Chapter 457: 2 years end— 

"The time is almost right, Kalifa, we should leave."

After Kalifa recovered her energy, Rifan released his hand and looked at Kalifa squarely.

"Has this time been reached? Two years is really fast."

Kalifa stretched her waist, and her graceful figure became more attractive in the sunshine.

Not to mention, in order to facilitate the use of the Empress liberation state, Kalifa is only in her swimsuit.

"By the way, Teacher Rifan, you said before that if I take Enies Lobby, you can allow me to recommend two outer disciples right?"

"Is that still valid?"

Kalifa looked at Rifan expectantly.

"Of course, I'm not going to use this to lie to you." Rifan laughed and said.

"Then I can recommend my other former cp9 colleagues-right, Teacher Rifan?"

"Yes, they can, if they really want to come under me, Kalifa."

Rifan can still remember that Lucci in the original book finally returned to the World Government and became a cp0 agent.

Even if the world line has changed now, Rifan is not sure that people like Lucci are really willing to come under him.

"I will talk to them, there is a great presence like you, Teacher Rifan, so I'm sure they will not be against it."

"They must be willing to learn from you."

Kalifa smiled.

Kalifa still knows the character of Lucci, Kaku and others.

In addition to pursuing justice, they are also pursuing a powerful force.

Needless to say, Rifan possesses the power.

And now, Rifan's power is, to some extent, more pure than the justice of the World Government.

So it is not impossible for Lucci and others to join Rifan.

"Since you are confident, then I leave it to you." Rifan nodded and took out a set of tight-fitting casual clothes from the King's Treasure and stuffed it into Kalifa's hand.

"Put this on, you can train wearing a swimsuit here.

"However, I don't think you want to walk outside all the time in a swimsuit."

Hearing that, Kalifa pushed her glasses:

"Yes, in that case, Teacher Rifan, please wait for a while, I will change my clothes now."

After speaking, Kalifa trot back to the room.

When Kalifa came to Rifan again, the training chamber use of two years just ended.

Rifan and Kalifa automatically returned to the hall of the dojo.

"Fuf~ I always feel like I have a long dream."

After inserting the Supernal Shark Empress back into the scabbard behind her and looking at the slightly familiar paintings around her, Kalifa sighed.

"You are really sentimental, Kalifa." Rifan put his hand on Kalifa's shoulder and pushed her to the door of the dojo.

Outside the door, the Instructor who had been knocked down by Kalifa had awakened.

Looking at Kalifa, whose temperament was obviously different, the expression on the Instructor's face immediately turned into horror.

"Kalifa, this place is full of people from the World Government."

"And I don't want to be disturbed, so"

"I think you should understand my concern." Rifan smiled.

"Of course." Kalifa's mouth curled up, "But there is no need to use the Empress to deal with them."

"Teacher Rifan, please take a break in the dojo. I will deal with them in a second"

As soon as her voice fell, Kalifa's figure appeared beside the Instructor.

The Instructor, who had just woken up, was immediately knocked out again.

"Then, let's start the performance." Kalifa jumped in place. The next moment, Moonwalk unfolded as she rushed to the sky at a very fast speed.


"Huh? What's the matter, is there an earthquake?" Kaku frowned as he felt the vibration of the earth.

"An earthquake occurred in this place? It's impossible right!?" Jabra exaggeratedly grew his mouth, "Could it be the people of the World Government who are doing some weapon experiment."

"Speaking of which, what about Kalifa, didn't she say we gathered at this time?" Rob Lucci turned his head and looked around, trying to find Kalifa's figure.

Suddenly, his face condensed, and he turned to look up at the sky.

There, a shadow fell towards them at an extremely fast speed.

As the strongest member of the group, Lucci immediately clenched his fists.

It just didn't wait for Lucci to attack or defend, and when she got close, she accelerated again and came to them.

"Kalifa, it's you?!" Jabra's eyes widened, "When did you become so incredible, wait, why did you change your clothes?"

"Hey, it's been a long time, everyone." Kalifa smiled, "My previous clothes were damaged due to training, and now I have changed to something less easily damaged."

"What do you mean a long time, didn't we just meet?"

Jabra shook his head, "You are really strange, by the way, you haven't told me why you were so fast just now, and you are about to catch up with me!"