Chapter 462: Winners—!

Rifan ignored the reaction of Garp and others who heard his own answer, and his body skills unfolded and he immediately appeared inside the venue.

"I really don't know if it was my luck or your luck."

Rifan whispered, and between waves, two vibrant Chakras merged into the bodies of Sadi-chan and Kuzan.

A few seconds later, Sadi and Kuzan opened their eyes at the same time.

"Huh? Did I lose consciousness?" Kuzan frowned.

"I lost, I can't be an official disciple of Teacher Rifan?" Sadi raised her head in sadness after she recovered.

It just so happened that Rifan's figure caught her eye.

"Woohoo, Teacher Rifan, I lost, I lost the opportunity to become your official disciple of Teacher Rifan."

"I can't be alone with you for two years and eat you… I mean I can't serve you well."

Sadi stopped Rifan's waist with a stride, as if losing something important, she started to cry.

Outside the audience, you look at me, and I look at you.

It was difficult for them to compare the Sadi-chan in front of them with the Sadi-chan who had been fighting with Kuzan before.

"Yare-yare, I look like a bad person now." Kuzan rubbed his hair and stood up, "It seems, I didn't win, right?"

Like the audience, Kuzan looked at Sadi with surprise.

After all, Sadi-chan, who was fighting him in the final before, is really like a devil.

"Huh, did you lose?" Sadi-chan looked at Kuzan, "That means I won?"

After speaking, Sadi-chan cast an expectant look at Rifan.

"Well, in general, you didn't lose and you didn't win." Rifan helped Sadi-chan up. "You and Kuzan fought to the end. You were exhausted and both were in a coma.

"So in this challenge, you two are tied."

"Kuzan, it's a pity, you, the strongest, didn't win."

Rifan looked at Kuzan meaningfully.

"You can't say that, Teacher Rifan." Kuzan sighed, "Sadi is not weak, and her strength is not far behind me."

"It is forgivable that there will be a tie.

Kuzan was humble, and Rifan heard this.

Although he left in the middle, as long as he called up the record of the trial dojo, Rifan could know the situation of the game in the middle.

After Kuzan defeated Jinbei, he also met Zephyr, who was equally strong.

Then encountered the powerful Sadi-chan, and finally able to hold on to a draw, Kuzan is already rich in combat experience.

"Teacher Rifan, the two of us are in a tie, do we have to play an extra match?"

After thinking a little bit, Kuzan spoke under Sadi's unpleasant gaze.

Although he understands Sadi's feeling, Kuzan does not intend to let go of the opportunity to become an official disciple of Rifan.

"That's not necessary." Rifan waved his hands, and happily put his hands on Kuzan and Sadi-chan's shoulders happily. "Because both of you are winners."

"I agree to include the two of you in the ranks of formal disciples."

Kuzan: "What?!"

Sadi: "Really?!"

Rifan smiled and nodded.

He didn't just say it casually. When Kuzan and Sadi fell at the same time, the system sent a reminder.

Since they have gone through all the effort, they didn't hold back.

And ended in a tie.

Then the final gold medal should be shared.

At the moment of receiving the system prompt, Rifan was both accidental and joyful.

Being able to add an additional formal disciple is what Rifan expected.

"Great, I can become your official disciple of Teacher Rifan!" Sadi-chan jumped up happily.

"I hope you can be so motivated when you train." Rifan shook his head,

"After that, you two will train with me. I will help you unlock your new strengths."

Hearing that Sadi-chan froze unexpectedly and turned her head mechanically.

"T-Teacher Rifan, you mean, I will receive your training with this man?!"

"Yes, is there any problem, Sadi-chan?"

"The problem is big, then I won't be able to be alone with you for two years?! Damn it, Kuzan, you take it by the side now. After I receive the training, it's your turn to be trained by Teacher Rifan!"

Kuzan shrugged innocently, "It's not for me to decide."

After speaking, Kuzan looked at Rifan, as if saying that Rifan would decide by himself.

"Okay, stop making trouble." Rifan stroked Sadi-chan's smooth hair.

"It's all the same, so let's get along well."

"The days are very long, and we still have a long time to get along with each other, Sadi-chan."

"Besides, with you, I won't be bored by being alone with Kuzan for two years."

Training one by one, Rifan has to spend four years.

Although Rifan can live for a long time, Rifan does not want to spend two more years on things that can be done in two years.

Sure enough, as Rifan thought.

Hearing Rifan's remarks, Sadi-chan immediately smiled happily.

"Don't worry, Teacher Rifan, I will never make you feel depressed."

With that said, Sadi-chan gave Kuzan a bragging look.

'Great, Teacher Rifan needs me!'

'He doesn't want to be alone with Kuzan, a big man, for two years! "

'I am needed by Teacher Rifan! Hehe~'

At this moment, Sadi-chan felt that she had a big task, and she was full of thoughts about how to make two years of time fun.

She even forgot that what she will face was the strict training of Rifan.

Rifan glanced at Sadi-chan who was in fantasy, turned around and shrugged to Kuzan, and said:

"Congratulations again, Kuzan."

"After today, you will leave behind your former colleagues, Admiral Akainu and Kizaru, who are tied with you in strength."

Rifan's voice, inspired by spiritual power, spread to the entire venue.

It reached Garp's ears, and it also reached the ears of Kuzan and Kizaru who were watching the live broadcast.

"Well, during training, please be merciful, Teacher Rifan."

Kuzan laughed.