Chapter 467: 4rth and 3rd place—!


"This guy, Kuma, turned out to be a member of the Revolutionary Army?!"

"He turned out to be an undercover agent planted by the Revolutionary Army!"

"But how is this possible?!"

Momousagi Gion covered her mouth and looked at the golden list in surprise.

"Mamama~, this is really interesting."

"Now, the few remaining Shichibukai still have people who are not part of the World Government."

"I really want to see what Sengoku's face looks like now."

Linlin looked at Garp and said mockingly.

"Why are you looking at me? Shichibukai is not my choice." In Linlin's disgusted expression, Garp bounced his nose aside.

"However, Dragon really is cunning."

"He can even plant Kuma nicely without us noticing, Bwahaha, what a good job."

"Speaking of which, where did Dragon go?"

Garp turned his head and looked around, but no Dragon in sight.

"Garp Vice Admiral, Dragon-san has left with the revolutionary army." Gion sighed, "Should we hunt them now?"

"Kuma, since he is an undercover agent, he should have taken away a lot of news from us."

Garp shrugged, "I don't want to do it. If Rifan shoots, what should I do?"

Seeing Garp unwilling to take action, Gion was very helpless, but she couldn't help it.

At the same time, the other side.

"Not only did it expose the location of the base, it also made Kuma-san's identity known by all."

"How do I feel that the golden list is targeting us?"

Sabo complained as he hurried.

"The Golden List will list a power's territory and people with higher positions."

"Kuma is a cadre of the revolutionary army, and it is understandable that he will be listed."

Dragon said.

"Chief, don't you think it's a pity?" Sabo glanced at Dragon and asked. "After today, Kuma-san will not be able to collect information for us."

"There's nothing to be sorry about." Dragon shook his head, "Nowadays, the credibility of the World Government and the Old Marine has declined.

Even if we use Kuma as undercover agents, we won't receive much information."

"Now, let's go back and discuss with everyone about the transfer of the base."

Their base was exposed? Dragon is not worried at all.

What the revolutionary army needs are like-minded people. As long as someone is there, they can move to any place.

It is also for this reason that Dragon will appear very calm when their base is exposed.

The World Government has already started operations, and the Cp intelligence officers who are closer to the Revolutionary Army base on Baltigo Island have begun to move.

At the same time, members of the Revolutionary Army also began to transfer after being informed by Dragon.

The golden list did not stop after the announcement of the ranking of the revolutionary army.

The name of the Whitebeard Pirate Group soon appeared on the gold list with the 4th place in the [Authority List].

-[Authority List] 4th place, Whitebeard Pirates; Captain, Edward Newgate.

–Edward Newgate, once "the strongest man", owner of Shock Fruit, owner of Zanpakutō Hōzukimaru, a very powerful man!

–There are about 1,600 people under him, and there are 16 pirate groups in total.

[Bone Brook: Yohohohoho~, really amazing, even the golden list said that Whitebeard is the strongest man.]

[Fire Fist Ace: Of course Oyaji is amazing! And the Whitebeard Pirate Group is ranks first in the Four Emperors Pirate Groups! ]

[Beast Kaido: Hmph, Whitebeard is just lucky. If it weren't for the Zanpakutō, our Pirate Group would definitely rank higher. ]

[Whitebeard Newgate: Kaido kid, if you don't have Eight Inner Gates, are you sure you can surpass our Pirates Group?]

[Diamond Jozu: That's right, not only in terms of location and reputation, our Whitebeard Pirates are better than you in every aspect!]

[Phoenix Marco: It's really strange, the famous Kaido is so powerful, why not come to Dressrosa when Oyaji, Red Hair and Charlotte Linlin are all here. ]

Seeing Marco's message on the golden list, Kaido smacked his lips fiercely.

Then, there was a sigh.

He wants to go too, but he dare not.

If he fought other disciples of Rifan, Kaido feels that he might really need to use the resurrection props.

[Authority List], 3rd Place, Old Marine; Leader: Marshal-Sengoku.

–An organization that performs policing work in the oceans all over the world in the name of absolute justice. Although it belongs to the World Government, it has great autonomy and is therefore independent of the World Government for ranking.

--Have Sengoku, Garp and Marines Admiral Akainu, Kizaru and other high-end combat soldiers.

"Marine's ranking is actually higher than ours."

Marco frowned.

"Well, there is no other way." Shanks shrugged, "Marine's background is still great, and its bases are all over the world."

"On the site, the Marine also has more, and their influence is without a doubt, our image is focused on the New World while Marine's images are all over the world so it's not surprising that their rank is above us."