Chapter 455: New Disciple—

"Your Excellency Ri-Rifan, how could we be members of the World Government?"

"D-Do you have any misunderstanding? We are just a bunch of ordinary people."

The Instructor was full of cold sweats, and wanted to fight for the chance to become a disciple of Rifan.

Rifan glanced at Instructor coldly:

"Do you think I don't have the ability to distinguish your identities?"

While speaking, a very cold breath came from Rifan, covering the Instructor's body.

In an instant, the Instructor's pupils shrank, and his body couldn't stop shaking.

At this moment, he seemed to feel that as long as he said something to deceive Rifan, he would be attacked by Rifan.

For a while, the Instructor felt quite uncomfortable.

Not long ago, he had already made a report to the World Government.

And the Elders who received the news immediately asked the Instructor to find a way to become disciples of Rifan, or let people from the World Government become disciples of Rifan.

His plan was after obtaining power from Rifan, he wanted to become undercover next to Rifan.

At critical moments, Rifan can even be assassinated.

However, the Instructor did not expect that Rifan would say their identities in one go.

Not far away, Kalifa, who had been observing all this, brightened her eyes.

'Maybe, I can become a disciple of Rifan!?'

Once the idea emerged, it took root in Kalifa's heart.

'As long as I can become a disciple of Rifan, I don't have to live a life like this!'

'There is also Spandam, who we have to hide, and can teach him a lesson!'

Thinking of this, Kalifa's mouth turned up involuntarily.

After weighing the soldiers brought by the Instructor, Kalifa rushed out from her hidden place without hesitation, stepped on her slender legs, and arrived in front of the Instructor extremely fast.

"You are?!" The Instructor looked at Kalifa who suddenly appeared in front of him in surprise.

"Hmp, Tempest Kick!" Kalifa sneered, and kicked the Instructor in the abdomen with a side kick.

The Instructor didn't even have time to use his self-confident Iron Body, so he was knocked out and hit the ground heavily and mixed with it.

Other soldiers stared at Kalifa, and Kalifa, who had already chosen her path, showed no mercy to these World Government soldiers.

In less than a minute, all the soldiers in front of her fell down.

"As expected. They are not strong since they are just trainee" Kalifa mumbled as she patted her hands and then turned to look at Rifan. "Well, Lord Rifan, can I be your disciple? I am no longer from the World Government."

"Okay." Rifan smiled.

"Huh?!" Kalifa was taken aback, "Your Excellency Rifan, what did you just say?"

"I said, I agree with you to be my disciple." Rifan smiled, turned and walked towards the inside of the dojo. "What are you doing in a daze, come in."

When Kalifa fought with Instructor and others, Rifan had already made a decision.

I am afraid that no one except the World Government knows about this island, and no one will come here.

Instead of restricting the dojo in this way, it is better to make Kalifa who just came here to become his new disciple.

In this way, the dojo on this island can also be transferred to other places.

And Rifan himself can also regain another dojo.

Kalifa was introduced into the dojo by Rifan almost during the whole stupefied period.

Kalifa didn't react until Rifan stuffed the disciple token into her hand.

"That, Lord Rifan, did you promise me to be your disciple? That easily?"

Kalifa looked at Rifan in surprise. She was ready to say something to convince Rifan, but suddenly realized that she didn't seem to need those words anymore.

Such a change made Kalifa feel a little unrealistic.

"I think you have wonderful bones and are a martial arts genius, so I will accept you as my disciple."

"Also, I know you, although you used to be an agent of cp9, don't you have nothing to do with the World Government now?"

"I don't think you plan to return to the World Government in the future right?"

Rifan said with a smile.

Of course he would not say that it was because the island was too remote. If she were not accepted as a disciple, it would be difficult to meet the right person.

"No, absolutely not!" Kalifa stood up straight unconsciously, just short of marching against Rifan. "Since I become Lord Rifan, no, Teacher Rifan disciple, then I am yours!"

"Um, your words can be misunderstood if heard by others." Rifan waved his hand. " I just accepted you as my disciple, but didn't say that I want you to be my woman. Please pay attention to your wording."

When she heard Rifan's words, Kalifa blushed, only to realize that she had said the wrong thing in excitement.

"Okay, drop your blood on this disciple token."

"In this way, you will be regarded as my official disciple."

Rifan patted Kalifa on the shoulder and smiled.

Kalifa nodded, biting her finger and dripping a drop of blood on the disciple token as Rifan said.

Soon, the disciple token, which had no words, appeared with new words.

[Name: Kalifa]

[Age: 25 years old]

[Training direction: Arrancar]