rest time in the middle, so even the strongest Kuzan may not necessarily go to the end."

"The first opponent he encountered, Jinbei, was enough to consume a considerable part of his physical strength."

"Don't you think this kind of event is very interesting."

After Rayleigh finished speaking, Shanks, a disciple of Rayleigh, immediately agreed.

"Hmph, interesting." Linlin raised her eyes, "In this case, I will bet 1 billion Berry on Custard, Smoothie, take Berry out."

"Yes, Mom!" Charlotte Smoothie opened the box next to her, which was full of Berry. "No more, no less, there are exactly 1 billion berries in it.

"Oh, could it be that you came prepared, Linlin?" Whitebeard glanced at the box in Smoothie's hand before beckoning to Marco. "In that case, I'll bet that Nojiko, who has the same ability as me, will win, Gurararara~"

Marco knowingly opened the side pocket: "I also have almost 1 billion Berry in it, so you don't need to count it.

"Um, I said, do you guys play such a big one?" Rayleigh's mouth twitched, "I don't have so much money."

"Don't worry, Deputy Captain Rayleigh, I have money here." Shanks smiled and patted the box in front of him. "I have a billion. Let's choose a player together. If we win, we divide evenly. If we lose, It's on me."

"Oh? Then let's choose Nekomamushi. If we are lucky, he might win." Rayleigh laughed.

"Hehe, I think so too, Deputy Captain Rayleigh." Shanks said in agreement.

"Tsk, a bunch of bastards." Garp smashed his mouth and turned to look at Gion, who was sitting next to him, "Hey, Gion, do we have money with us, should we also take a gamble? Let's bet on Kuzan!"