Chapter 463: New Ranking Start—!

MarineG1 headquarters.

"Bang!" Akainu slammed his fist on the desk.

"Damn it, that Rifan, how dare he compare us with Kuzan!"

Sakazuki's fist unconsciously exudes a high temperature, and the desk gradually emits a trace of smoke under the high temperature.

"Well, it's not wrong for Rifan to say that." Kizaru said as if it didn't matter to him, "Aokiji's strength, do you not understand it?"

"An ordinary Nami can defeat the World's number one swordsman, one of the Four Emperors Shanks, and Dark King Rayleigh under the guidance of Rifan."

"Aokiji, who already has Admiral power, may become stronger."

"Sakazuki, even if you are angry, this is a fact before you."

He understood what Kizaru meant, even though Akainu wanted to explain, he knew in his heart that what Kizaru said was true.

Sengoku on the side shook his head, he wanted to say a few words of encouragement.

But at this moment, the familiar brilliance appeared before his eyes again.

The golden curtain suddenly appeared in the sky, and in a blink of an eye, the curtain expanded to the entire sky.

"Golden List, is it time already?" Sengoku whispered.

People looked up and found that it was the golden list that had disappeared for ten days.

"Hey, has it reached this point unknowingly?"

"[Authority List] Hey, His Excellency Rifan will definitely get the first place."

"Damn it, I should join the power of Lord Rifan. In this way, I can also get rewards!"

"You think too much, just relying on an ordinary person like you, how could it be possible to join His Excellency Rifan's influence?"

"Yes, even if you are lucky enough to join, you may not be able to get rewards."

"Even if it is the golden list, it is impossible to give rewards to everyone under a person. I think the golden list is likely to only give rewards to the owner of a certain power.

"At most, a few high-levels will be added."

Dressrosa, tourists from various places looked up to the sky in surprise.

Many of them are simply watching the challenge.

Many of them want to join camp because of the upcoming [Authority List].

However, not many people can achieve this.

"Oh? the time is just right." Rifan looked at the sky with interest.

"However, If we wait until it announces the ranking. It will take some time."

"Forget it, for the time being, let's not rush your training."

"After the Golden List gives the rewards, I will be training the two of you."

"Maybe, I can get some interesting props from the golden list to help you two in your training."

As he said, Rifan raised his hand and snapped his fingers.

Suddenly, a burst of light gleamed in the field, and finally this light crossed the space, gathered and returned to the trial hall.

The Arena has also changed back to its original appearance.

Kuzan and Sadi-chan naturally have no opinion on Rifan's decision.

They nodded in agreement.

After a while, under the attention of everyone, a row of golden characters slowly appeared on the golden list.

--[Authority List] The list has begun to be announced.

--[Authority List] Refer to the reputation, strength, and location of the authority for ranking.

- This time the list only lists the top ten forces, and everyone included in the list will receive a reward of...

"Fuck, sure enough, everyone on a list can get rewards!

"It's great, I am a citizen of Dressrosa, and I will definitely be able to get rewards!"

"Of course, there is no doubt that Master Rifan's strength is the first!"

With the words appearing on the golden list, Dressrosa and other people belonging to the Rifan force became excited.

In the past, the rewards issued by the golden list were all given to some high-powered people.

But now, even ordinary people like them have the opportunity to receive the rewards of the golden list!

How can this not make them feel excited?

Those viewers who were not from Rifan's forces looked at Dressrosa's people enviously.

"Is there only ten places?" Shanks raised his eyebrows. "Is it because everyone in a power will get rewards, so only ten places are issued."

"Gurararara, it's already pretty good, isn't it, red-haired kid." Whitebeard laughed,

"This way, we can see our rankings and rewards faster."

Aside, Linlin did not speak, but she nodded in agreement.

Although there are only ten places, as the Four Emperors, they are confident that there will be one of their places on this list.

"Chief, with you and Issho-san, our ranking will not be low, right?"

Sabo said to Dragon with a smile on his face.

Hearing Sabo's words, Shanks and others all looked at Dragon.

At this moment, even they had to admit that the revolutionary army with Dragon and Issho was indeed a powerful organization.

=====To be Continue=====

If you want to be ahead of everyone, you can support me.


*Every 200 stones +/= 2chapter

