Chapter 451: Family—?

"Garp Vice Admiral, Marshal Sengoku did not give us so much money."

"Also, if you let him know that you plan to gamble with the pirates, he will definitely be quite unhappy."

Momousagi Gion shook her head and said with a smile.

"Hahaha, it seems that your Marines are also very poor, Garp." Hearing Gion's words, Rayleigh laughed immediately.

Knowing that he is not the only one who has no money at the scene, Rayleigh is quite happy.

Not to mention, Rayleigh can still bet with Shanks, but Garp can't participate at all.

"Hmp, that guy Sengoku is still stingy as always."

Garp pouted, his words full of dislike for Sengoku.

"Fine, I won't bet."

"You pirate, Berry, I don't bother to earn it."

"Look, you guys like Custard and Nekomamushi, but they will definitely not be able to win in the end."

"The one who stood at the end will be Kuzan from Marine."

Garp is quite conclusive. For Garp, who is watching Kuzan become stronger step by step, he is quite confident in him.

Linlin gave Garp a contemptuous look hearing his words. "Don't forget, that man is not in the same group with you now."

Garp's face froze, and his pride instantly turned into embarrassment.

Indeed, some of Marine's players participated in the challenge match between the outer disciples organized by Rifan.

But whether it is the superb Kuzan, Zephyr, or the infinite potential Smoker, Hina, etc., they are no longer Marine.

To be precise, they have become members of the new Marine who has a close relationship with Rifan.

"Perhaps Kuzan and the others are no longer the old Marine, but don't forget, they still bear the name of Marine..." At this time, Gion said, "If they meet you in the sea in the future, they may still catch you guys."

"No, if it wasn't for you to be more or less related to Rifan's disciples, you would have been Impel Down already."

"Like Golden Lion."

"Big Mom, you have to thank your daughter Galette."

"If it weren't for her, your fate would be the same as Kaido."

With that said, Gion cast a meaningful look at Charlotte Linlin.

Linlin snorted coldly, not paying too much attention to what Gion said.

Although she did rely on her daughter to get in touch with Rifan, now, she has no shame about this.

On the contrary, she felt quite happy. After all, in the entire Four Emperors Pirate Group, his BIG-MOM Pirate Group can be said to be the closest existence to Rifan.

Under Rifan's name, there are her three daughters, so Linlin is even more proud.

"Marine, you don't have to be too envious."

"If you are willing to quit the old Marine, you definitely have a chance."

"Speaking of which, you obviously had a chance before, but it's a pity."

Linlin gave Gion a sarcastically and continued:

"By the way, if you really become Rifan's disciple, in terms of generation, I will still be your elder."

"After all, Rifan is Galette's master and I am her mother. To some extent, Rifan and I are a family."

As she talked, even Linlin herself felt that she was indeed a family with Rifan, and the corners of her mouth couldn't stop her grin.

"Who did you say is a family?" Suddenly, Linlin felt a hand on her shoulder.

At the same time, a familiar voice came from behind her.

"So fast!" Linlin trembled, turning her neck mechanically to look at Rifan who had a 'smile' behind her.

Just now, she hadn't seen how Rifan appeared behind her at all, which made her more aware of the gap between herself and Rifan.

"The mentor-disciple relationship between Galette and me, and the mother-daughter relationship between you, can't be confused."

"I think you know what I mean."

Rifan said as he patted Linlin on the shoulder.

With every shot, Charlotte Linlin could feel her heart beat violently.

"O-of course I understand, Rifan."

Linlin smiled and said embarrassingly.

Standing next to Linlin, Smoothie looked at Rifan with her bright eyes, admiring Rifan's ability to suppress her mother so easily.

'Sigh, I really want to be Rifan's disciple.'

'I really envy Custard and Pudding."

Smoothie shook her head, buried the thoughts in her mind, and then cast her eyes on the court.

There, Sadi and Custard have finished communicating, and the battle between the two has officially begun.

The next moment, the ground in the field was swept towards Custard under the control of Sadi-chan's devil fruit ability.

The ground around Custard instantly melted into magma, as she rushed towards Sadi chan overwhelmingly.