Chapter 454: WG found Rifan dojo—!?

"Teacher Rifan, I won!"

As soon as she arrived in the audience, Sadi-chan couldn't wait to plunge into Rifan's arms.

This made Nami, who was watching from the side, clenched her teeth tightly, wishing to pull Sadi-chan away so that she could not act like a baby in Rifan's arms.

"Congratulations on your first victory for the time being." Rifan patted Sadi-chan on the back, and then looked at Custard. "You have worked hard too, Custard."

Custard smiled slightly and nodded respectfully to Rifan.

"It's really amazing. Even if Sadi-chan doesn't become an official disciple, she is already strong enough."

"It is hard to imagine how strong she will be after becoming your official disciple."Rayleigh sighed.

"After she becomes an official disciple of Rifan, maybe she can easily defeat us, haha."

"It's like the empress Hancock who defeated the Shiki easily."

"Thinking of Hancock using Rinnegan's, I still feel quite shocked." On the side, Shanks was also amazed.

"Although the probability of Sadi-chan winning is indeed quite high, before the end, it may be someone who can become an official disciple of Teacher Rifan."

At this time, a lazy voice sounded behind everyone.

"This voice, is it Kuzan?"

Gion turned her head and saw Kuzan walking slowly towards this side as expected. Next to Kuzan is Jinbei, who is his opponent.

"Yeah, Teacher Rifan, it's time for me and Jinbei next."

Kuzan nodded to Garp and Gion, and randomly stretched out his hand to say hello to Rifan.

"Anyway, work hard, Kuzan." Rifan smiled, "I have prepared prizes for you after becoming an official disciple. Only if you win that is."

"Well, I will work hard anyway." Kuzan scratched his messy hair, "I'm quite curious about the ability to stop time using ice."

"Now, Jinbei, can you hold back a little later?"

"Also let me save some energy to face the next battle."

Hearing Kuzan's words, the honest Jinbei shook his head firmly.

"That won't work, although I know I am not your opponent."

"But for the fairness of the game, I will try my best to stop you."

"Yare Yare." Kuzan sighed, "Is your decision not going to change?"

"You should complain less." Rifan pulled Sadi-chan away from him.

"You should be thankful that you didn't meet Sadi-chan at the beginning."

"Besides, you are the former Marine Admiral. You can't even accept this challenge."

"You two, hurry up and fight."

When Rifan spoke, Kuzan couldn't complain, and could only walk into the arena with Jinbei.

"Now, Rifan, you said that after Kuzan becomes your official disciple, you will give him the power to stop time, right?"

After Kuzan left, Garp looked over curiously.

"Could it have the same power to stop time like Domino?"

Nowadays, two powers that can stop time have been exposed before people's eyes.

One is Rifan's stand [World], and the other is Domino's power [Star Platinum].

Hearing that Rifan wanted Kuzan to gain the power to stop time, the first thing Garp thought of was the power of some kind of Stand.

"It's not the power of a stand."

"The power to stop time is more than a Stand."

"If Kuzan can really become my official disciple, maybe you will see it."

Rifan smiled, and did not reveal Tegu's [Demon's Extract] to Garp.

"Hmp, what's the big deal revealing it, anyway, you are so strong." Garp smacks his mouth, "Since you won't tell me, now I'm also curious about the rewards your group will get in the future [Authority List]."

Regarding Garp's words, Rifan didn't care, but looked at Nami:

"Nami, you and the others will maintain order here for the time being. I need to leave for a while now."

Nami tilted her head, with some doubts in her mind: " Teacher Rifan, do you want to leave at this time? Could it be that there is something important?"

Shanks and others on the side heard that Rifan was about to leave temporarily, and immediately hardened their ears.

"The important thing that will make Rifan leave, won't someone find your dojo again?"

Gion smiled and gave her thoughts.

"Someone did find it." Rifan said with his hands in the eyes of everyone's attention. "It's just a pity that the person who found my dojo turned out to be from the World Government."

"So, I had to go and get rid of them."

Rifan was helpless, not because people from the World Government found his dojo.

But because of the location of the dojo.

In the sea, it is a special island.

There are no ordinary people living there, and under normal circumstances, no ships other than the World Government will arrive.

Even Marines will not go to this island.

There, it is the World Government intelligence agency, the training base of cp9.

The people there are the cp9 reserve members participating in the training, or the Instructor of the World Government.

After knowing that his dojo was on this island, Rifan knew that someday someone from the World Government would come to the door.

Even though the location of the dojo is extremely remote.

At the same time, Rifan was worried that after the people who found dojo from the World Government were driven away, no one else would find the dojo in the future.

Since it's the World Government, it is very likely that the news will be closed.

So unless Rifan reveals the location, I am afraid that no one will know that the training base of cp9 has the existence of Rifan's dojo.

"Is there anyone who can become your disciple Rifan?" Shanks looked over with interest, "No, you said that the person who found your dojo is from the World Government, which means you won't let those who found the dojo be your disciples."

"Hahaha, when he is driven away by Rifan, his expression will definitely look good."

"Rifan, how about you reveal the location of your dojo, and we will help you get rid of those people."

With that said, Shanks rolled up his sleeves, intending to make a move.

"You should watch the game honestly." Rifan chuckled lightly. "Sadi-chan, good luck on your fight."

Rifan patted Sadi-chan on the shoulder, and after giving her an encouraging look, his figure quickly disappeared in front of Sadi-chan.

"It will be found by people from the world government, where will this brand new dojo of Rifan be located?"

Smoothie raised closer her eyes, and quickly thought about the possible location of the dojo in her mind.

Like Smoothie, everyone else who heard Rifan's words started thinking.

At the same time, on the other side of the sea, CP9 recruit training base.

"Those guys, why do they gather in a place like that place?"

"It should be just a wasteland."

Once a CP9 agent, Kalifa, now wanted by the World Government, frowned and watched the soldiers' movements.

Just a day ago, Kalifa, Kaku and others came to their hometown, where they were trained and became cp9 agents.

After stopping the ship, Kalifa and others moved separately, planning to go to the island to find their own memories.

However, when Kalifa came to a place she once regarded as a secret location, she discovered that there were a large number of soldiers here.

"Could it be that after we left, the World Government built something here?"

Kalifa pushed her glasses, and silently followed the soldiers' footsteps with "shaved" silently.

After nearly a minute, the soldiers finally stopped, and at this time,

Kalifa finally understood why so many soldiers gathered in this place.

"Rifan's dojo is actually here?!" Kalifa's beautiful eyes widened, and she looked at the dojo hidden in front of a group of boulders incredibly.

Because it's under the boulder, if you don't walk in, you won't be able to see a house here.

"That's Rifan! So the dojo is genuine!"

In Khalifa's surprised eyes, the door of the dojo was opened, and Rifan's figure appeared in front of the door.

"Rifan?!" The Instructor of CP9 looked at Rifan in horror.

Afterwards, the Instructor thought of his purpose, took a deep breath, and said to Rifan:

"That, Lord Rifan, I found your dojo, can you accept me as your disciple?"

The Instructor's eyes flashed with excitement that could not be concealed, as if he had seen the scene of gaining power to kill all quarters.

"No!" Rifan said expressionlessly.

"Why?" The Instructor exclaimed excitedly, "Why can't I!?"

"Because you are a member of the World Government." Rifan glanced at the Instructor and looked at the other people around the dojo. "Of course, neither can you."

"Don't think that not wearing military uniforms and wearing masks exclusively used by the CP agency. I don't know who you are."

"Leave, don't come here again."

When the words were over, Rifan turned his head and looked at where Kalifa was hiding.

Kalifa was able to hide it from others, but in Rifan's perception, she was as eye-catching as a light bulb.

'This woman, how can she be here?'

For the appearance of Kalifa, Rifan was a little surprised.

He still remembered that since the golden list exposed Lucci and Kalifa affairs, they were wanted by the World Government. There has been no news of them in this sea for a long time.

Kalifa, who was hiding in the dark, was surprised when she saw Rifan looking at her.

Fortunately, the experience of serving as a cp9 agent has cultivated her calm mind, and did not make a surprised voice because Rifan found her.

=====To be Continue=====

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