Chapter 458: Dice—

"Jabra, Kalifa was faster than you just now." Lucci said blankly, "Kalifa, what happened to you? Also, did the vibration just now have anything to do with you?"

Kalifa smiled slightly and said, "As expected, Lucci, your observation is as sharp as always."

"The shock just now was indeed caused by me. I solved all the people in the World Government on this island."

After receiving Rifan's task, Kalifa's first thought was to complete the task Rifan gave her.

As a result, she has only come to Lucci and others at this point.

Fortunately, it didn't take her too much time to solve the enemies on the island.

"Kalifa, the sword behind you, wait, is that Zanpakutō?!"

At this time, Kaku noticed the sword that was behind Kalifa, and his eyes widened immediately.

"Yes, this is the Supernal Shark Empress." Seeing everyone's surprised expressions, Kalifa looked very happy. "As you can see, I became an official disciple of Rifan."

"Well, in general, there is Rifan's dojo on this island. I just happened to encounter it."

"Also, I am here to ask you if you are interested in joining Teacher Rifan's camp."

Kalifa got to the point and put forward her own ideas.

"Rifan's doji is on this island!"

"Oh, no, what did I miss!"

"Kalifa, your luck is too good!"

Jabra knelt on the ground, his face full of regret.

At this moment, how much he hopes he finds Rifan's doji.

In this way, he will become a stronger fighter than Rob Lucci.

"Join Rifan camp?" Lucci frowned.

"Yes." Kalifa nodded, "World Government or something, I don't think we need to go back."

"The current World Government is too weak to achieve true justice."

"It would be better to come to Rifan's banner, maybe he can better lead us to find justice."

"By the way, if you are willing to join, Teacher Rifan will allow two of you to become his outer disciples."

Kalifa, took out the most attractive killer bait.

"Outer disciple?!" Jabra raised his head, "I will join, Kalifa, you tell Rifan, I will join!"

Sure enough, hearing the opportunity to learn from Rifan, Jabra immediately made a decision.

Kalifa slightly pointed her forehead to Jabra, and then looked at Lucci.

Compared to Jabra, she hoped that Lucci could agree.

After all, he is the most determined person in the World Government.

As long as he is willing to join, others will definitely join.

As a colleague for many years, Kalifa does not hope that the two sides will stand on the opposite side of the field in the future.

"Rifan, the god of war, is worth seeing."

"The current World Government may really have no way to maintain justice."

"Kalifa, take us to see Rifan."

After Lucci thought about it carefully, he agreed as Kalifa expected.

"Of course, I knew you would agree." Kalifa smiled, turned and led Lucci and others towards Rifan's dojo. "By the way, I promised Teacher Rifan that I will take down Enies Lobby and make it his site."

"I'd better tell you about this in advance."

Hearing Kalifa's words, Lucci paused.

"Oh? Are you going to defeat Spandam?"

"Very interesting task, isn't it, Kalifa."

For Spandam, who caused them to become wanted criminals, even Lucci himself seemed to want to settle the accounts with him.

Now that he heard that Kalifa would go to solve Spandam, Lucci immediately laughed.

Not only Lucci, but Kaku, Jabra and others are very happy that they could already take revenge on Spandam this quickly.

They even proposed an idea to help Khalifa.

In this regard, Kalifa naturally agreed.

Spandam drove them out from Enies Lobby, Kalifa naturally hopes that they will return to Enies Lobby together.

Amidst the laughter along the way, several people quickly returned to Rifan's dojo.


"You guys, are you sure you want to join my camp?"

Rifan took a sip of tea and looked at Rob Lucci and others leisurely.

"As long as Your Excellency Rifan doesn't dislike our origins, the World Government agents, we are happy to join your side and do some dirty things for you that are inconvenient for you."

Rob Lucci said.

"That's not necessary." Rifan waved his hand, "I am not a hypocritical organization like the World Government."

"I don't need despicable means."

"If I do something, I will do it with integrity."

"Come to me, if you still want to pursue justice, go to New Marine, Zephyr will arrange you."

While talking, Rifan threw a dice.

The dice flew straight to Rob Lucci, and Lucci reacted quickly, and immediately raised his hand.


'So heavy!'

Rob Lucci gave Rifan a horrified look. Just catching a dice, he could feel the power of Rifan.

"Throw the dice. Among you, whoever throws the higher the number of points will become my outer disciple."

"After the decision is made, I can also guide you in training separately."

Rifan said.

=====To be Continue=====

If you want to be ahead of everyone, you can support me.
